Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 49.

  • you can set the option "never" in "when add your CR" in TOPRaiders page (on the right)

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    scappe - - General


    eh cambiare lingua è stato un problema anche per me che non ne mastico di tedesco... Ahahahahah

  • [SELL] 200k Deuterium for Metal (2:1)

    scappe - - Archive


    SOLD. Maybe in a few days I'll have some more deu to trade. If someone needs it, contact me directly in game.

  • [SELL] 200k Deuterium for Metal (2:1)

    scappe - - Archive


    As title says, i sell 200k deuterium for 400k metal. Send/receive: g2-g3 Contact me here or in game

  • WBB4.1 change

    scappe - - Feedback & Discussions


    don't know if it happened only to me, but today I had to login almost every time I opened the board (three or four times), even if I had ticked the "Remain logged in" option during the login (it's ticked by default).

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    scappe - - General


    Io stanotte la bellezza di 292 spazi... finalmente!!!

  • - Official Italian discussion thread

    scappe - - General


    Certo però che gli spagnoli spammano eh...

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (8 lines)

  • Skynet can't read spy reports

    scappe - - Skynet


    I don't use AGO, I use only Skynet TopRaider InfoCompte so I will try returning in galaxy view and reopening detailed SR. Thanks.

  • Skynet can't read spy reports

    scappe - - Skynet


    it happens with some spy reports: although I open the detailed spy report, Raidar doesn't update the production (it says only the basic production 30-15-0) and it seems I didn't read the SR (the "+" symbol remains). Even if I open and open again the detailed report or I reload the page it doesn't change anything. Some times it magically read it after couple of times, other times i have to give up. Do you know what could be the problem? It happens with moons too.

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (10 lines)

  • Can't sign in on Ogame on Chrome

    scappe - - Skynet


    I do not have this problem... Do you have AGO addon too?

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (7 lines)

  • Error 520

    scappe - - Bugs & Questions


    Trying opening the website it fails and recall an error: Quote: “Error 520: Website not authorized on OVH CDN ” I'm the only one who see this?

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (29 lines) It seems there is another copy-paste error, PHP Source Code (4 lines) I think they should be PHP Source Code (4 lines)

  • Multiples Login and account order

    scappe - - Suggestions


    Sorry, I talked before trying sending CR or SR to TopRaider... I'm on Vacation Mode so I didn't know those things about accounts. Yes, I accept cookies, and yes, I saw the session stays open for the whole day. But I didn't noticed it logs in automatically sending something (maybe just because it does it automatically and I didn't think about it ). I think I noticed all these things only because today I'm blue in game and I didn't send anything My fault! Thank you Vulca!

  • Multiples Login and account order

    scappe - - Suggestions


    there are 2 things that I think can bother a little using topraider site: 1- I have to login manually in every part of topraider site: TopRaider, TopMiner and Spy Tool. Is there a possibility to login once for all the site? 2- If I have more than one game account linked to the same topraider account it shows me always the first account linked; if I want to see details for the second account I have to select it manually on every part of the site (TR, ST, TM). It could be cool if an option let me …

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    Ok, now all works good! The problem was on Empire view, moon structures were listed just after planet structures in the same table and they didn't update. Now that they're in a separated table it's allright! good job!

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    scappe - - Translations


    PHP Source Code (23 lines) Wow, very good job! Interesting the new TopMines section! Maybe there is an error in sending moon informations... It seems it sends the "=resources" pages and not the "=station" page, so moon structures can't update. (If your code has not this problem then I have this problem )

  • Solar Satellites errors

    scappe - - Skynet


    ok, done.