Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 137.

  • Hey guys, Since GF is apparently not able to provide us with an international universe, my mate jonas555 had the idea to just create our very own experience. Therefore we had the idea to take an already active and relatively new uni and try to make it an international Uni. Our choice was as a lot of the initial organizers were playing on the server. To make the start easier we want to offer you a small starting package which will provide you: 400.000 Metal 600.000 Crystal 300.00…

  • board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…-back-the-power-of-moons/ Here is a lengthy discussion about the subject aswell. No need to add something new to the game. Just balance the problem via changing the numbers - tying it to eco/fleet speed for example

  • I am certain that the first week is where the most money is made Here I've made a suggestion which wouldn't disable but restrict it: changes to buying ress via dm

  • Tutorial again

    gamer2014 - - Feedback & Discussions



  • Tutorial again

    gamer2014 - - Feedback & Discussions



  • the first 4 or 5 colonies should be obtainable way easier. combine it with the tutorial. e.g. get to met10 crys 7 deu 3 on your mainplanet and receive a planet slot trade some ressources with a buddy and get a slot find an alliance with at least x members and get a slot get a total met40 crys 30 deu 20 on all your planets combined for another slot or just give new accounts a few planetslots from the beginning

  • international server

    gamer2014 - - Archive - Suggestions


    still waiting for that to happen obviously the current method of opening servers in all communities simultaneously nets more profit than 1 giant server but you could just throw that thing inbetween the normal cycle of openings. june: new Servers in all comms july: international Server august: new Server in all comms I dont think it would hurt the player/$ numbers in august too much if there was an additional opening in july and of course an probally packed international server would make up for …

  • Title says it all Its very annoying for big alliances so it would be neat if you just could toggle it on or off like the messages for finished buildings

  • Quote from ErikFyr: “I don't think they will promote Discord because they don't own the servers, it will also be more difficult to do something if someone insults you. The chat might not be perfect right now but hopefully developers will improve it with time ” I mean they are working on that thing for 2.5 Years now(maybe even longer). Its 2017 and we are talking about a Chat for crying out loud. I have no faith whatsoever that they will be able to improve it Other games promote their Discord asw…

  • The chat was a pain in the ass from the beginning. This thing is not just unpleasant to use but also seems to cause a lot of lag. Instead of trying to make it more user friendly and solving the performance issues, just promote Discord You are wasting way too much ressources on that thing which could be used for way more useful features.

  • Tutorial again

    gamer2014 - - Feedback & Discussions


    This thread is probally going to get closed again without a proper discussion but thats not what this forum is for anyway, right? I just want to make sure that you didnt forget about the thing you teased 1.5 years ago. There is still a high amount of people registering Accounts every day. But the majortiy only logs in once or twice before becoming another Emperor Pegasus grey corpse in the galaxy. A well thought out introduction most likely wont get us tens of thousand new 'active' players but I…

  • Version 6.4.3

    gamer2014 - - Feedback & Discussions


    any update on the matter? the registration bug was dealt with immediately why does something gamebreaking like that take a month to fix?

  • you could cap it at a maximum of 30% and make them combinable 5% bronze 10% silver 20% gold

  • Quote from Smoke Nightvogue: “Their travel time already matches the speed settings of universes. Decreasing the minimal expedition duration will cause imbalance in how much DM the players are supposed to be bringing back from these in 1 day. ” you know what would be an easy fix for that? decrease the amount of dm players can earn in speed universes

  • I dont know if thats true or not. Warriders has problems too but at least its somewhat functional. I read in the german boards that the playerdata.xml is broken at the moment

  • Version 6.4.3

    gamer2014 - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hi, will this version include a fix for the lagging galaxy and message menu?

  • about players choice of a server: you could write 'beginner friendly' next to servers with lower speeds

  • make it 30 minutes then I say good suggestion the problem with such a high rebuild percentage would be that you could create ressources from nothing. 70% df + 50% fleet means more ressources than there were before the wreckfield suffers extremly from the fact that every second server now has like 70 or 80% df because it means defenders can only get 20 or 10% back fleeting with 30% df kinda sucks but 70% is too extrem in my opionion. I think 50% df for every server would be ideal especially consi…

  • Delay deploy and such

    gamer2014 - - Archive - Suggestions


    Bring back the power of moons I think moons should be harder to kill like suggested in this thread. With your idea ppl could endlessly delay and then the guy with the most time available just wins. also it would be an advantage for the biggest fleet alliance. in theory they would be untouchable. at least in the current state its possible to hurt them.

  • there already is something you suggest: OGame 6.2.0 - Let the "wreckoning" begin!