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  • Ignorance

    Serbaf - - General


    It's true that something that wasn't reporting Gameforge any money was doomed to have no support and probably end like this. However, I don't think that the only solution is DM. I remember that on the "good old times" there was only one "pay option" in OGame, which was the Commander I think, which provided a construction queue and something like an empire view, things that made OGame more comfortable to play but didn't really provide any real advantage over a player who didn't pay. I don't think…

  • Buy crystal

    Serbaf - - Archive


    Still buying. Lots of metal and deut to offer

  • Buy crystal

    Serbaf - - Archive


    For metal, deut, or a mix. Quite large quantities (but I buy small amounts too!) and at good prices (1:1 for deut, 2:1 for metal). Ask me ingame (Serbaf)

  • Sell deuterium (2:1:1)

    Serbaf - - Archive


    Up to 8 millions again.

  • Searching alliance

    Serbaf - - Diplomacy


    Hi Well, the title says it all. Have been playing without an alliance till now because I thought there was no need to have one and I wanted to see how the universe developed before making a decision. But well, in order to prevent boredom, have some fun, gain some allies in the universe, and, if possible (I will not deny it) meet possible deuterium buyers and people to exchange moonshots, I think the time has come to search a home Some data about me that could be interesting to know: my nick in-g…

  • Sell deuterium (2:1:1)

    Serbaf - - Archive


    Up. 6 millions this time

  • Sell deuterium (2:1:1)

    Serbaf - - Archive


    Up to 8 millions

  • Sell deuterium (2:1:1)

    Serbaf - - Archive


    For metal, crystal or mix. Up to 4 millions (probably more in the next days). Contact Serbaf ingame.