Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 642.

  • Hello please add screen about infocompte panel in overview page

  • This tool is now tolerated.

  • OGamator

    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    English not supported - Archived

  • ResourceColor

    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • Available Fields

    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • SpyHelper

    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • HR Ogame statistics

    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived


    benneb - - Archive - User Project's


    not work properly to be keep in tolerated list archived

  • for Firefox 57 use now : why ? if I'm not mistaken, now with gresemonkey 4, we wont be able to use unsafeWindow and some script use data of infocompte to works, and unsafeWindow is needed. and i would have to maintain 2 infocompte script.... 1 for FF >= 57 and 1 for all other browser ... and all others scripts too... maybe , this is possible to have only one script for all browser, but it's needed to modify a lot, i think for now, we will wait.

  • Firefox 57 and antigame origin

    benneb - - Bugs & questions


    firefox 57 is released today

  • UniverseView - 3.3.0

    benneb - - UniverseView


    Quote from Warsaalk: “So all features in all the tolerated extensions are within this thread? board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…071-Forbidden-vs-allowed/ ” y Quote from Warsaalk: “ Every feature that gets added to an extension must first be approved by the COMA? ” y Quote from Warsaalk: “ Are all features added to that list when an extension get's tolerated? (Because that is what should happen than I guess?) ” no, because new feature must be tolerated before Quote from Warsaalk: “ If I remove the h…

  • UniverseView - 3.3.0

    benneb - - UniverseView


    this is an advice thread, there is no COMA decision. COMA decision = new post , not IRC, mail or phone call if a new feature, is allowed, all ogame community must be aware. so that when a script uses it everyone agrees.

  • UniverseView - 3.3.0

    benneb - - UniverseView


    this is an automated attack warning, so deeply forbidden and only COMA can decide, not a pool you can create a pool , maybe, before adding a new allowed feature. but the first step is to use an allowed feature describe in dedicated thread. so please remove all notifications.

  • Changelog 6.5.3

    benneb - - Test Server


    Hello! On Friday, 22th of September we will update the pts with the version 6.5.3. This version will bring several bug fixes. [Bugfix] Missing Links in buddy list work again [Bugfix] Fleet3: Transport chooseable on expedition missiontype is removed [Bugfix] Fix for the alliance application message system

  • Changelog 6.5.2

    benneb - - Test Server


    Hello! On Monday, 18th of September we will update the pts with the version 6.5.2. This version will bring several bug fixes. [Bugfix] The link to the ticket system in the tutorial works again. [Bugfix] The button to Spy in the Espionage report works again. [Bugfix] The button to transport is not choosable in the debrisfield. [Bugfix] The Styling on the reward page when the fleets are flying works again. [Bugfix] Sending many fleets in 1 second has been removed. [Bugfix] The info about banned/in…

  • Version 6.4.0

    benneb - - Test Server


    hello the public tests servers will be updated to FINAL version 6.4.0 today.

  • Infocompte was created before the possibility to delete home planet, and now this feature break all infocompte, because the key of infocompte his the main planet id that's why there is a saving feature, to restore it after a relocation

  • Version 6.4.0

    benneb - - Test Server


    hello the public tests servers will be updated to version 6.4.0 today. changelog : [Feature Request] Alliance Chat [Feature Request] Indication of player status in buddy list + alliance member list [Bugs]Alliance Text Editor - More options button without function [Bugs]Charcounter on Alliancetexts isn't correct [Bugs]Alliance: Problem in Kick Reason Message [Bugs]Spoiler on the buddy request message is not working [Bugs]Messagecounter on Applications not functioning correctly [Bugs]Firefox: send…