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  • Empty Cargobays

    nikta meldin - - Bugs & questions


    Hey, Did you ever mange to solve the issue? My screen is exactly the same, i have to do the maths in my head every time i send cargoes!

  • Idea

    nikta meldin - - Archive - Suggestions


    Not sure if this is the right place for ideas but guess im here how. In many other games i play the use of stealth technology is great way to mix thing up. Maybe an additional ship or ships (lightweight such as a HF). They can hide from lanx (dependant on esp tech) so they can hide on a ninja if the attacker has lvl 1 esp and the defender has lvl 10. Amongst other ways. Its just food for thought.

  • This cold breathe some light into the game. Problem i have is that there is so little activity in my systems and the uni that its no longer exciting. IF relocation's were cheaper OR a "planet jump" that could change everything. There needs to be some way to bring people back together in the Uni's.

  • HEY AGAIN GUYS thumbup.png I see that there is now a in-game chat and already it has awoken the alliance up dramatically. If I can add a slight suggestion - Everyone has been talking about a way to really improve the alliance chat. For example.. Currently you can only "activate chat bar" for ALL messages. However a way to split the messages up so you can choose to have either the "private messages" or the "alliance chat" messages up (or both up at the same time). Having 20 private messages come …

  • Ah OK I understand the implications of having the chat. However what is to stop a group of "in game forums" where players can write an message instead of having to leave the game to go to the forums. Things like alliance forums - new player forums - wars etc. Again hope im not flooding this section with useless ideas but id rather put them out there than just sit on them. P.s Thanks for the great replies the were really enlightening

  • Is it a difficult task to have it added to the EN community?

  • Right i see. But there isn't such option in Vega EN OGame. Iv just had a look and it is not there from what i can see. There is only the option to have the private IRC chat display the messages at the bottom. Not like a giant universe wide live messenger.

  • Something like the attached picture. Not private messages i mean a opnen chat for all to see and get involved with.

  • Hey guys. Not sure if this has been raised before... I am suggesting an open messenger to allow people within the same universe to talk openly to one another. 1st for "Universal chat" (general conversations on alliances or whats happening in the uni). 2nd for "help chat". These 2 types of open forums will updates as a message has been added (live update) - works very well with others games such as AD2460. It especially helps with new players who struggle at the beginning and have no where to ask…