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  • In-game battle simulator

    Parsec - - Suggestions


    Quote from stellar pegasus: “ add-ons are only possible with special browsers on a mobile phone. I've tried those add-ons on my phone and it slows everything down and makes it frustrating to play. ” just use firefox on your phone. I have never had any issues with it being slowed down by add-ons. Back to the core issue. I don't think it would be good for the game if GF developed their own simulator. There are enough in-game bugs for them to deal with and @Warsaalk the developer of trashsim does a…

  • Chat issues (countless of them)

    Parsec - - Bug Reporting


    The best fix for these issues is to deactivate the chat bar and use discord to communicate instead

  • Warsaalk strikes again! No more playing hide of seek to find that 1 sim out of the million tabs that's open! Well done mate.

  • Extend In-game notification system

    Parsec - - Suggestions


    Currently we get notifications ingame for events but wouldn't it be cool if that feature was extended to include news on game updates, attack bans and such? Not all players check the board every day and since those things are often announced within short time of implantation, it seems logical to take advantage of that system and extend it to include the fore mentioned things. If you like the idea or dislike it, then please take a moment to visit my stomt and show your opinion

  • Quote from Valent: “you can always use the stomt link ingame to post and comment this suggestion. ” As i was writing it. an old stompt popped up... apparently i was the author You can also read @piink 's reply there. although it seems my memory mixed my proposal together with her response Sorry for that one. If someone has a better way of phrasing it, then please suggest it, before i/we start sharing this link

  • I recall seeing someone from GF talking about a very similar suggestion to this around the same time as the lobby was first introduced, branded mainly as a possible solution to the long "perm vmode" issue. ie. By moving the dm to the lobby accounts, it would allow them to delete game accounts with dm that hadn't logged in for 35 days. I am not sure why they haven't moved forward with it as I see it as a big win-win. We'll have more control over our dm and a fix for the overcrowded old universes.…

  • uhm the new sim speed is so awesome! great job warsaalk!

  • Add HST to API in Fleet1 page

    Parsec - - Suggestions


    Any news on the possibility of adding this?

  • Add HST to API in Fleet1 page

    Parsec - - Suggestions


    Add Hyperspace Technology level to the API generated from the Fleet1 page.

  • Quote from renzuki: “Your ships aren't showing up. I assume you are aware and working this out. Would have been nice to be fixed and tested before going live though...... Thought I hit submit, obviously didn't. But was returning to say if you hit crtl+ f5 to clear the cache, ships now show up. So found the solution apparently before I even posted. Sharing for others who might have the same issue. ” During "all of this" another version of trashsim was available and from the looks of it then he fi…