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  • Should /universes.xml be changed?

    Malakian - - OGame API


    Thank you for time you put into this. If I could help somehow, please do not hesitate to pm me.

  • Should /universes.xml be changed?

    Malakian - - OGame API


    Is there any chance this feature will be available in the foreseeable future? This is a real issue for tool developers and unfortunately nobody seems to care except two of us in this topic.

  • Should /universes.xml be changed?

    Malakian - - OGame API


    I agree. A general endpoint for each country providing all servers would bring huge advantage. Also, scrapping server list from pure html isn't that easy anymore since new main site for ogame requires to be logged in.

  • Battle algorithm

    Malakian - - Questions & Answers


    Hi. Is there the battle algorithm described anywhere? I could infer it by myself, however before doing that I thought I could ask you guys here to save some time. Every information is considered helpful. Thanks for answers.

  • api/xsd/alliances.xsd doesn't mention them anywere Are they optional or required? Can they change in time? What they mean? Thanks for answer.

  • The whole point of this was to save space from not storing the type=0 highscore. Unfortunatelly there is a problem with ranks of players with the same number of highscore points, especially 0. It would be much safer to just store all of the types along with 'position' attribute. Thank you anyway.

  • Quote from NoMoreAngel: “Defence is counted 100% in eco an military, so if you add eco, research and mil up, then substract the total points you will get the defence points of an account ” Is there any way to deduce defence score from the API?

  • Then, if we consider player with ID = 100174, according to the API we have Brainfuck Source Code (5 lines)Whereas total (type=0) shows 2094265.

  • I thought it was a simple sum of E + R + M where E - economy rank score R - research rank score M - military rank score However I tested this and unfortunatelly it's not true in general. What's the formula then? Thanks for answers.

  • Hi. Im wondering whether it's allowed to use images copyrighted by ogame on my web app. More specifically I wanted to use images for metal, crystal and deuter and battle ships inside combat raports. Thanks for answer.

  • OGame API

    Malakian - - OGame API


    Quote from Choubakawa: “Hello, I have a problem with the link .....playerData.xml I can't access to the page when I give an ID. I take an ID from here:…ore.xml?category=1&type=0 and try but it fail. And when I remove the ID I get the message Source Code (2 lines)What am i doing wrong ? ” Any news about fixing that?

  • Hi. Is there any server which provides combat raports API and doesn't requre API key?

  • Have there been any updates since last post update? I'm wondering if these translations are still relevant and dont miss anything.

  • OGame API

    Malakian - - OGame API


    Hi guys. From what I know, using this API directly is not recomended and admins stated to first download data from API to our server and then fetch data from there. Since direct use of API isn't recomended, I have to make nearly 400,000 requests just to download one entire snapshot. Wouldn't it be easier if GF provide gzip'ped data which would eventually reduce data size fetch from over 2GB to 200MB and 400,000 request to just one? Source Code (10 lines)

  • OGame API

    Malakian - - OGame API


    Quote from Pseudosansinteret: “Hello, I m thinking make a tool for exploit ogame API and i have some questions : 1) There is a list of all ogame community ? Like en,de,fr ... 2) About universes.xml, why not make a xml who regroup all server from all community ? Like : fr server1 ... server2 ... en server1 ... server2 ... ..... 3) What is the champs "bonusFields" in serverData.xml ? I gonna have lot question again later Thanx for help.” Here I have created list of all communities and servers usin…

  • @_HeDo Thank you for the code. I haven't tried recreate battle algorithm yet, but I suspect there's some random factor involved, isn't it?