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  • escape flight options.

    Gumpster - - Archive - Suggestions


    thank you all for your responses. I agree scorer, i should have to thumb thru the forums 100s of topics to find out how to do something so basic. Thank for the info Jango i had no idea that a deploy was not visible once canceled. I do disagree with you Jango that it would make the game easier to play. just easier on the player to save fleet. thanks again all for your input.

  • escape flight options.

    Gumpster - - Archive - Suggestions


    I agree. i lost entire fleet today because someone with a moon could see the recycle mission i sent them on over night. he timed time the attack to the second. there was nothing to do but watch as weeks worth of building ships just gone. i have no problem with a moon being able to see fleets, but i can not be on 24/7 to send ships away when planets get attacked. This is a HUGE FLAW in the game and i suspect why game suffers for players. An escape flight that can not be seen is a necessity for th…