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  • Jumpgate Recharge Time

    Grimm - - General


    Sorry for bringing up this again, but... What's the exact formula to use to calculate how much times is reduced per level of Jump Gate?

  • Would also ask for someone to rectify this yes.

  • Quote from RiV-: “30% less Recs to send (with Hyperspacetech 15 and 2% bonus) doesn't change anything. ” I've said it before. The main problem with recys is their deut consumption. It's the only thing that needs some nerfing. Instead of initial 300 on the first Engine mode, make it 200 or 150. That's all the change it needs. By the end of the Upgrades, it would have 600 or 450 deut consumption, which I consider still an unreasonable amount for a measly recycler to consume even at such speeds but…

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Quote from scorer: “…ostID=3736687#post3736687 there, use some translator on the posted links by me. And see the problem, if that is too hard, feel free to inform me ” This was what I got from the translator: The proposal was accepted at that time;)And that it is necessary, you can see at every major KB - not even Welti, who actually spoke openly against booster jumpi and co - could fly his biggest without. And that was a 50% uni.plain absurd opSuch a nonsense, and …

  • Link laser technology to research time

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Finally we won't have to wait 2 years for that Astro level? Oh wait, but then how would GF profit from this? Halve-Completion are 216.000 DM... That's a huge income. While I do like and approve the idea, GF won't. Good luck getting this approved.

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Wait a second? Why are people actually complaining? Like, why are you even mad? This change is good and most importantly, it's BALANCED. 2% PER LEVEL ON ALL SHIPS. For more advanced Universes, reaching level 15 Hyperspace is a walk in the park. Take for example Small and Large Cargos, oh, and since it's for all ships, let's take into account Deathstars as well. Small Cargo: 5.000 ---> 2% per level is 100 more units Large Cargo: 25.000 ---> 2% per level is 500 more units Deathstar: 1.000.000 --->…

  • Quote from TGWo: “Or is only an improve for you because you can in less time the same thing ? ” Ermm, smartass, this improves for EVERYONE????

  • Quote from Charlie: “Quote from jerome020040: “for that people with just use dm the already do it and 'll keep on it ” clicking takes time. And lets do the best scenario 9999 xx ships every 2 seconds Now let’s say I can do LF in milliseconds... that when things get worse. Do not think I do not like your idea, I do like it. But seeing your idea together with the others as removing the 9999 ships amounts per block make noise in my head ” The necessary level for a Nanite factory, coupled with a ave…

  • Change of Vacation mode

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Disadvantages of being in vmode: -No Mine production. -Ongoing buildings, researches, ships and defenses are frozen. -Cannot attack anyone during v-mode. Advantages: -Cannot be attacked by anyone. I think, no, I say it with absolute certainty, vmode is fine as it is... It's fine to be a vmode warrior. If you get attacked by a vmode warrior, chances are, you could've been attacked by any online player all the same. Maybe you want to retaliate to a vmode warrior because he attacked you? Well, try …

  • Yet another improve Ion Cannon

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Exactly. The only change it needs is the cost. This is supposed to be a mid/low-tier defense unit. A shield of 500 is already one of the best in the game. What more do you want? But yes, since it's supposed to "mirror" the HL, it shouldn't cost so much crystal. 5k or even 4k would be ideal or make it less crystal and a bit more metal but still costing more crystal.

  • large cargo ships engine

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Small cargo would become obsolete... Sooo... nah. Let it be as it is. We already got a nice update for the Recyclers.

  • Highscore Point System.

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    One thing that has been bothering me and apparently a lot of other players, majority to be honest. Let's get this straight: Economy points should be Mines... And mines alone. Adding Plasma Technology to be both Economy and Research isn't a bad idea and fits as well since Plasma Technology also increases resource production. Economy is supposed to be what you produce. Why in the bloody hell is Defense considered Economy? But yet... Outside of the game, you have a thing like mmporg where you can a…

  • Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    +Bump. Obviously we can't let this die now can we? And of course, I also think the idea is excellent. Although the numbers could be a bit down. 20% every two levels seems like a lot. Regardless, the idea itself is great, GF can decide which numbers to use. But for the love of us, just implement this to the game already. It's been pretty much 2 years now since this got accepted.

  • Another bomber suggestion

    Grimm - - Suggestions


    Quote from Midnight Rider: “ Given that, my suggestions are (any of them being taken would be good): * Change the fuel consumption to be about the same of the battlecruiser. The bomber being slow makes it balanced. It being slow, having about the same mineral cost and having higher upkeep makes it a doubtful addition to the fleet; * Give it rapidfire against gauss cannons, of either 2 or 5. Gameforge could progressively give it more rapidfire until it reaches five, so as to not give much of an i…

  • Quote from TGWo: “Quote from Grimm: “I think it would be less complicated to implement it this way and easier for the players to farm ” LOLDon't you think that you want a game a little too much easy ? First you want to remove at all inactive the v-mode, then you want also to remove defence ............. ” I said that defence could be in the planet. I gave 2 choices, not one, can't you read? I simply stated which option I personally prefer. Or do you prefer to have thousands of planet slots with …

  • Quote from TGWo: “Quote from Grimm: “But do you, GameForge, want players to be happy or are you only profit driven? This is an option that greatly helps all players but most importantly, those who just want to enjoy the game and can't afford to waste money on it. ” in what situation this update will be better for your game ?In my opinion the only situation in that i see useful is under attack ............. and of course in that case i don't like (how i don't like the effect using MO) ” Everythin…

  • I stated this before in a thread: Make Inactive(over 30 days) vmodders turn their planets into raiding planets with their original facility levels with either no defense or with their original defense made by the player itself. If it's with the later, make it so that after the player becomes active again, he still retains his original defense, but to be frank, it would be much wiser to make it so that it doesn't have defenses, I think it would be less complicated to implement it this way and eas…

  • Quite simple and quite logical. This is a research that literally does nothing for you after level 8, it's only to complete a tech-tree to build something and has no effects, this gives it a proper use. It shouldn't be something ridiculous, it should be like the Plasma Tech. For example, 1 or at most 2% decrease of the unit's consumption value per level until it reaches 1 deut consumption.

  • NOPE. For an obvious reason. DM abuse Ninjas. There you go, all happy to crash someone or get a huge ress farm and suddenly you are ninja'd by 99.999 of whatever unit to make your hit either unprofitable or even lose your entire fleet. Being able to insta build units is already stupid as it makes the game pretty much more pay to win heavy, being able to insta build 10x more of those units... No, just no. What Tirnoch posted sounds much more sensible.

  • Pretty straightforward... It's really, really dumb to have, at a certain point, high-tier defense or ships take the same time (1sec) as the low-tier battle units. Instead of having the Nanite factory caping at 1 sec per unit why not make it do 2 units in 1 second after the Nanite gets upgraded further? Next level, 4 units in 1 second, next, 8 units in 1 second, and so on. Of course, this would mean that a few players would no longer use DM, or at the very least use it less often, to insta build …