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Search results 1-20 of 133.

  • Ok the suggestion is as follow's to add a enemy cargo scanner that only shows the total resources an enemy fleet can carry. with less than or equal esp. tech if your esp. tech is higher than the scanned player it will show you the total amount of resources on board but not what type of resources they are. the first part is easy since all ship types have a basic starting point for resource holds. the second part can be calculated buy the out gassing from the engines since the phalanx measures gas…

  • This could be part of the empire view. Or A commander feature.

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    True on that last quote Guritchi and since the out gasing can be measured as an anomalous gas buy the phalanx can determine the weight or amount of over all thrust being used to calculate the over all mass of the craft. true with hst expanding cargo space this could be the hot topic part of it. how ever the over all mass of the ship will increase since hst only increase space and does not decrease the total mass of a ship.

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “Quote from Blackmass: “The Idea is simple activate the enemy cargo scanner so when lanxing an enemy fleet we can see the goodies inside. to be able to make sure if the target is a profitable hit or not ” absuletely NO.You have to study your target if you want to be sure to know if there are resources inside cargo or how many. Not that you want to do with 0 heavy. So this is n-th time I read a proposal to work less, to avoid having to use my head. Why I never see proposals to ma…

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    The first part can easly be adjusted to work with esp tech. @StackOverflow so who ever esp tech is higher can see an enemies cargo. and I will clear that up the lanx would see this 200sc. 200lc 50crsrs 45 bs 1rip current resources 3kk Note no specifics are given as to what resources are on board just the amount based of the mass of the ship(s) compared buy empty scans of cargos and various other ship types from the lanx data base. Thank you @Guritchi We can Really use a API key icon in the lanx …

  • Enemy fleet cargo scanner.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    The Idea is simple activate the enemy cargo scanner so when lanxing an enemy fleet we can see the goodies inside. to be able to make sure if the target is a profitable hit or not as well as add an api key to the lanx tab when it's open. (((( you would still need to probe the targets planet for techs.

  • I think it is a positive how ever I see a massive draw back too. and long term financial flaw in thinking here. one yes great for rebuilds. two. bad players with money buy up large amounts of fleet. then have to buy even larger amounts of DM to buy deut with to fly them. then V-mode while saving up DM to get more deut for what trades and mines don't provide. Three. payed for v-mode comes next. four players quit. and only money players stay and 85% of skilled players leave and then a rehash of ne…

  • To elaborate lets say i have an account with 250kk points on it. in. Rigel. that is in v-mode and been so for some time. but I am consistantly active in Urial we're my acc. is 46kk in points. and I choose to fuse Rigel's account over to the urial account. both names should be the same on both accounts. and a matching email. add. but I only get to chose 3 planets and moons from the rigel account to fuse to the urial account. all the mines and structures on the fusion planets and moons. from Rigel…

  • The idea is pretty simple. where players have several accounts. in other universes they can select one fusion account and one target account if the target account for example is 5 times smaller than the fusion account they get to keep 3 levels of all research and 3 planets and moons of their choice for the planets and moons (HOW EVER they cannot keep any fleet from the fusion account.) that will be fused to the lesser account. and any paid DM on the fused account is forfite to aid in the fusion …

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “I think it is really more hard to crash a defense with SI 15.000.000 , instead if have 15000 . So for me it is not true that nothing change ........... I didn't want to be in error (i play as miner), but i don't think 1 rip will be able to crash it ” I nerfed the cost some so the S.I. is actually 10kk so 3 or 4 rips with research bonuses would beat them down or one can just nuke them.

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    the same could be said for gauss cannons or ion cannons as well. when compared to R.L. or even P.T's since P.T's have 50 times the si of a rl this has 5000 the S.I. of a R.L. I underStand S.I. just fine as well thank you though I appreciate the constructive tear down Riv.

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from RiV-: “Quote from Blackamss: “The idea is simple Rip's allow M.D.s this is an equal and balancing aspect research and defense that makes some techs applicable after a certain level. ” How? What's the difference between nuking a regular defense on a moon and nuking this lunar defense platform? ” Well since they have such a hi S.I. compared to other defenses. it takes a few more nukes to bring one down that said also an obsolete anti md platform such as anti-ballistic missles are have n…

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from RiV-: “Whats the point of this? ” The idea is simple Rip's allow M.D.s this is an equal and balancing aspect research and defense that makes some techs applicable after a certain level. as well as giving players one more option to defend against MD missions to their moons. since rips can be used for that an equal deturant aside from P.T's should be viable for the game. as well. and with no structure rebuild unless a player has enginer then they get the 10% rebuild factor so it also se…

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from stellar pegasus: “I like this too but i think its too strong. Needs to start out weaker, less S.I and damage, then gets stronger with upgrades/research. ” I was thinking about that too So I made the following change's Cost : 5,000,000 metal 5,000,000 Crystal 2,000,000 deuterium. S.I. 10,000,000 Attack strength 20,000 shields 500 requirements : energy tech 10 , Laser tech: 14 ,Ion tech 12 :Plasma tech 10 : Shipyard 14 , Nanite 4 : space dock 4 . + moon and a new research for orbital de…

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    Quote from TGWo: “it give to me idea that become impossible moon crash. And that will be impossible to do a crash in gain (over moon) don't using rip ” Moon destruction's would still be possible. the defense would just have to be nuked away since moon destruction is a game tactic and feature an equal counter measure other than mass fleets should be possible as well. and since after x amount of researches they become to costly and only x amount will be at a moon. as well as only 4 can be built pe…

  • Lunar defense plat form.

    Blackmass - - Suggestions


    I know been suggested before said and done but just give it a chance or at least read it through Lunar defense platform Cost : 9,000,000 metal 6,000,000 Crystal 2,000,000 deuterium. S.I. 15,000,000 Attack strength 50,000 shields 1,200 requirements : energy tech 10 , Laser tech: 14 ,Ion tech 12 :Plasma tech 10 : Shipyard 14 , Nanite 4 : space dock 4 . + moon and a new research for orbital defense. for every two levels of orbital defense 4 lunar defense units can be built. Also they can be targete…

  • Ok My suggestion is like with an I.P.M. a recycler shows up as a fleet movement but uses no fleet slots. since their basic role is to go there and back kind of like an ipm just being meant to go there. this could free up fleet slots for raiding transporting for trades and mine builds. or make it so you can acs recycler's together with your friends and ally m8's to pick up larger db fields ?

  • Ok so here is a more reasonable change I hope was replying to another user. C+P my reply True this is about auctions and the reason for the set time of the auctions is some where in the faqs and guides some where been awhile since I looked it up basicly its a cool down period if i remember correctly. Now as a player I think a fair compromise would be. auction runs for 3 hours while selling an item every 10 to 15 minutes with a 5 minute cool down period in between items after 3 hours the auction …

  • I have been looking forward to this as well and have been adding a few new levels of hyper tech . to get ready. I hope we can get an update soon on the situation with this addition to the game dynamics. please .

  • Simply put remove the auction as it is then open it up so players can post items they have extras of to sell to other players but place limits based off the import export items or daily item so players wont over charge for an item so basicly let them charge from 0 to the average daily item cost for an item and no more than that based on the item. and they can list item Gold nutron for sale prefer crystal and have some tags they can add that simply reads as In game trade offer buying metal/crysta…