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  • Thanks for the info Shole. Regards.

  • Hi Shole, It is not the reports i was referring to but the buttons in the reports. For example :- 8FjEynv4v8PpPr7AfFxig5OVtmTlbiO1KCGbQDXkfZkpU6m3nosu1LexQeCXSnv4gPBrpR38YFgV8q7+ECwK+VdfCDYlfIuPhD8LwTNexGg17DnAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC Before the update there was also a button for sending probes directly from the report to the planet or moon the report referred too. But now you have to go to galaxy view again to send the probes. Which if sending probes to many locations means going backwards and forwards …

  • Hi, Just upgraded to the newest version. But now i have lost the spy option in the Espionage reports to send probes again. is this an error on my part or has the spy button in the Espionage Report been dropped? Regards. Paul.

  • update 5.8.1

    Paulkc - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Sorted. Thanks Francolino

  • update 5.8.1

    Paulkc - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Just tried to install Antigame update 5.8.1. However i am being told repeatedly that there is a new version for installation even after install the 5.8.1 update 3 times already. Regards. Paul.

  • Hi, Each time i log in to ogame i get the Antigame tab in orange to tell me there is an error. When checking i see the message The server settings are missing, please report a problem n the general settings tab. I am curently using Antigame version 5.6.31. Any help gratefully welcomed.

  • Hi benneb, I use the latest version of Firefox. Version 23.0.1 The ogame version is 5.6.1 on the server. until i installed 3.11.9 of infocompte everything was ok. I even removed inforcompte and installed the older version from vulca's script page but it did not bring everything back to normal. Regards. Paul.

  • Hi Benneb, I use Firefox which is the latest version 23.0.1 and the ogame is version 5.6.1 on the server. Jupiter universe.

  • I just installed the latest version of infocompte and now i can not send my expedition results to Alternative website because the icon that was in the top right corner of the expedition page is no longer there.

  • Antigame 5.6.5

    Paulkc - - Archive [Bugs&Questions]


    Hi, I have just installed version 5.6.5 of antigame origin and now when i click the fleet save icon only my ships are being selected but when it advances to the next page the moons that used to be automatically selected for the fleet to go to is no longer selected automatically and i have to enter all the cords and speeds settings manually now.