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  • The commander officer

    NecroFlex - - Archive - Suggestions


    I got an idea about the commander officer. There a lot of people who use a lot of the function if not all of the functions that commander brings, but for some (me for instance) it's mostly used cause of the building queue. Since some players play with little to no DM and usually would use it for geologist or engineer, the commander is left out many times for better officers. BUT the biggest problem comes when you finished astro and wanna make a new planet, all fine and well, but then you have to…

  • Bomber buff

    NecroFlex - - Archive - Suggestions


    Right now i feel like the bomber is really not used much. Yes early it's used a bit, but once you get Graviton and such, it becomes sorta obsolete. The problem is that early game it's quite expensive to make and fly, mid game is somewhat ok, but you have better options and late game it's RIP time, so it doesn't get enough attention. My suggestion involves buffing the bomber to help clear out more def, cause right now it feels like it doesn't clear out enough considering it's a BOMBER. Right now …

  • Multiaccounting issue

    NecroFlex - - Archive - Suggestions


    Not sure if this was ever addressed here, but i'll throw in an idea, tho not sure if it works the same way it does in some games. I've seen quite a few people that are multiaccounting hard, having multies to farm or buying acc's to crash etc. A lot of those don't get all...they stay and continue doing it...but sometimes they do, tho they get into a new acc and continue doing the same. Some people suggest giving out IP bans...but that doesn't work considering that a lot of IPs are dyn…

  • Like i said in my post, the EMPM would only be destroyable AFTER you destroy all of the other defences, same as how IPMs are destroyed. Kinda hard for a different tech to be for it cause it's ions that are the cause of EMP damage.

  • Yeah, the balance is what still bugs me, the thing is that yes, this would make attacker lose more RIPs, but at the same time he wouldn't just go in for mindless bashes, i've seen it happen many times where like 3-4 people get together, have like 1000+ RIPs flying on a turtle that has a lot of def, but that def is useless against RIPs (if you want a balanced defence, the PT count isn't the highest) and so they can mindlessly bash you time and time again w/o losing anything, with this missile the…

  • Hello everyone, before i start i will do a TL;DR for anyone who doesn't feel like reading the whole thing, it'll give a clear enough picture if you'll like the idea off the bat or not. TL;DR EMP missile's would use missile silo storage and would only trigger on RIP attacks (not counting MD missions) on the planet/moon, they would fly into the RIP fleet and disable their shields, more RIPs more missiles fire the 1st round and more shields are disabled that round (can happen other rounds too, depe…