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  • Hi guys, sorry on the delay, got called in for work. After careful consideration I have decided to include various ideas brought forth by the many participants here. Hopefully this suggestion can be a compromise to everyone whether you are the weekend warrior or the active player. Revised suggestion: All ogame accounts receive 52 Vacation Mode Sessions per civil year with a counter reset at the beginning of the year/new cycle. Notes: (a.) This gives the weekend warrior to activate vacation mode …

  • Ok from what I have seen posted I have a few ideas that can be used as a compromise.. Also an incentive idea to enable this proposal to be more appealing to every type of player whether it be the weekend warrior or active player. I will post it within the next 24 hours. This idea will include many new changes to the original suggestion and hopefully this would be something that can work without any damage to any one group of players. Thanks again for all the input and information guys.. I really…

  • As I did mention. This suggestion is not perfect and well I am sure that there are many ways to modify it to make it better. The reason for this idea is to prevent further abusing the v mode feature. @Smoke Nightvogue and @Minion, both of you have something that could work and make it better. You do have a point in a way and maybe a limited number of exits from v mode would be logical. Thank you for your input. Maybe GameForge can pick up a few things from everyone providing input on this..

  • @Minion Quote from RadioSweetHeart: “Once account goes inactive while in v mode the vacation counter stops for that account so as to prevent the player from losing his vacation days due to actual jobs/professions. So after 7 days with no log in the counter should be triggered to stop as to conserve the the vacation days of the account. This in turn legitimizes the use of vacation mode and prevents nasty players from abusing those features. As for active accounts, well you already know the drill.…

  • Quote from Smoke Nightvogue: “If they're playing like that, they're obviously doing it for a reason, which is most-likely the lack of time to meet the returning fleetsaves everyday. I simply don't see a proper reason of driving a players group of certain age (30+) out of the game because someone feels like those are ought to fleetsave day-by-day. No, they're not: this is the game and everyone develops his/her play style according to own busyness and convenience. ” Obviously you are a v mode flee…

  • First off I would like to say that Vacation Mode is a nasty feature in the game that allows many users to abuse it. However I do believe that GameForge implemented the 48 hours standard V Mode lock as to prevent just that. The reality of this is, that no matter if you extend it to 72 hours or revert back to 24 hours players will keep abusing it. Now, here is my proposal. Revert the 48 hours Vacation limitation back to 24 hours standard as it previously was. However, to control such abuses, imple…

  • Hi how do I activate this skin.. I have no idea how to get it to show on or where to get it downloaded