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  • From what I see, we can mark this one as "done" as well. Point out if I missed something.

  • So final version would look like this: Introduction The beauty of this game is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that along the time a player to change playing style. There are mainly two types of playing: fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleeter or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles. Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing …

  • Now it's relatively easy to make a good FS and impossible to time back that FS. With these changes you could catch some of the colo fleet saves. Until they realize to send like 10 colo ships in system and make activity all over the place.

  • Guide 10: ACS guide

    Goran - - Tutorials / Guides / Tactics


    What is ACS ? ACS (Alliance Combat System) is a method used to combine different fleets from different players or even from the same player, to attack a said or given planet/moon. OR It is a method to Defend a said or given planet/moon with different fleets from different players. How to invite into an ACS-Attack ? At first you send the fleet on attack mode to the coordinates you want. Then, go to fleet movement and use the Fleet Union Button to Invite others or yourself to the attack. oUB8t9n.p…

  • Spying other players is also interaction with other players, why don't you allow that too? What makes the difference? The difference is that I, and everybody else, bid against someone but he is protected by the blue shield. If he would turn off his vacation mode for just an hour it would make me so happy. He can take away something from me, like the item, but I can't do a thing to him because of the v mode. What's the difference in using lanx from vacation mode and while not in vacation mode? I …

  • Quote from JoKy: “What is the reason for a change” Exchange resources while in vacation mode - this option involves only one player and has impact only on the owner of the account. Viewing galaxy while in vacation mode - This option doesn't influence any other player(s) in the universe Writing message while in vacation mode - ^^ Export/import while in vacation mode - ^^ Bidding in auctions while in vacation mode - Influence other players, when bidding in auctions player is fighting for item with…

  • There was newer suggestion made by me at .us Disable auctioneer while in vacation mode I am all for this, auctioneer is part of the game, vacation mode means you are out of the game.

  • Activity (*) Explanation Credits go to Francolino from the Game Technics team, thanks to whose work (he spent a LOT of time on this) I was able to write this explanation. 1. Activity indicators: Activity indicators will tell you if there is/was an activity at a planet or moon at a certain period of time. There are three phases: There is activity at a planet: 0 minutes - 14 minutes 59 seconds There was activity at a planet XX minutes ago - 14 minutes 59 seconds - 59 minutes 59 seconds There was …

  • Quote: “Quote: “Galaxy goes from 1 - 9 and System goes from 1 - 499 ” Some universes have special features therefore number of galaxies and system can be different. ” In general, but yes I'm agree. Quote: “Quote: “You can click the left and right buttons next to each one to change these numbers. Note that moving to another galaxy/system will cost you 10 units of deut. The only free system you can view is the system of the planet you're watching it from. ” In version 6.0 viewing galaxy will not c…

  • Trading guide 1. Trading Laws Firstly, you must make sure you trade within the legal trade rates so you aren't banned for pushing. In all universes the legal trade rates are between 3:2:1 and 2:1:1. What does this means:Quote: “3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal. 2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal. ” Keep in mind that when forming trade rates if you change rates for metal the same change must be done i…

  • ==Miners== A miner has very high mines and often trade their resources with other players. Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet, they can sell their deuterium to fleeters gaining resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection. A miner will have small defence to cover overnight production. They also tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources. =Advantages:= - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost. - They generally do not need to spend as much ti…

  • <----- 06. Saving

  • Tutorial 05: Ships - Brodovi

    Goran - - HR BA - Balkan


    U zadnjem poglavlju napravili ste svoj prvi brod, mali transporter. Pogledajmo sada i druge vrste brodova i njihovu uporabu. Ovo bi trebalo biti korisno prilikom odlučivanja koje brodove graditi i koja istraživanja nadograđivati u budućnosti. ==Izgradnja flote== Na početku u mogućnosti ste graditi samo nekoliko različitih vrsta brodova tako da je izbor relativno jednostavan, ali čak i u ovom stadiju igre bitno je da je flota prikladna vašim potrebama. Ovisno o vašem stilu igranja korisno je imat…

  • <------ Ships

  • Tutorial 02: Buildings - Zgrade

    Goran - - HR BA - Balkan


    Od samog početka zgrade su temelj vašeg računa. Zgrade pružaju ključnu infrastrukturu i većina je potrebna kao uvjet za slijedeće zgrade, istraživanja, brodove ili obranu bez kojih je nemoguće ostvariti napredak. Sve zgrade su klasificirane u dvije skupine: zgrade za produkciju resursa i pomoćne zgrade. U Zgrade za produkciju resursa spadaju rudnici, spremnici i proizvođači energije dok sve ostale građevine spadaju u pomoćne zgrade. U pomoćnim zgradama također postoji mala podjela s obzirom da n…