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  • Quote from benneb: “Quote: “I no longer see the metal:crystal ratio when I hover over my production values” in my memory, it happen with a setting of AGO, dont remember which one Quote: “I no longer have the two different versions of astrophysics that could be built from before.” since month, there is only one version the calcul of this removed version was very complex, and the result worked only with specific account” Thanks, I turned off "show only important tool tips", which fixed it. Also, t…

  • I've been using infocomplete for quite awhile and I recently had to update it to the newest version due to the site update. Long story short, I no longer see the metal:crystal ratio when I hover over my production values, and they are not updating for when I activate a booster. I'm wondering if there's a setting I'm missing or if this was taken out for some reason in this newer version. Also, I no longer have the two different versions of astrophysics that could be built from before. I'm using t…