Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 23.

  • Now who`s calculations are wrong GF calculation for raid IFwIF0b.png and vulca calculation for raid MRR5rqp.png and there is a bug with your script vulca it does not show how much large cargo you need

  • On vulca script that was way simpler solved, and now with 6.0.7 that script is not working anymore. This is better than before but still why so complicated when it can be simple, but way to go beacuse you finaly listening to players.

  • With 6.0.7 this script has stoped working.

  • Quote: “ ​ - [Bugs] NaNaNaNaN in chat dates-fixed - [Polishing] Remove Missiles from defence count in spy reports (User Idea/Request)- fixed - [Bugs] No pagination on circular messages-fixed - [Bugs] Circular message: select all player by default (now also available in alliance menu)-fixed - [Polishing] Espionage Report - Short view: adaptation of activity mark (User idea/request)- there is activity mark in espionage - [Feature Request] Espionage Report - Short view: display of needed transporte…

  • What to say than, best script ever. Now we miners dont need to use AGO just beacuse of this cargo feature.

  • Does universeview have option to show cargos necessary for raiding, I never used it before so just want to know.

  • skynet fleet dispatch

    index - - Skynet


    One suggestion for skynet, most people dont even open their spy report if they farm on inactive players beacuse there is no point in doing that. That is just a waste of time, so why dont you make it possible to when you click attack on spy report and you get to next page where you see your fleet to make it possible to have something like this P4rDe9s.png Where all you have to do is click on number of cargos and they are ready to go, that would make things whole lot easier and faster. Beacuse as …

  • skynet not working

    index - - Skynet


    removed cause offtopic, added to suggestions

  • skynet not working

    index - - Skynet


    Tnx, that done it. I have thought that it automaticly activated at startup like antigame Does skynet have option to show cargos necessary for attack beacuse I dont see it

  • skynet not working

    index - - Skynet


    Chrome version 46.0.2490.71 m skynet not working for me zhMnQxG.png

  • OGame cargos neccesary

    index - - Archive - User Project's


    Does script shows how much cargos you need when you attack somebody, like antigame shows it or is it only show how much cargos you need to do a FS or RS. If it is possible to make script that show how many cargos you need when you attack someone that would totaly helpo out a lot.

  • messageing filter

    index - - Archive - Suggestions


    Make it so that we can turn off messaging filter in options if we want to, and I will calm right down. You have option to disable chat, economy messages and all that. So why dont you make it to be able to turn off messaging filter if we want to. Have you even read all the posts in boards of other communities, everyone is complaining about messaging filter, so please listen, for the love of God listen.

  • messageing filter

    index - - Archive - Suggestions


    If AGO fix this message idiotism I will gladly use it, beacuse we dont need million filter ,so why are you forceing players to use something that they apsolutly hate. Why dont you for the love of God finaly and for once in your life listen. Listen to players, make game user friendly again and not to make a mush of things and insted of players READING messages now they are FORCED to FIND them in a mush of things. This is not facebook, this is not candy crush saga and other gibberish. This is SIMP…

  • messageing filter

    index - - Archive - Suggestions


    Well you are the first player that said that, all I hear about messaging filter here on bermuda, on, on, on and on ogame org is how much people apsolutly and totaly hate this new messageing filter

  • messageing filter

    index - - Archive - Suggestions


    Like I said before, v6 come to org and just take a look at that, every second thread opened is complaining about v6 and that dumb messaging filter. Hundred and hundred and hundred of players all they do is complain, complain, complain about this totaly unneeded and totaly overdone messaging filter. everybody hate it, there is not a single player that I have encountered that likes this brand new idiotic overdone and overkill messaging filter. So why dont you for once listen to players and give us…

  • As I have allready said in my suggestion messageing filter make it so if you don't choose receivers then the message will be send to the whole alliance by default put in options at least to be able to sellect will messages to aliance be sent by default or will they remain like this and make it available to have option to disable messaging filter in options if someone wants to. Dont force people to use messaging filter if they dont want to. And guess what, we dont want to use it. Messageing filte…

  • Clicking on the trash opens all deleted messages from all sections and not just selected section. At least that is in my case here on bermuda.

  • messageing filter

    index - - Archive - Suggestions


    Make it default if you dont pick rank message is send to all players in aliance. Make it available to have option to disable messaging filter. Furthermore, messages automatically get marked read, causing you to end up with a mess of a lot READ messages in your 'inbox', unable to distinguish used from unused etc. Quite annoying, too. Like my good friend told about new v6 Quote: “Let's sum it up: Annoying. ” and please fix it, if I had any more suggestion I will write again Kind regards Index

  • Empire view not working

    index - - Archive - OGame Planet


    As you have told me, new threadQuote from Zinwerk: “Thanks for your reports Should you find further bugs, please report them on separate threads ;)” Empire view now looks like this And also take a look at this v6 feedback and please try to fix it Kind regards Index