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  • Relocate

    DarkBolt - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think it is rather the opposite, let me explain: In Italy a year after the server has about 100 active players, if there was the possibility of having more varieties of game players there would be more enticed to stay. 100 players of which 10/15 do not pay more for a gift worth more a year on each server and the possibility of having 150-200 active players thus more possibilities for revenue? also because a relocalization on year does not change the GF and maybe entice someone to not give up. …

  • Relocate

    DarkBolt - - Archive - Suggestions


    I would be very happy also to have one relocazione year, at least there would be even more desire to contuniare playing after a year that saw also well after a short time universes are almost empty thank you so much

  • Relocate

    DarkBolt - - Archive - Suggestions


    Now to make the crascher you're forced to pay, I wish everyone had a chance to do the crasher and transfer the planets, but in a limited way. Suggestion: Add the possility to transfer the planets, I would have 2 ideas: - add it to astrophysics, as shipments or as the ability to colonize the planets after a certain level of astrophysics such as 1,2,3,13,14,15 positions -add it as a structure like the portal hyperspace, then with long charging times (30-60 days) or as research and always recharge …