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  • Costs of Resources????

    cyclops1 - - Archive - Suggestions


    If I was to purchase resources why the heck is it soooo expensive? I bet they haven't even sold any at the prices I see. So why even have them? Seriously this is the break down to which is being offered to me thru The Resource Market..... Metal = 10 million is 703,125 DM which is JUST over $50 !!!! Crystal = 10 million is 1,406,250 DM which is roughly $90 !!!! Duet = 10 million is 2,109,375 DM which is roughly $140 !!!! Now being serious has anyone EVER bought resources at these prices? For meta…

  • Auction suggestion

    cyclops1 - - Suggestions


    This is a GREAT idea as I have brought it to some GOs and my alliance about a year ago. EXCEPT in our universe 1 we have a player that wins all bids even on a bidding war has in timing of his bids then it closes. He wins close to 12 bids a day. Seems to our alliance that he is using a bot or something on getting his bids in before we can place our bids. A number of tickets have gone thru on this one player but yet nothing has been done. I suggested that there only be 2 wins per player per day. T…