Bring back the power of moons

    • Maybe
    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • First of all, im not English native, so my english can hurt you sometimes, i will try avoid that :D


      I understand your point of view, but, i think you are just forgetting this is an STRATEGIC GAME.

      In this strategic game (one of thousands, so if you cant play this game you will have many more to try) you start an account and basicly you have to choose between being a fleeter or miner, or something between BOTH (if you are playing this for first time, and had not played anything like this you just dont know what to do lol).

      If you choose to be a miner, you dont need to spent much time on your account, just manage your resources, you can farm some inactivate players and spent your resources on INDESTRUCTIBLE POINTS, so here you have an advantage on fleeters, BUT YOU HAVE DISAVANTAGES TOO, fleeters want your resorces and you cant defend by yourself, you can just try to avoid that, if you fail, you will lost your precious resources that your INDESTRUCTIBLE mines produce.

      As a fleeter you can choose between to be what you call an "top fleeters" or "mainstream fleeters", "mainstream fleeters" has an balanced account, they have OK economy and OK fleet, so his crashs is an aditive to his growing, if they dont have time to find something to recycle, his economy will hold his account for some time. (there are some "mainstream fleeters" or miners with some fleet just to say: "I have fleet Buddy :D" and dont realy take part of it, so i ask: what is the problem if they lose it? roft

      "top fleeters" are the big bad guys, usually veterans, they know everything what has to be known about this game, they have time to spent, they will chase you, they are successfull most of times, they have the biggest fleets of the universe, they can solo almost everyone, everybody fear them, BUT, THEY DEPEND OF HIS CRASHS TO KEEP RAISING HIS ACCOUNTS, HIS ECONOMY IS LOW SO THEY NEED BLOOD!
      You seem to be worried about them to lose his fleets and cant rebuild anymore, but you can believe they are not, they are more worried about how to grab you, they know when something will happen to them, they can vmode because his economy doesnt really matters for his evolving(but they vmode most of times because of the cost of his fleetsave), they know how to FS, they ALMOST(very important part) never mistake, but this can happen and they can lose his fleets, because this is what this game is.

      MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: this change on moons will help fleeters, but will struggle his playstyle a lot more because it will reduce a lot his possible profit, SO, if an fleeter cant profit he just dont play because has no reason for losing time on the game.

      Game already strongly favors miners, but i guess you are not satisfied yet.
      There are ways to fleetsave safely(not 100%, this is an game, game has risks otherwise you should find another name to it) from MD, i play on 5x universe, im 7 in Military points, 1st and 2nd Military classified can easily solo me, i already lost my fleetsave moons 2 or 3 times with my fleet there and i still has my fleet, and i do sleep 7/8 hours per day.

      Yes you can have a good alliance with good fleet presence on your universe and that can help you when you need it, and the other guy doesnt have it, but if you have good friends its because you did something for it and the other guy does not...

      I can compare OGame with an Jungle, on the jungle the strongers dominate, and the weak, the less smarter and the lazy fall down. JUNGLE RULES = OGAME RULES

      When an noob loses his fleet i say; Learn with it boy! if he doesnt want to learn and quite game is just because OGame doesnt need him.
      When an good player lose his fleet and quite game, he just has made his decision...

      GF seem worried about to arrest people to OGame and grab many more, but it will never happen because gaming just evolved strongly last years, OGame was the king of strategy game in the past, nowadays he clearly is not and and will never return to the throne because his DNA makes it impossible.
      There are so many games nowadays, now people seem less addicted to strategy games to, so many options...

      Nowadays 80/90% OGame players are the old lovers of it, So the only thing i hope is that GF dont deface OGame too much because if it happen im shore OGame will die definitely.
    • How about a very simple change.
      If moon destruction mission is started the minimum time gets adjusted to 3/4 hours. No matter if you are sitting in the same system and usually would need around 1.5 hours (3x)
      This would allow the fleeter to sleep kinda save while not killing all the possibilities.
      My experience on 3x is that 4hrs is a great time, everything above tends to fail from time to time and I am basically never below 3hrs, so both parties should be fine.

      I am not sure why noone adressed
      my change which would solve the problem and not harm "normal" fleeters
      too much: Adjust the % according to the fleet size in the universe.

      I am kinda scared to play around the % because it feels like a bigger advantage for bigger fleeters again. But this would reduce the effect a bit.
    • The basic problem, I think, could be summed up in: OGame has much less players than it once had, with all the consequences that brings. Basically, almost any suggestion is in some way ultimately trying to bring back the activity and life to the game.

