Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 31.

  • Quote from piink: “Unfortunately the development of this feature has been stopped for the moment, which means it is not coming any time soon. ” This is sad news, but thanks for answering.

  • Quote from RiV-: “You seem to be new around here. Several months means few hours in Gameforge time computation. The Gameforge building in Karlsruhe, Germany, resides near a black hole, so few hours for them are months for us. Expect updates on that feature in 2026. ” Well, that's a good theory But I am ready. I would really like to hear something about this update anyway.

  • Last June, the monthly newspaper had an article about updating the jump gates. (Hidden Content) And since then, several months have passed. Please tell us if there are any news or details about this update? I hope this update is not frozen?

  • Correctly guys - the main idea is only to have more control in the management of the alliance.

  • A new privilege in the alliance for the participants. Namely - write to the alliance chat. Already have the privilege - Write circular message , and it would be very convenient to have and for the chat a separate privilege. On the one hand, this chat is not really needed, since almost all alliances (especially big) have Skype chat. And game messages use only for important messages. And circular message more then enough for this. On the other hand, the chat itself is more distracting and hamperin…

  • Quote from aliendestroyer: “Almost a year ago this idea was accepted. What are we going to do with it??? Btw: I support the +20% idea for every 2 levels but would like to see +10% for every level. I don't like (like astrofysics) to research a level without rewards... ” Almost 5 years ago, I also suggested something for the game and it was accepted. But since then I have not received any response or news ... Therefore, 1 year or more, for GF this is not a time limit. And it's very sad.

  • Guys, come on, new version of the game came out, but again not a word about this change. Can you at least tell that this is part of the plans for some upcoming updates?

  • Is there any news on this update?

  • Planet Size

    Green Astronaut - - Archive - Suggestions


    On one of the last Japanese servers gave a bonus +30 fields. And who knows what will happen in the new universes open in the future. Therefore it seems to me better to add items from store which increase the number of fields as some expedition awards.

  • I use this skin for the forum and I like it But I noticed one moot point: bit poorly chosen colors for the Users and only when the mouse is over, all becomes visible Is it possible to change the color for the users?

  • Fleet Dispatch III - New Button

    Green Astronaut - - Fleet


    Is it possible to add the function of this script in AGO? - click If in short, this script adds the "reverse order" button to load resources on the 3rd fleet dispatch page. Of course this script works (after a little editing) but with AGO it's not very friendly It looks like this now: P.S. Or if you can suggest how it can be fixed, I will also be very grateful

  • Quote from Valent: “like this ? ” yes, names and coordinates moved down and because of that planet list became longer than it was before Quote from Zinwerk: “That issue has already been addressed. It might be tweaked within future versions ” Thanks Quote from NoMoreAngel: “Also you could use the Uploadfunction of the board to add the picture^^ ” Thx. I'll try to find it next time.

  • Please, dont do that Quote: “[Polishing] Redesign of page: Planet list ” Planet list only gets longer and this makes this list less convenient Sorry about Image for example (I tried 3 hosting for photos, but our forum will not let me show image And I do not know from where I can do it.) But I specifically compared the old version of planet list and new, and in new version 7 planets occupy nearly the same space as 9 planets in old

  • Really good idea. I like it. One more research will be useful and it is good.

  • It would be interesting if such research could only be found in the expedition or with aliens and pirates for example. Anyway looking forward to the details.

  • (Hidden Content) I am very pleased that the developers share their plans for the game, but... But I do not see here information about changing the graviton technology Is there any information about it?

  • Thanks for the answer. I just wanted to be sure

  • Deleting messages

    Green Astronaut - - Feedback & Discussions


    As I understand from the news, after updating the game to version 6.0, all the old messages will be removed. And what will happen with notes?

  • Just interested... Is it possible to implement in 6.0 version?

  • Just interested... Is it possible to implement in 6.0 version?