Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • 1.0.2

    Amuxix - - Archive - User Project's


    Released version 1.0.2, fixed download link, added list of features. Changes - Total profit, fleet and defense score will show green if they are 0 - Sorting is kept on page change - Sorting by date now will not place non spy reports at the end - Fixed bug where production was calculated wrong if report was too old - Fixed bug where resource tank size was calculated wrong - Changing tabs now will not make the script stop working

  • SpyHelper

    Amuxix - - Archive - User Project's


    - Info : A script that helps filtering spy reports - Author : Amuxix - Support : Here - Download : - Browser : Any that supports user scripts(ie Chrome with Tampermonkey, Firefox with Greasemonkey) - Languages : English (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) Features - Ability to sort reports - Total profit to be made on that target - View combat technologies without opening detailed report - Condensed information to view more reports per scre…

  • This looks awesome! I noticed however that the universe size doesn't seem to match the from the SR I input. Not sure if you already know this or not but you can get all universe information with this link Is there a way to send the attacker information in the link? Like the attacker fleet, techs, coordinates? If so can you explain how? Also maybe add that to the simulator page(as well as the info on how to pass the SR key.) I would also suggest that…

  • Key Request

    Amuxix - - OGame API


    I would like to have a key to make a Combat Simulator using the API keys to retrieve the information, I'm currently a developer for a minecraft mod called Runecraft, my programming experience revolves about personal little script for random stuff. I would make the combat simulator at first private and if the result is acceptable I would make it public if I can afford a domain for it. I'd be willing to make opensource. Not sure which libraries I'm going to use it, still undecided probably Ogetit.…

  • The hotkey to Delete shown or marked messages with plunder < ... does not work, it shows that hotkey is < but when I click the key it does nothing, yet if I click the button with the mouse it works normally. PS: I'm using a keyboard with portuguese.

  • Spiohelper - add Sim-button

    Amuxix - - Messages


    You can use this script: Source Code (2 lines) It was written by my brother what it does is when you click the coordinates it jumps to the message and opens it, if there is 1 message already open it closes it and opens the most recent report you clicked. NOTE: For it to work in antigame options>Messages>Hide reports below limits or hide details, you must select hide all.