      That is due to many many many different variables, and of course, we don't know the key and even if there exists a key to “solve the problem”. There are other broader discussion here in Origin about that subject, with little activity, by the way. Those variables include changes in the game, changes towards dark matter expenditure, lack of advertising, the expansion of smartphones hence pivoting the time dedicated to gaming to a completely different level (so, different games gather more attention), etc. There are a lot, and it's interesting to discuss them.

      Here, with this thread, I was trying to touch only one of those variables, which I think I spotted, and to propose solutions to them. May be I just thought that something is a problem when it's not, and of course, may be no acceptable solution has arisen; both of them can be discussed within this thread. While the rest of the discussion is welcome, may be this thread is not the right place, since it would loose focus.

      So, here's what I thought.

      One of the aspects of the current speed universes is that there's poor activity, lots of inactives, and lot of semi-actives who play in v-mode. The universe get's a lot of attention at the beginning (well, if 3.000 players could be called “lots of attention”), but in less than a year the activity decreases a lot. At first I thought, well, this is something that's just a consequence of speed universes, that's what it is.

      But then I tried to get to the source of that problem, what's exactly about the high speeds that make universes die that fast? Obviously, it's not the fact that researches take less time to investigate (just to say an example). So I tried to leave those out, looking to something more concrete than “just high speed universes are this way”.

      Eventually, I arrived to something that satisfied me. There's an obvious difference between the power that moons held in the past to what they hold now. Of course, lots of other things have changed since then that definitely contribute to the problem, but this is one I thought was a key point. Hence my suggestion: bring power back to the moons. And also I thought of a possible solution for that: slow down just the moon destructions to something more decent (for instance, 2h50min instead of 1h20min in my example equation).

      And, I thought, the basic change this would make would be that a lot more people could fleetsave during the day (a much larger pool of people can connect every 2h30min rather than the current 1h20min time frame), to cancel the deployment over the night. That for one. And as a side effect, it would also discourage the absurd moon popping that sometimes we see in advanced universes, since, instead of 2h30min flight time (two ways in case you don't loose rips) it would become for instance 5h30min; which makes people plan a little bit more. Of course it would still be possible to pop moons, but at least it would be discouraged a little bit.

      So basically that was my initial post, and some suggestion to start the discussion. People suggested other things to bring the power back to the moons, like reducing % of moon destruction (which was not welcome in the form that was proposed), changing how the moon destruction works, etc. And I think that's what could be discussed: what do we think about the relation between lack of activity in the universe when big forces form (usually less than a year) and the lack of strength of moons, and if there's something we could to stabilize that with the least possible disturbance of the game.


      That's in general, and a big wall of text, sorry for that.


      Now just in particular, answering to RiV-.

      First of all, as you say, there's a problem for those who can only play after work and need to deploy during the night, needing to wake up every X time to check if there's some problem with their moons. I opened this thread without caring for them, for me those just cannot play safe (well, they can, but waking up every X time); I was only thinking of those who can deploy during the day and cancel before bed. But, as a matter of fact, in particular the solution of slowing down moon destructions a bit would help them, since they could wake less times during the night. I don't see a plausible solution (easy) that would solve their problem. So, at most, I can think now that we can hope for the best with a mixture of slowing moon destructions, and hoping that absurd moon poppings don't happen that often. It would be great to find a simple solution.

      And about your last questions, as I said before that I think they belong to a different discussion (much broader). But I could give an opinion (I'm not Gameforge, though). Although, at first, those questions seem quite crazy, and I don't see what's your point. To me, they have either a bit obvious “no” answers, or the possible answers would mean changing the whole game to a point where it's not ogame.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Minion ().

    • Okey, here's another suggestion: enable relocations only certain days, or limit the possibility of doubleclicking jumpgate in the first 24h after a new colonization (similar to the 24h cooldown after a relocation).

      Not honestly suggesting that, apart from the fact that it involves changing DM consumption which GameForge almost for sure won't implement, it's just to revive the thread.

      Any more ideas? Any answers from the developers? Any other proposed equations for moon destruction % or moon destruction flight time or whatever? C'mon, keep this alive :P
    • What if we make that an existing research & building to have an effect on moon resistance to attacks .

