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Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

Pinned Turkey Loca Team

0 2,236

Tutorial 20: Fan projects / Fan Projeleri

4 1,819


Tutorial 19: Rules and Problems / Kurallar ve Sorunlar

1 1,993


Tutorial 18: Account settings / Hesap Ayarları

1 2,423


Tutorial 17: Premium features / Premium Özellikler

1 1,528


Tutorial 16: Alliance and Community / İttifak ve Topluluk

1 823


Tutorial 15: Moon / AY

1 21,572


Tutorial 14 Noob Protection / Noob Koruması

0 1,742

Tutorial 13: Colonisation / Kolonizasyon

0 2,711

Tutorial 12: Expeditions / Keşifler

0 2,003

Tutorial 11: Interplanetary Missiles / Gezegenlerarası Roketler

0 2,845

Tutorial 10: ACS / ISS

0 2,829

Tutorial 09: Raids / Saldırılar

0 1,618

Tutorial 08: Espionage / Casusluk

0 2,937

Tutorial 07: Trade / Ticaret

0 1,632

Tutorial 06: Saving / Korunma

0 2,179

Tutorial 05: Ships / Gemiler

0 2,025

Tutorial 04: Research / Araştırma

0 1,990

Tutorial 03: Defense / Savunma

0 1,774

Tutorial 02: Buildings / Binalar

0 3,503