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  • Is everything ok with this project? Last days when I open the site it returns error 500 with no content

  • Hello? Anyone from the GF staff?

  • Universe 1 .ES speed

    green - - Bugs & Questions


    After latest universe fusion, universe 1 in has x5 eco instead of x1. Thanks.

  • Home screen link to this forum

    green - - Bugs & Questions


    The link to this subforum present in website home screen is wrong.

  • IMHO resources and fleet rewards in expeditions should match universe eco speed, or half the eco speed ... or any other formula to make it proportional to universe eco speed. I play in a x5 eco universe. My production is little less than 200M a day. When I receive the maximum reward for metal resource, which is 5 million, it like "meh", but when I receive 350k, which is more than once a day... In speed universes, they are only useful for merchant and DM.

  • looks like this is already solved in new antigame version: AntiGameReborn

  • AntiGameOrigin

    green - - AntiGameOrigin


    Is this project still alive? - Homepage is down - Addon is no longer listed at mozilla addons store - Forum abandoned There's another Antigame called AntiGameReborn. Is this anything legal?

  • Game version 6.8.5 Since version 6.8.5, cargos have 2% more capacity with every hyperspace tech level. Would be nice if AGO considers this everywhere where it shows fleet capacity or needed cargos. Thanks.

  • AntiGameOrigin

    green - - AntiGameOrigin


    Why don't you release the code in a github repo so anyone can contribute, at least via issues and pull requests? 100 eyes work better than 2, and you'd still have control and ownership over it. Don't be the bottleneck that prevents this plugin to go on... As for hosting, there's no need imho, if that has to be a problem.

  • Double fleetsave using routine

    green - - Bugs & questions


    Good news to me! Thanks

  • Double fleetsave using routine

    green - - Bugs & questions


    I have my fleetsave routine configured to leave some ships on the moon. Since version 6.3 or 6.4 (can't remember which ), antigame started to send double fleets when using fleetsave routine: first, main fleet with all ships, then a second one with ships left behind according to routine config. If I inspect my Firefox, network tab, it sends 2 XHR calls at the same time.

  • I absolutely support this. It has to be really simple to implement, and everybody will not have to reload messages and circular pages just to tag own circular as read.

  • New economy sub-ranking

    green - - Archive - Suggestions


    @Minion I prefer the idea of only one mines ranking. Doing a list for every resource doesn't seem practical nor attractive. I think the key will be choosing between raw sum sum ranking or MSU. That has also been the discussion in every forum miners ranking thread. Each approach has its pros and cons. For me, MSU is more accurate and that's what I prefer. I admit that 3:2:1 ratio, although is what is considered "standard" (gameforge itself uses it at auctioneer and import/export) is far from bein…

  • New economy sub-ranking

    green - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think there's no "easier" way, as they already have the formulas to calculate everything in Resources page. @TGWo, I agree, also this would avoid too much ranking movement. First post modified. As far as they don't take into account premium items, I really don't care how it's done, I just wish it done.

  • New economy sub-ranking

    green - - Archive - Suggestions


    My suggestion is to split economy ranking into 2 sub-rankings (military is also splitted): 1. "Economy points": exactly as it is now.This would be the default. 2. "Mines production": daily mines production. - Measured in raw total production (metal + crystal + deutherium) or MSU (metal + crystal*1,5 + deutherium*3). IMHO, MSU is more accurate. - Should consider theorical production (basic + mines + plasma tech) without premium boosters (items, geologst, ...). Optionally, could consider actual cu…

  • Laskov you can also try downgrading to version (you can get it from mozilla addons site HERE). But don't be angry with them. They are working on it, and hopefully it will be solved sooner or later.

  • Hello. These buttons, in every messages tab, don't work. They apparently do nothing. Buttons for deleting espionages from other players and for deleting own espionages reports under certain amount of plunder don't work either. Every of these work fine with v6.2.0.1

  • Great! Shole, didn't want to sound rude, just impatient. As I said, there's a bunch of miners' ranking threads in spanish forum waiting for it, and they were getting abandoned. Hope this helps to reactivate them

  • It has been 4 months since this was posted. How much time do you need to review such an "easy" script? It's sad cause there's some other much more complex scripts being reviewed almost instantly (antigame, skynet, infocompte, trashsim, ...) but nobody can spend 1h to review this (I don't think someone who knows basic JS needs more than that, being generous). Don't get me wrong, I love antigame and infocompte, and I'm happy that are reviewed that fast. I just would like to see 10% of this efficie…

  • Great! Can't wait for this (and obviously any other features in 6.0.1)