Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 74.

  • Problems with the OGame Version 6.2.2

    Skynet - - Skynet


    The new Version 4.1.5 fixes this issue. It's already available for Chrome and Opera users. Firefox users will have to wait a bit until the Mozilla Team has reviewed the new version.

  • Skynet can't read spy reports

    Skynet - - Skynet


    Yes. This problem happens if AGO is also used and AGO changes the galaxy view. I wrote a guide for Raidar at the German board. 1. Skynet must know the galaxy view. Only there it can find the IDs of planets and players that are needed to store the data from the espionage reports later 2. Navigate through the galaxy view an send espionage probes 3. If you use another addon, that changes the galaxy view, it can happen, that Skynet does not understand the galaxy any more. It will then delete the gat…

  • Can't sign in on Ogame on Chrome

    Skynet - - Skynet


    This was a bug in this Skynet release. Please update (should work automatically) After Update the login page works... I'm really sorry...

  • Skynet 4.1.3

    Skynet - - Skynet


    The new version 4.1.3 is available now. As always, all users should get this automatically. Firefox users eventually have to wait a day longer until the review and signing were performed. Improvements and changes from user feedback - Update translations - Improvements to Event List detection - Fix data lose if combat reports are opened in a new tab - Improve CSS handling - Improve message deletion from Raidar

  • Skynet 4.1.2

    Skynet - - Skynet


    I finished a new Version The most important changes: - Turkish Translation - TrashSim Button - Full HTTPS Support (there has been a little weakness) - Emphasis in case of missing or outdated information Details can be found in the Skynet Dialogue on the third tab History. The Chrome version is already available. The Firefox version is still under consideration.

  • fleet resources not present

    Skynet - - Skynet


    The screenshot shows the events at the top. Are these events automatically shown on load or only on click? You habe to set in the ogame settings, that it's always show. I suggest below the content.

  • Solar Satellites errors

    Skynet - - Skynet


    I added comments. Additional Information is needed

  • Solar Satellites errors

    Skynet - - Skynet


    There was an error, that is already fixed and part of the version 4.1.2…calculation-energy-needed This was only, that it was not calculating. If it is calculating, it calculates correctly if it knows all techs. Can you please create a Ticket and describe the wrong calculation there? May be you can also attach a screen shot. Thank you

  • Skynet 4.1.1

    Skynet - - Skynet


    I have today placed the update to 4.1.1 for Chrome online. Unfortunately, the Firefox version needs a little more time. There is still a problem. - Update for Swedish translation - Fix bug during player storage from galaxy view - Change report handling to solve problems if Skynet had not seen the galaxy view - Hungarian translation - Portuguese translation - Add abbreviated number format in summary - Fix Raidar attack to moons - Fix Raidar detect fleet and defense - Fix Skynet lost techs and bui…

  • Hello, I like to clarify some functionality, that users often ask for. My question is meant for tools that run in a browser and support users during the game and not for external server solutions. In the current Version of my addon Skynet, the current visible espionage reports will be analysed and shown in a sorted table with additional details. Now the users ask for automatism. Currently: If user opens page=messages, the short espionage reports are analysed and shown. If the user selected to sh…

  • Add few more cargos to farm

    Skynet - - Skynet


    How do you know, that you haven't enough Cargos for the loot? Skynet calculates the flight time and the most likely production and uses the right amount of transporters. As a result the amount should be enough. Only if the production is different, then it will not match.

  • Installing Skynet on Mozilla Mobile

    Skynet - - Skynet


    Yes I understand, and this is not a Bug, it's a missing Feature. Skynet is not compatible to Mobil Firefox at the moment. There are plans, but the priority for that is lower then the priority for other features.

  • Any comments on this from the OGame developers?

  • Quote from vulca: “For numbers I think develatron spoke about adding the complete number somere in attribut of the balise. like : 1M” That would be helpful for parsing. A tool may also show abbreviated large numbers. To make the look and feel consistent with OGame, it would be helpful if the tool exactly knows about the abbreviations that OGame developers choose for this country. Yes I know, after some time and feedback from all the countries, I'll have a more or less complete list of abbreviati…

  • It would be very helpful to have the information what is used on server side when replacing 1.000.000 or Sometime it's M sometime Mio, Bn or B only... Please add this info to the serverData.xml or localization.xml And please also add the timezoneoffset in the serverData.xml <timezone>America/New_York</timezone> is something that you can't use in JavaScript. <timezoneoffset>+300</timezoneoffset> is something that one can use...

  • Raidar - Docent show correct loot

    Skynet - - Skynet

    Post…at-for-danish-and-swedish Still don't know Danish

  • problem with raidar

    Skynet - - Skynet


  • Raidar - Docent show correct loot

    Skynet - - Skynet


    That is clear. I have no Info so far, which different replacements Ogame shows in different countries. So now I know that 1.000.000 in Denmark is Mio right? You already know what will be? Interested in also translating Skynet into Dansk?

  • Currently the Skynet Addon is a little bit complex and non deterministic at this point. Only if it has seen the planets and players in the galaxy view, it can work best with a spy report. Spy reports currently do not contain planet id nor player id. To assign the planet and player correctly it search the planet by position and the player by name. Names may change and planets can move or be replaced when a user leaves a universe completely. It would be nice to have ids in the short and detailed r…

  • problem with raidar

    Skynet - - Skynet


    Now I understand... You want to see - if there fleet or defense is unknown, because 0 is misleading... I'll fix this as soon as possible. Many thanks.