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Search results 1-18 of 18.

  • Quote from Tenko: “Quote from Demonfreak: “The only issue I have is the fact, that gamewise, I cannot DO anything about it ” Yes, you can. You just need to build ABMs as his IPMs hit your planet. Saying you can't do anything about it just because you need to sleep would be like a fleeter saying he can't do anything about his fleet that's sleeping on his moon being recycled while he's sleeping in his bed. Ridiculous, isn't it?Quote from Demonfreak: “I had also over 1,200 deathstars lying behind t…

  • Quote from Tenko: “Building 30k IPM in a few hours is definitely possible without DM, first of all, depending of the universe speed, and shipyard and nanites levels. Detroids are also a thing and, considering it took 30,000 to destroy your bunker, I can safely assume it is an old universe, and/or a very fast one, where people have billions of resources saved up for the next project. Therefore, it is also very safe to assume that any player with enough death stars could have run your defenses dow…

  • Quote from Molle: “I don't see the problem with the bashing. The problem is that here a DM player will have a huge advantage over non-DM players. Sure DM should help you grow faster and so, but it should not be the case that you can make 3.000 IPR's within a coupple of hours, that is just ridiculous. Should the player have done this without DM, then for sure it would have taken a lot longer and one would actually have a chance of defending against IPR's. ” No problem with "Bashing"? Why is not b…

  • This won't work, because Gameforge won't stop making new universes. New players want to be in a universe which they are all equal to each other at the start. You don't fix that with simply giving more starting resources and DM. Then Gameforce looses a lot of money because these new players don't buy items. Sorry to say, but Gameforce is a company who wants to make profit. If the choice was ours than ALL universes per country should be merged together in just ONE universe. Your idea also provokes…

  • Still you people don't see it, that's why GF considers: More than 6 times an attack on a player (who can move away his fleet or even scrap his defence) already as bashing. Only 7 times per day per planet is bashing But then there comes some random person with an exceptional low rank, probably a multi account of a higher ranked player and drops 30,000 IP missiles and I have 900 combat reports in my inbox, and GF does not consider that as bashing. Then I am thinking, do they have a screw loose? Do…

  • 1,700 IPM's? You got off lightly, I got roughly 30,000. A calculation has made clear that the attacker must have used over 1.3 million DM to do this job. So, with this in mind I don't think Gameforge is going to do anything about this. Probably the income of those guys using DM to destroy bunker outweigh the incomes of the players building the bunker. This game has become too commercial. I am still thinking about a possible "Automated Anti Ballistic Replacement Technology", or AABRT for short Bu…

  • But you guys forget that if you group together with 10 or 20 players you can indeed destroy a bunker. And it's daily possible. I try to find a level in which for both sides there are options to do what they want to do. In this case, I wasn't able to defend myself. I cannot stay awake 24 hours a day and any attacker would notice very quickly when I am sleeping. And it's the devastation in combination with the use of DM (to speed up production) and the unlimited use of rockets that are so destruct…

  • A few days ago I myself was the subject of a ridiculous IP missile attack. In a time span of less than 5 hours I have gotten 900 combat reports stating 30 to 40 IP missiles were fired at my planet per attack. Now in regular universes it's considered bashing if you attack a planet more than 6 times per day. This guy attacked me >900 times! with IP missiles. I know officially IP Missiles do not count in bashing rules, but since the defender is not capable to defend against such attacks I think the…

  • Currently you cannot scrap anything on your moon, because there is no storage. So who ever wants to relocate but cannot pay a planet relocation has to destroy his planet and his moon WITH all the defenses on it. My idea is simple: All the resources obtained by scrapping moon defenses go automatically to the planet.

  • So I am in Hyperion. Nice thing about this Universe is, it has no ACS. And it stands alone because all the other universes have ACS. That makes merging it with another universe a bit troubling. Nevertheless, there are probably more ACS universes with not so much players and we need to put several universes together to keep things alive. Gameforce thinks that it can keep earning money by opening new universes. But they have to consider WHY do players buy DM? Yes, to speed up things, buy items, mo…

  • Quote from TGWo: “This idea sound interesting for me .......... I always liked principle to introduce bonus and malus in an new research, action, etc.Maybe number of fields lost could be related to the distance of the moving. However, in order not to have a malus too large, in combination with a formula where distance determines the maximum number of spaces that can be lost, introduce a probability that the event happens that decreases inversely (ie the probability is 100% of Lose 1 space, while…

  • Quote from aliendestroyer: “I support this idea but would link it to the graviton tech. First to make that tech more useful and second to make things more difficult. Your planet-move-tech is way too cheap in my opinion. And I have some more questions. Lots of players colonize a planet to move it to a colder spot later, that would be very easy now. What can we do about that? What is needed to move a planet a whole galaxy. Fleeters would love that feature I guess. ” Sure, there are possibilities t…

  • At the moment the moving of a planet costs 240,000 dark matter. All nice and well for the rich kids but for the rest who lack proper funding, or can do it only once a month or so I have two ideas: 1. - Make planet moving a lot cheaper, this will increase the activity in the universes. As a side effect of all the 'moving' there should be a downside to all the moving around. Due to the gravimetric sheer on the planet it's loosing fields everything it's moved. Every movement it's loosing a field. W…

  • I didn't looked at the costs, no. But I see this more like a challenge. Why are there miner with astrophysics levels 25 or even 27? If you consider how much these levels costs and how much mines you could have build from these resources then you can consider these levels also wasted. There comes a point in which a new planet will take more than 50 years to "earn" back what the Astro 27 has cost. But nevertheless, players do it. It's not always to gain maximum profit, but to reach a certain level…

  • At this moment (at least as I am aware of) you can research Graviton level 1, and that's it. Why not connect the level of Graviton with the firepower of a deathstar? It has a basic attack value of 200,000. Why not add another 10% for each graviton level till graviton level 10 is reached and make it 20% increase in firepower and 10% increase in speed when graviton level 11 is researched, and further on. Reaching that level 11 is a very far goal, but it is something to work to. It gives the deaths…

  • Sometimes when you are reaching higher ranks you get spammed by lower players wanting you in your alliance. Or by other players in general. Now it is possible to deactivate the chat bar, but why not introduce a function to disable chat completely, with the option to make exceptions to friends. I am playing Ogame Xalynth on the Dutch server now and I am ranked 1, and I really get sick of all those messages.

  • Still, there will be the option to phalanx, spying, fleet slowing etc...

  • Wouldn't that make a universe not make more excitement? Not knowing if your enemy is online and having both the opportunity to do a ninja an incoming attack? Off course there will always be the option to spy and/or even slow down your fleet. Don't know if this idea ever is presented, spitting through the entire board is a mammoth job