      For example : energy research (after a certain level) to provide the lunar base ( after a certain level ) with ow protection shield that can be extended to protect the entire moon.
      The more you enhance energy and lunar base, a -1 factor is added to moon destruction forumula
    • Valent wrote:

      For example : energy research (after a certain level) to provide the lunar base ( after a certain level ) with ow protection shield that can be extended to protect the entire moon.
      The more you enhance energy and lunar base, a -1 factor is added to moon destruction forumula
      The problem is that the increment has to be low. If not, the probability of destroying moon would be reduced considerably.

      About changing the speed of destroying a moon....
      If speed is changed I think the better way is to do it according to fleet universe speed.

      The problem with this, is that all faster universes played now, with this change are going to change a lot, and many players would be against that because is like a feature of it.

      In my opinion (if keeps going) is to implement this in future universes and not in all of them, older universes are with this feature as I said before. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Valent wrote:

      What if we make that an existing research & building to have an effect on moon resistance to attacks .

      For example : energy research (after a certain level) to provide the lunar base ( after a certain level ) with ow protection shield that can be extended to protect the entire moon.
      The more you enhance energy and lunar base, a -1 factor is added to moon destruction forumula
      Imho it's a good idea, and what if ,for not make moons indestructible, we increase the strong of the rips too? Maybe using the graviton technology?

      Off course the final result must not be too different from now.
    • @Valent @Lord Katrosh The problem with that is that... what does that solve?
      Yes, it does add more complexity to the game, but still, it's just something that will not change anything, some people will get some benefit, but on the other side if the enemy researches the correct technology we are again at the starting point.

      I think that the main thing we have to aim to do is raise the bare minimum of strength of the moon vs. rips (by strength I mean everything that have been discussed here, more time = more strength in my original post). After that, may be it could be interesting to add complexity to the moons–rips situation and something could be done in that line of making more technologies useful, but still, I think the main problem is the “starting point”.

      Personally, I think the moon vs. rips situation is acceptable (I mean the size / number of rips needed / % of destruction, etc. not really a big problem), and with the current problem of deuterium consumption of recyclers, or large fleets in general, or fleetsaving in general, I would try to give hyperspace, graviton research, etc. some usefulness in that direction.
    • This is a shitty idea. :)

      Its a wargame, if you cant deffend your fleet you dont deserve it.
      Team Idea with Meh in front, Smashed 7 of my moons, one night. But didnt get fleet because of my fs.
      They tried again 5 days later, 6 moons down. And again, they didnt get anything.

    • @Kaldor Could you detail a little bit what you had in mind with the “pulse” you suggested?

      I don't play any other game, so I don't know how the problem of “saving” is approached in other online games like OGame. At first I thought that making a safe sleep would be something unimaginable but now I'm not seeing it as horrible as I saw it before.

      You could expand how that would work to see if we can throw some ideas to the pot. Here's another, with that same intention: to add more ideas.

      Related, but not really equal at all to Kaldor's proposal. Imagine one could add a shield to protect a moon for a number of hours (say 8h), with a cooldown period of certain amount of hours (I'll talk about this in a moment). Too add some complexity, the shield is not deployed instantly, so for instance you activate it at 22:00, it takes two hours to activate (this times depends of the speed universe, the idea is that in this time someone can sneak a moon destruction), and then it lasts 8h. So your moon would be undestructible for 8h from 00:00 until 08:00.

      Something could be done with Graviton technology, which is a research that is never going to be above level 7 (and 99% of the OGame population would never have more than 4 probably). For instance, every Graviton level extends this protection to that number of moons that could simultaneously have that shield. During those hours the moon can't be destroyed.

      Now you do this independently for each moon, activate the shields at different hours, but simultaneously you would only be able to have 3 moons with the shield active if you had Graviton 3.

      This adds security for a moon, you sleep well, and everything is perfect.

      Now the cooldown period could be trickier if it was longer than 24h or 48h. This way you don't get players with unpoppable moons every night, and if they used many the day before they would have less moons available to enable the shield.

      This secures the fleet, and with enough strategy one could fly every night protected.

      Now, about having a humane fleetsave, the easiest would be to bring back the self-recycling possibility that existed before in x1. Now it's extinct because of higher fleetspeeds, and because of hyper 15 that almost everyone has. So may be add a new kind of slow mission that ensures 8h of two ways even in x5 fleetspeed universes?

