Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 36.

  • Your ships aren't showing up. I assume you are aware and working this out. Would have been nice to be fixed and tested before going live though...... Thought I hit submit, obviously didn't. But was returning to say if you hit crtl+ f5 to clear the cache, ships now show up. So found the solution apparently before I even posted. Sharing for others who might have the same issue.

  • Your ships aren't showing up. I assume you are aware and working this out. Would have been nice to be fixed and tested before going live though.

  • Expeditons

    renzuki - - Suggestions


    Can we get expeditions to take into account the universe parameters. In a 1x universe, a 1 hour hold is 1 hour. Mind you the time to travel to a slot 16 is slightly longer than a 2x,3x,5x,6x universe, the hold time and the looting are equal in all universes. So in a 6x universe the time to get to a slot 16 is less, the same hour still applies. So example, an attack in a 6x can be round tripped in about 20-40 minutes, depending on the distance. In a 1x, that can be 1-3 hours. So in a 1x, that one…

  • Engineer checkbox doesn't work. doesn't change sim or follow up one iota.

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key A plethora of tools I've developed over the years playing ogame, the two I'm sure the community is most familiar w/ is my flight calc which I known Xenner has a copy of and my ACS split that almost any admin has come across over the years. Would also like to explore the idea of something that worked w/ the support system such as an ACS split verification system to minimize times from bother players and admins, but I don't think we're …

  • I had nearly forgot my login in this universe. Just simply beautiful hit, and you got dermot to get his ass out of bed, that's the icing on the cake here. Nice find sars, even better profit.

  • Galaxytool bug

    sochin - - Archive - User Project's


    Details: Error 1832: Element 'fleet', attribute 'arrival_time': [facet 'maxLength'] The value 'NaN.NaN.NaN NaN:NaN:NaN' has a length of '23'; this exceeds the allowed maximum length of '19'. Line: 4 Column: 0 File: /srv/www/ Error 1824: Element 'fleet', attribute 'arrival_time': 'NaN.NaN.NaN NaN:NaN:NaN' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'arrival_time'. Line: 4 Column: 0 File: /srv/www/…

  • I think the expression is poke a dog with a stick, not a snake. Nice hit and nice profits not gonna deny that. Just be careful what you wish for wind you just might get it. Before I leave this universe I will crash all three of those fleets mentioned, that's a guarantee. Enjoy, we'll be seeing more of each other I'm sure.

  • Again, mislabeled HOF, this is a sat crash not a basic 20%. Maybe read the forums and learn ogame and its terminology. Or Sochin holds classes every 5th Tuesday at 3:00:00 ST

  • This isn't an advanced 20%, you didn't do over 100kk TD. This is just a basic 20%

  • This isn't an advanced 20%, you didn't do over 100kk TD. This is just a basic 20%

  • There's an old saying: "Take a picture, it will last longer" 289kbw5.jpg

  • Glad to see you put him in his place and were able to secure the DF, profit. Looks like you'll be able to build up your astrophysics in peace now. 15/10 for everything you did to take down 50 RIPS, most impressive and I'm sure ALTON will think twice before making you a target again. ALTON as its been said before, DM can't buy you skill, hopefully you learn from this mistake. 131091292545.jpg

  • Well, what a nail biting attack. Wasn't sure if BeDa had signed in after reset and spotted 6 RIPS sitting on a moon, so I launched off the dessi's. 25 Minutes later I see activity and probed. Now up to 14 RIPS and sent out more dessi's and more Recs to get the job done. Activity was going crazy minutes before the hit as fleets were returning home and the blood was pumping hard. I was on the edge of my seat but this pilot knows how to fly so the air was clean but bumpy on final entry. Defender ca…

  • I've wanted this fleet for a long time but never had any luck getting a moon near him. Bfree moved in system with him and he moved out right away. So last night I spot his relocated planet and hes now in my neighborhood right up the screet. So sim it, and set it and forget it. sochin -vs- GJP [color=ff0000]Attacker[/color] sochin minigun.gif L.Fighter - 1.003 Cruiser - 2.004 Battleship - 1.007 Bomber - 27 Destroyer - 2.503 Battlecruiser - 1.250 hr.png -vs-…

  • Now that's we call a good day at the office. I'm glad you were able to get every penny he stole from you, and that he was nice enough to tip you for doing so. Excellent profits and great story too. Keep em coming.

  • Excellent profits once again. I would suggest on your combat converter to set ship alignment to vertical so they aren't all on one line. Its easier on the eyes. Neways, great job and keep them coming.

  • You know how this works by now. But he still has 28.5kk metal and 5.5kk crystal of mine and the repo man is coming. sochin -vs- revenge [color=ff0000]Attacker[/color] sochin minigun.gif Destroyer - 500 hr.png -vs- Defender revenge missilelauncher.gif L.Cargo - 659 Recycle - 500 RIP - 1 hr.png - after battle - stick.gif hr.png [color=ff0000]Attacker[/color] sochin Destroyer - 472 - (lost:28) hr.png Defender revenge L.Cargo - 0 - (lost:659) Recycle - 0 - (lost:500) RIP - 0 - (lost:1) hr.png Defend…

  • Well this was one of those gut wrenching, kick yourself the whole way type of nights. Night started off with me spotting 1200 dessi's just sitting on a moon and some res sitting on another moon. So I send out the needed recs for the dessi's and started on going after the res on the other moon while recs got closer. I had secured the res from the second moon and now it was just a matter of getting recs close enough to my attacking fleet. Res raid can be found here: Part 1 So I'm in countdown to l…

  • Not much of a story. I was looking for some metal and decided to look at my favorite farm to see if he had any. Indeed he did. sochin -vs- revenge [color=ff0000]Attacker[/color] sochin minigun.gif L.Cargo - 450 Cruiser - 500 hr.png -vs- Defender revenge missilelauncher.gif S.Cargo - 592 L.Cargo - 27 L.Fighter - 332 Cruiser - 14 Recycle - 167 Esp.Probe - 75 hr.png - after battle - stick.gif hr.png [color=ff0000]Attacker[/color] sochin L.Cargo - 443 - (lost:7) Cruiser - 500 - (lost:0) hr.png Defen…