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  • For those with rooted Android and Titanium Backup you can detach Firefox from the store allowing bulk updates of other apps if it isn't too late.

  • Yes. Information on whether the rollback is permanant or not etc. Some kind of in game message to say what has happend and what will happen next. If I decide to stay should I start re-building all 4 of my colonies, my research, my fleet again or will all that effort be lost in several hours when things are restored to normal. If this is a restore from backup is it likely to happen again and if so are there plans to implement backups on more than a fortnightly schedule?

  • Relocation Zones

    Bodestone - - Spam


    I have some questions about the rules and precidence if a planetary position conflict occurs. For the planet that must be moved I ask the following: If a planetary position change is required will the owner of the moved planet have any choice? Is change of system to preserve position within the solar system the first choice or will an alternative position within the solar system be chosen first? If a change of solar system position occurs will the first option be down (6 to 5 for example) or up?…