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  • tecnologia plasma

    Lord Katrosh - - Archive - Suggestions


    Ti rispondo in italiano così non perdo tempo Trovo il tuo discorso abbastanza privo di fondamenta, qualunque cosa che incrementi la produzione ad un certo punto costa "troppo" rispetto all'incremento di produzione dato. Quindi quello che dici potrebbe essere applicato a qualunque miniera come a qualunque livello di astro. L'aumento è si sempre lo stesso ma è percentuale, ergo la tecnologia diventa sempre più conveniente man mano che alzi le miniere e aumenti i pianeti, plasmi 17 ad esempio è meg…

  • Quote from Duke: “This is a shitty idea. Its a wargame, if you cant deffend your fleet you dont deserve it. Team Idea with Meh in front, Smashed 7 of my moons, one night. But didnt get fleet because of my fs. They tried again 5 days later, 6 moons down. And again, they didnt get anything. //Duke ” And if all the moon were down? I speak for me and for my country, in Italy there is a limit for bashing of twenty attacks for every planet/moon. Every top alleance can easily crash every moon, and almo…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord Katrosh - - Suggestions


    Quote from Valent: “What if we make that an existing research & building to have an effect on moon resistance to attacks . For example : energy research (after a certain level) to provide the lunar base ( after a certain level ) with ow protection shield that can be extended to protect the entire moon. The more you enhance energy and lunar base, a -1 factor is added to moon destruction forumula ” Imho it's a good idea, and what if ,for not make moons indestructible, we increase the strong of the…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord Katrosh - - Suggestions


    Quote from Cheshire Cat: “So in your case, players would have to spend endless hours ripping a moon just to see every noob deployment saving anyway? No thanks. Why don't you deploy to begin with and keep everything as it is? ” No, the time you spend is the same, simply you have to send an adequate numbers of rips. Now is embarassing...

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord Katrosh - - Suggestions


    Quote from RiV-: “Quote from Lord Katrosh: “Quote from RiV-: “Please think about that it's already possible to survive against big fleeters. ” Not if you sleep, work or have a life outside the game.It's a game...nobody should have sleepless night for it...not every time at least...and maybe this change will push more people to fleet.. P.s. this new formula doesn't save who has big fleet, but al least will stop the mooncrash for nothing, there's people with four, five moon destroyed for a bunch o…

  • Bring back the power of moons

    Lord Katrosh - - Suggestions


    Quote from RiV-: “Please think about that it's already possible to survive against big fleeters. ” Not if you sleep, work or have a life outside the game. It's a game...nobody should have sleepless night for it...not every time at least...and maybe this change will push more people to fleet.. P.s. this new formula doesn't save who has big fleet, but al least will stop the mooncrash for nothing, there's people with four, five moon destroyed for a bunch of empty cargo...

  • Io aspetto ancora un pò per la colo, adesso è ancora una spesa troppo alta...metti che poi ti viene piccola butti nel cesso una giornata (se non di più) di lavoro