Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • About Moon attemps

    ginger - - General


    valent, can we please get a 100% sure answer?? you say that in retro only DF has to be paid for moonshots.... but according to ErikFyr, NoMoreAngel and (maybe) Shole (who just archived it without saying otherwise) in this thread: board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…php/Thread/9253-Question/ we have to pay 100% the cost of the ship. Please give us one official and definite answer...

  • Selling Deut

    ginger - - Archive


    1.5 mil deut is still available... pm ingame --> scrat

  • Selling Deut

    ginger - - Archive


    3 mil deut available for sale - looking for mix pm me ingame ---> scrat

  • Selling Deut

    ginger - - Archive


    deut still available...rates 2-1-1

  • Selling Deut

    ginger - - Archive


    Got 2 mil of deut for sale. asking for mix rates negotiable - depending on how much you're taking pm ingame --> scrat