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  • yep, I'm afraid Panda Rosso is right. What we need is research tech to allow the solar plant to be more effective.

  • Thanks for your comment TGWo. Let's pick as example Universe 1, it started in Sep 2004. I would expect the oldest player to have around the same age so we are talking about 2018-2004 = 14 years. If we apply the time rule above 6 months + 1*12*14 = 6months (or 26 weeks) + 168 weeks = 194 weeks = 3.7 years of protection... that's a lot of time by anyone's clock! Don't get me wrong, leaving them outside of the rule can be an option as well as probably just the ones that went from the merge would be…

  • @Silverwind @TGWo Thank you for your comments showing the different issues around this situation, it shows me that although in vacations mode, these players still have great influence in the game in more than one way. As mentioned earlier, I don't agree with that... if you have an office job and go one month for holidays when you return you will still have your job, same desk, same chair... now try to get a 2 years holiday or license, unless you are the owner you will be fired on the spot. On Og…

  • @Silverwind, thank you for your inputs. Well, 6 months was only a number I was putting in (this is only a sketch), because let's face there are too many people not playing the game that are permanently on v-mode and will never return. Some people suggest the v-mode accounts should be just deleted after a certain period of time, I don't agree with that and I stated it on my first post. However I do recognize this is an issue to the people that do want to be active and play the game. I wasn't real…

  • that's why I mentioned 6 months... my experience tells me that if you are away that much time then you are disconnected from the game anyway. Generally you won't come back but if so and you want to get the same positions than before, then use relocations. But you made a good point, why not a warning by email saying you have 24h to log in or you will lose that position? If he returns the 6 month clock is reset and he keeps the spot... if not, the swap goes forward.So if he ignores the warning, we…

  • Hi all, I saw a few threads asking for vacation players to be deleted in order to allow relocations to be done more easily. I don't fully agree with that but understand the frustration of having the spots I want permanently occupied by someone who isn't playing the game whatsoever. What I suggest is that for players that are in vacation mode for more that 6 months, their spots should be "unlocked" to swap. So if you want that spot, you can relocate to there and at same time the vacation player w…