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  • Quote from asp: “You completely dont understand! When I dont want to play this game again, but someone tells me "its just sitting, just for few hours", I enter the code and - TA-DAM! - account is my own. Bad guy is free now, I must play for 2 weeks and search for next victim. Thats awful and terrible, please do something with that! ” Or you can just ignore the account you don't want to play on?

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Guderian - - Bug Reporting


    how about switching "deactivate chat bar" with "activate chat bar"? Standard option would be without chat so it would cause less problems on mobile.

  • I'd say NO. This is part of strategy to have deuterium where it's actually needed

  • Patching rules on trade & push

    Guderian - - Suggestions


    It woulnd't get rid of a problem. They would just change the way they push themselves. Instead of using trade rate manipulation they'll use their 3rd accounts to gain profit out of selling metal & buying crystal between those accounts. It'll just take a little big longer for them to actually gain the same profit but because of this, number of 3rd accounts might even increase

  • Patching rules on trade & push

    Guderian - - Suggestions


    Dude, please. Read with caution. Team members and ex team members are writing openly about having ENTIRE NETWORKS of accounts to manipulate trade rates and make HUGE profit out of it. On this is considered PUSH and it is forbidden by RULES. EDIT: also they were lying and implying that the same rules are everywhere and there is nothing they can do about it...

  • Patching rules on trade & push

    Guderian - - Suggestions


    With all due respect, I'll be far from quiet. You're not playing on polish uni and you've no idea what is indeed happening there. I don't care about accusations. Our exGOs, current GOs and current SGOs are writing on board that they're indeed USING 3rd accounts sitted by their friends to buy deuterium with minimal trade rate 2:1:1 and sell it for much, much more gaining unfair advantage. Topic we created on polish board about changing rules to make them similar to .de/.org was closed by moderato…

  • Patching rules on trade & push

    Guderian - - Suggestions


    @NoMoreAngel Hi! thanks for responding! Unfortunately on polish OGame Game Operators just as Game Administrators & Board Moderators are corrupted and there's no way to actually play on even ground with everyone. Moderators are deleting posts with actually good ideas so they can push themselves without worrying. They're selling fleet times to their friends, they're pushing themselves using 10 or more push accounts, the situation is just terrible. Polish community is one of the most active OGame-w…

  • Patching rules on trade & push

    Guderian - - Suggestions


    At first I'd like to apologize for my english, it's a bit rusty. Hello, I created a thread on polish board aswell but I'd like to hear some backup from you guys aswell. Most of us (at least on polish board) agree that push through trade manipulations are too often and should be terminated for good. At the moment I created something like this: It is forbidden for stronger account to gain resources further called PUSH from weaker account. Push among others is sending resources to stronger account …