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  • Minefield defense

    Weylin - - Suggestions


    In order to encourage smart compositions over simple brute force numerical advantage, I wanted to introduce the idea of a consumable defense that scales by the difference between the defenders and attackers fleets. I'm going to throw some numbers out here, but none of these are set in stone, just used to give the gist of the idea. - Minefields will only arm themselves if the attacking force is at a 2x or larger fleet point advantage. - After the first round, if mines were armed and used, they wi…

  • Giving it further thought, just having a clock next to the yellow wrenches, or on top of the planets could suffice. I imagine the planet icons could just fade to a darker shade and have a countdown timer on top to show what the current project is at. Really just a minor convenience that sounds easy to add, but then again I have little experience with browser game design.

  • Similar to the visual stack of indicators for the Fleet Movement tab, it would be convenient to have a list in Overview (Or elsewhere?) of all active constructions across the empire, and the precise times that buildings will finish. Constructions could be sorted by time to completion, so you could, for example, set an alarm for yourself to build a new level once the earliest one has completed. This saves the player from having to click through multiple planets constantly to check on progress, an…