Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 40.

  • We need a multi-use. And a change that let them reduce in %. My suggest is. Bronze 2 hours Silver 5% of the actual countdown Gold 5% of the entire countdown. Everyone will be usefull in a different way.

  • Rip changes

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Change Rip to let it go at x1 speed in every universe for the DM missions and reduce its storage at 1.000. The reason is that do mission to destroy moon in speed universes is really easy, and often the best option. On top of that, many player use this ship to fully destroy bunkers and, at the same time, farm the planets. Ok, i understand that an OP ship should exist to let people be focused on the game, cause all can happen, but it is ridicoulous that some player can go full RIPs on bunkers, des…

  • Inactive players, V mod

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Inactives. No, GF should focus on active game, not the inactive one. Attack inactives to farm resources is like a farming game. Maybe people should go play farming games instead of OGame if this is what they want. As i said GF should focus on the active game, player versus player, ships vs ships.....not ships vs a dead planet that produce for no reason. V-Mode. This is a game, not a work. If i want to stay V-mode for many reason i should be able to do it. In fact is like i'm not there to play, s…

  • Inactive storage levels

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Or maybe you can boost storage and mines, without remove the bashing limit. Anyway i think this is not a problem, cause the game should focus on active player and their ships, not the inactive ones. (for this i like the idea of Bots/AI planets, but with reserve)

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    Panda Rosso - - Bug Reporting


    Quote from Hal Niak: “So the question is - where is bug? ” There is no bug. OWiki is written by players, noone of it is official, same as every tools. Everyone think that the wiki were right, now we all found that it is not, it as to be >1%, and that's all. No bug nor error in code. Just the brutal truth: People maybe be wrong!

  • Galaxy view in vacation mode

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Did i really read what i read? Quote from damir80m: “Galaxy view should be enabled in VM so that i can monitor the fleetsaves of players who cant handle unexpected situations so that i can destoy them and not to help friendly acccounts ” What you wrote.... Quote from TGWo: “And i'm sure at 99,9% that comunity is becoming smaller not because it cannot use galaxy in vm, but maybe more possible because there are players as you that continue to exist/enter in vm ” answer. This is insane, reall…

  • Spam on cargo messages

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    I agree but not totally. Know how much resources you moved, especially when you did it but wrong, is not a "garbage". By the way have an option like that is not a bad idea. So i like it.

  • Galaxy view in vacation mode

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Quote from damir80m: “this is simply making the life of some gamers easier ” Why should GF make the game of some gamers easier? V-mode is thinked for who can't play in some days (or don't want to use a pc, for example in a vacation), not to allow a strategic play-style. This suggestion is only good to do an attack and then go back in v-mode in a easier/safer way. Worst then ever if you have friends that can spy for you, so you mustn't break the v-mode. Absolutely NO!

  • Scrap Merchant 90% event

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    An event per month will be too much, cause people will not buy DM. An event per year will be useless cause noone will use it, especially because it is used for mistakes or for an incoming attack. For the second reason i really don't like the idea of scrap merchant totally, but it exist then no.....don't give us an event like that. Maybe, give an event that reduce the DM cost to modify the %. Then yes. But pay or nothing (nothing is better for the players imho).

  • Quote from TGWo: “I see i had an error, because GF decided to move up from 2% to 5% ” RiV- did you hacked GF? By the way well done GF....well done!

  • Market

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    If someone can translate i'll appreciate it, i don't have much time now. Anyway i'll copy/paste from GT. Until i come to translate you can check GT, read by yourself (if you know italian) or wait someone to translate it for me. The original link is this The google translate is this. Quote: “Explanation Suggestion: The market of resources as it is conceived now will cease to exist. The auctions will be deleted. The market may be renamed "Galactic Market", or left unchanged, at your discretion. Th…

  • It will change nothing. If you don't link a research with it fusion will be ever better. It may give extra energy talking about it is right now, but it will be pointless anyway. People will build until lv 16, maybe 20 with extra energy, but after that it will go on satelittes or fusion.

  • Maybe he wrote nothing cause he's gone to see if he can get news about it. We will see. Anyway don't be so impulsive...come on.

  • Where have you been until now? For me is a "YES!" But, this may destroy the system created by GF to set a different speed for research to the new universes.

  • Graviton affects fuel usage

    Panda Rosso - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “I'm not sure at 100% that it is a good idea to have a research that decrease fuel usage, but probably yes but at same time i'm sure that for me it is a bad idea to add any effect at gravitation (so not only if we talk about deuterium, but also about any other kind of idea). How I had opportunity to tell other time, many many years ago research gravitation was important and vould also is a question of skill ........... with the actual possibility offer by MO, no .......... it is…

  • Quote from TGWo: “So if you want to balance rip, it is easy ............ speed fleet of universe don't have effect in rip ........... in any universe rip move as in x1. ” I'd like this! Anyway another way is to remove the storage from RIPs i think. You can use it to destroy but not to farm easy.

  • It is not for the space dock and terraformer

  • It would be really good if you can add on the "buildings menù" the energy needed for each level. Cause now it shows only the main three resources, and if you go far on the menù to see how much a building cost you'll never see the energy needed for it (ex. terraformer). Anyway thank you for what you're doing. You're doing a great work.

  • Non-Acs server should not exist anymore. What you would get with a non-acs server is exactly what you are complaining about. People that do non-stop defenses and aren't getting punished for it at all. But it would be for the fleet instead. All other things are fine.

  • I can't get a good picture of her other that this but who is she? Why is she there? Someone know something? I want to know her trivia. donna2.png