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  • Well from my point of view, Deuterium is used as fuel for fleet movements and for energy production of the Fusion Reactor, and since Energy Technology is making Fusion Reactors produce more energy with the same amount of deuterium consumption, it should also have the same effects on fleet, spending less deuterium for fleet movements. With the science laws as we know them today, resource combustion releases heat(heat is thermal energy), and since we are able to control the thermal energy we relea…

  • .

    XAMO - - Archive - Spam


    Something went wrong with my post, and it needs to be approved by a moderator, so i'm gonna send it to you in a private message

  • OGame Country Names

    XAMO - - Projects Translations


    (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) And i noticed that the server is missing. First i thought you just missed it by accident, but then i realized that you can't even select it ingame. (Hidden Content) On the other hand, it's there on the the external site ogniter (Hidden Content) Don't know what's it all about, however, i added it up just in case (Hidden Content)

  • It's a short and simple suggestion Researching energy technology after level 10 makes your fleet spend less deuterium. So if you have energy tech lvl 11, your fleet will use 5% less deuterium than it normally does. lvl 12 would make it 10% cheaper So to cut your deuterium expenses in half, you would need to have energy technology level 21 that costs 838.860.800 crystal and 419.430.400 so i think it's pretty much well balanced. The best part of if it is that it is in agreement with science, with …

  • After researching level 8 of hyperspace Technology, currently it makes no sense to research it (Not to be confused with Hyperspace Drive). Since Hyperspace Technology is all about folding space, i always understood that like it's having some effects on shortening the distance from point A to point B, in this case from one galaxy to the next. I originally developed this idea back in January of 2008, but i never balanced it quite right, i had another attempt on, it sounded good, bu…

  • Terraformers formula change

    O-MAX - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from PPL1: “Lot of players in the french board complains about the needed of free fields since the redesign in olds unis. A new formula is needed for terra. I agree with you O Max, the third seems to be very insteresting. 49 fields for a little lvl 7, very great ! Then, i think the energy cost of terra is very strange since fice years i play. I never understood it. It is useless and i hope it will be deleted.” Hmm... i was thinking about leaving the needed energy the way it is as a compens…

  • It's something that should be done, but I'm failing to see the point in the formula #1 ... it seems to me that it's actually a lot worse than the situation we have now... or maybe you wanted to cut down the costs of terraformering but failed to mention it..... number 2 is let's say nice for the colonies, but the main planet with it's 163 fields won't work. So either to change instead of 163 let's say to 200 fields or something else... The third suggestion was by my opinion the best, but why to d…