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Search results 1-18 of 18.

  • Good idea. I'm for it

  • New ship and tecnology

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    You should develop the different ideas you propose. Costs? Caracteristic? etc...

  • Deuterium sensor

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    I changed the production which was mistyped. The production in deuterium is 13 not 13/hour.

  • ¿Que significa EINAV?

    Sinnfei - - ES AR MX - Spanish


    I also thought A was for Alliance, but if you click on A, people who haven't a alliance are also selected, so I think A is for Active. Sorry to answer in English but I don't speak Spanish You're welcome, if it helps you Regards

  • ¿Que significa EINAV?

    Sinnfei - - ES AR MX - Spanish


    E por Empty V por Vacaciones I por Inactive A por amigos? (not sure for this one) N for Noob A for Active I think

  • A thing GF could do to revitalize OGame, is to add new features: for instance new ships, new defenses, new buildings to add some more strategy.

  • Honor points

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Personaly, i'm working on an idea to use the honor points in the game .

  • Deuterium sensor

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi everyone, I've tried the combat ships, now I try a civilian ship loool New spacecraft: Deuterium sensor The Universe contains, in many places, deuterium in its free state. The deuterium sensor allows this deuterium to be collected in space, and transferred to the surface. In practice, it is a small probe sent into space, orbiting the planet, in the manner of a solar satellite. In addition, like the solar satellite, it can be destroyed. However, unlike the solar satellite that produces more or…

  • Honor points

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Quote from AvengerOne: “Quote from KeVLaR: “The ability to spend honor points. I have hundreds of thousands in some unis, and millions in others. I have no practical use for it except for import/ auctioneer. When I have millions and im only spending 1k a day, its not very practical. So why not have the ability to spend honor points on things? boosters, merchant, res, half timing, relocations. Really anything as it does not have a good use now. ” This may sound really good but it has a dangerous …

  • Hi everyone, Here is an idea for a new vessel: The Behemoth Military scientists, over the years have discovered new applications for their technology. Their need to always outperform their opponents has allowed them to create one of the flagship of their fleets, a new heavy ship, very effective against enemy heavy fleets, the behemoth. This vessel specializes in hunting heavy vessels. This idea of a ship came to me because of the battlecruiser, a ship that I appreciate very much. The tracker is …

  • Graviton cannon

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi everyone, I propose a new defense which is based on the evolutions in the knowledge of the technology graviton. This defense would increase the arsenal of the defensive minor and perhaps push players to develop new combat strategies. This defense is the gravitons. The idea came to me thinking of Nicolas Tesla, who (hypothetically) created destructive cannons. The graviton cannon is a particular form of particle cannon. Thanks to advances in scientific and military knowledge, researchers have …

  • Dyson Shroud

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    I really love this idea. A very innovative idea.

  • Alliance HQ

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi there, Here I'm again looool. An alliance allows to regroup different players in order to get help, protection, etc. But besides that, concretely in the game, there is not really any effect. Also, after a while, there may be many inactive people who leave the game for a variety of reasons. Finally, what differentiates a military alliance from a market alliance, in its real effects on gambling? Starting from this reflection, I imagined a building that could be created only by the founder of th…

  • Graviton, higher levels

    Sinnfei - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi everyone, Here is another idea for the higher levels of graviton Graviton is the particle of gravitation. On our moon, the gravity is six times lower than our planet, which causes worries of displacement, equilibrium, etc ..... Knowing that the higher the gravity, the more the bodies will be under pressure, and more they may deform under the effect of the said gravity (imagine for a moment that one finds oneself under a gravity two times greater than that of our planet, imagine the damage). T…

  • I must admit I've thought about the fact of increasing only the level of graviton, but, i thought it could have been too expensive for levels above 2nd. That's the reason why I had the idea of a new research. Maybe later the could be another use for this new research. That's also another reason to post the suggestion, to discuss about use of other levels of graviton. Also, I also have other idea for the use of higher level of graviton

  • Well hello to everyone, Looking at the technologies and their description I thought of a possibility of using the graviton at the highest level. According to OGame's PR, here is the definition of Graviton: "A graviton is a particle that has neither mass nor charge. It determines the gravitational force. By propelling a concentrated quantity of gravitons, it is possible to create an artificial field of gravitation, functioning like a black hole. This field attracts all surrounding objects with a …

  • Hi everybody, At present, only two types of missiles are found in Ogame, the Mip and the Intercept Missiles, having the following characteristics: Interception Missile: Silo of Missiles 2 Interplanetary Missile: Silo of Missiles 4 However, once Level 4 is reached, except to increase the number of missiles, there is no further improvement for the Silo. I propose to add new types of missiles in order to make the game more interesting and to help diversify the strategies: EMP Missile Resources • Me…

  • Hello everyone, First of all thank you for taking the time to read my proposal, as long as I do not know if you will find it interesting or useful. Wings management Sometimes alliances, due to too many members decide to create one or more wings (or orders) to distribute the members, depending on their experience, points, type of game .... However, the creation of a wing involves, in my opinion, drawbacks: - One of the members in whom the founder has confidence must create the wing; - If the foun…