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  • it would be great even if you could attack while being in V mode, then there would be no more purpose of planning the game or fleet saving, or lets just make this game without attacks, just friendly, united universe of peace

  • I think this is the best solution to the abuse of V mode

  • letssled, exactly my point, real time game, and there is internet connection everywhere, i used to play on 56k, there was no wifi, i had to go to school and if was late home then it was over

  • I agree most of my suggestions isnt good, but te one with cooldown isnt about the total duration of the V mode, but the minimum, in this case 48 hrs, or it could be less or more, but no shorter than 24 hrs As for secure fleetsave, you have moon to moon deployment, bulletproof method

  • There are already few people working on moon destruction, but if he can jump back into V as soon as we send moon destruction, and there is no way to spy or take out his rip fleet without ACS and earn profits, then my rips would be sent into suicide, and as a fleeter, im more into profits than destruction, so there is no way to get him unless there is some kind of v mode cooldown implemented, or something that will make v mode hurt players who abuse it

  • Ill give you my account in erididanius and you can prove your skill if you think you are able to do that wise guy, my fleet is there in his sys and he gets out of V, and if i destroy his moon while he is online there is no use, i need his fleet in fs in order to profit from moon destruction, otherwise he can just jump to another moon, but he doesnt even do that, as soon as he see my fleet he goes V again, there is nothing stopping him do that, his research gets paused, his buildings, shipyard, o…

  • What would you say if you had top 10 fleet in uni with 100 active players and you cant catch someone because he uses V mode instead of skill? This is war game, there is no "ive built metal mine" section on board, but there are hof, cr, top ten sections for fights

  • This is a real time game so it should act like one, not pause whenever you feel like that

  • About the option number 3. about cooldown period, its about the minimum duration of V mode (24 hrs now), so cooldown would be 24 hrs, not a year

  • V mode has a lot of benefits now, your building queue gets paused, your research gets paused, I think all of theese benefits should be stripped away, I have to work too and lots of other things and yet, I was in V mode for 2 days only for the whole year. I have a problem with players going V mode when I colonise next door and deploy my fleet, so my deut is spent, my planning thrown away, and Im thinking what the heck do I need this game, Its real time strategy game not Age of Empires, no PAUSE, …

  • even better, lets make bots that play this game, so we dont have to play it...?!

  • Auction suggestion

    tarikmeister - - Suggestions


    I win most of the auctions, and I dont mind it... Most players dont want to wait for the auction to end, well, their choice, why would you like to limit someone like me then? Because someone else is lazy?

  • Bring back the power of moons

    tarikmeister - - Suggestions


    moon to moon deploy and enjoy, someone has to fall down, every idiot isnt meant to be no1, this isnt win win game for kids, this one is pre-call of duty game, you have to be sharp, basic math and alarm clock, and moon to moon fs is even md proof, because you can recall, you can arrange acs defend, what do you want now, to make this game happy, everyone has big fleet, noone goes down and everyones happy? If you cant stand loosing, go play super mario or assassins creed, or gta

  • Bring back the power of moons

    tarikmeister - - Suggestions


    So, moons need to be harder to destroy? Yea right, so I need to wait 2-3 more years to be profitable to destroy moon? Im playing Eridanius on .us, and I dont know about any destroyed moons so far, except mine, I can easily abandon planet with moon because its so easy and cheap to obtain it. Get real people, if there is no reward for just destroying the moon, whats the point of destroying it, I have to destroy 10 moons in order to get 500 M fleet, people just use jump gate to move their fleet, so…

  • it would be more realistic if hot planet gives more crystal

  • V mode

    tarikmeister - - Archive - Suggestions


    i have went once in v mode only and thats it, or as the other suggest as you hit v mode, your planets become alien planets just for farming, but the player remains unaffected, but that could make some serious pushing

  • V mode

    tarikmeister - - Archive - Suggestions


    I think it would be very usefull if, lets say, maximum duration of V-mode would be set to last 7 or 10 days, so you cant permanently V-mode, its play or become a farm

  • come on people this would be very usefull in dead unis

  • exactly my point, why does debris from death star and moon vanish after destruction, at least it could then be pulled to the planet thus destroying life and all the buildings on the planet

  • I think it would be much more fun to destroy a moon if there was a huge debris afterwards, this way, its much cheaper just to leave it be and hit someone less skilled who forgets to fs and immediately goes v and quits. Debris should be as large as initialy was when moon was made, plus death star debris plus buildings debris. Just think about it, it would make the game way more interesting, and logical also, how come you can destroy a moon and nothing is left behind?