      What do you think?
      Don't discuss the idea as a whole, please, it has many many variables, and we can discuss which are acceptable and which are not. For instance, if it's limited to one or two moons, one could give smaller cooldown periods to be acceptable. It could be completely unrelated to Graviton, and be a building built in moons, or even a mixture, that some research influenced one part and the building another of the secure period, the cooldown or the maximum simultaneous shields. Or the shield could reduce just the % of moon destruction and not make it unpoppable (although I think it should be 100% secure). And also we can discuss if should be visible after probing a moon (personally, if the cooldown is longer than 24 or 48h I don't think it should be visible, this gives enough room for the attackers to bring down the moon in the next two days, but if the cooldown is shorter like 20h then yes it could be visible).
      Don't fix your mind on the whole idea.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Minion ().

    • I recently stumbled on this thread and some of thoughts expressed here are in same line with mine for a quite some time. And I play this game for 13 years or so. Vmode playing is killing the game. So let's go step by step. x1 unis are not opening anymore for the slower gameplay and not very big interest. x2 unis are some balance from higher speeds to turtle x1 speed. So majority of players prefer x2 unis. Ok on x1 your moons are mostly safe couse of time needed to Md one moon let alone more. X2 with more ress and fleet available and with DM everything is on table. 3,5 hour flight from next solar system, considering you only need 8h sleep that's waking up 2 times in night, not very humane and not possible in long term. So your options are to fortify moons, again against opponent with DM available it is not a problem to ipm your defenses in 5 mins, so that one is out of window. next option is to sleep less, sending FS hour early of you loggin off and waking up in about 3,5 hrs to withdraw your fleets, and then waking again in 3,5 hours to be ready when fleet lands. that is a risky since you can oversleep and you are fucked. So next option is do send FS in later afternoon and withdraw it before you go to bed, so that makes your fleet unavailable out of 24hrs cca 16 hrs. if you work and have life at all,last most secure step is shitty idea. your fleet is useless when all the time is in fs. MY thoughts are MD's are fucking the game a lot unless you are part of monopoly, lets not forget merges were not just to all, in unis which are 1 or 2 year old came very old accs with huge fleets. Some of ppl here sugest playing in x1 unis while you started x2 unaware of future merges and what will come with it, should we all abandon our accs so that monopoly players can fiddle fingers in empty uni. Rebuilding moons constantly is pain in the ass and not very bright option for continuing playing. Example of gang rape which I personally witnessed was 6 ppl sending MDs on one person. 116 mds were sent on 13 moons. 12 fell.Unfortunately fleet didn't since we where short one fleeter to overcome acs defend. We where not part of monopoly but guess what all opposing fleets started v mode playing. 6,7 bil fleets have no chance of growing in environment of 50-100 bn fleets around. they can be easily mded since attackers have massive spare rips and even if half of rips fall you still get massive profit. so you get blue uni where miners and monopoly plays. All others are permenant blue or v mode playing. I wont even go in possiblites where your system is open insta gating and mding in 2hr on x2 speed. So either ban altogether mds or make it possible that some buliding/ tech protects at least 2 moons from MD. Another killer of game is FS deut costs which can be insane especially when you have hyper recy's which is must have in mid game, but that is matter of different topic. That issuse must also be addressed.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ErikFyr ().

    • Duke wrote:

      This is a shitty idea. :)

      Its a wargame, if you cant deffend your fleet you dont deserve it.
      Team Idea with Meh in front, Smashed 7 of my moons, one night. But didnt get fleet because of my fs.
      They tried again 5 days later, 6 moons down. And again, they didnt get anything.


      And if all the moon were down? I speak for me and for my country, in Italy there is a limit for bashing of twenty attacks for every planet/moon.

      Every top alleance can easily crash every moon, and almost all of this ally have one or more accounts only for mooncrash.

      The only requirement is that the defender sleeps at night, and this imho is not acceptable...
    • Lord Katrosh wrote:

      The only requirement is that the defender sleeps at night, and this imho is not acceptable...
      Is everyone here playing late game accounts?

      For me it seemed so far that most universes are kinda dried out till they reach the point of 5.000.000 Points #10.
      Moon destruction happens rarely before this point. And after you have the problem that you usually don't have enough people to destory 10/11/12 moons with a high efficity (time/amount of rips/distance)

      Let's assume 8500 sized moons:
      For 80% destroy chance you need 6x9 Rips - thats already over 540 Rips just at 10 Moons => losing 50% of these => the fleet you are attacking should be way above 3kk win.
      (and in this scenario 2 moons survive, because its just 80% destroy rate)

      Number of RipsWavesOverall Destroy RateOverall Rips at 11 Moons

      It's kinda easy to see that the current formula rewards teamplay and many waves.
      If you want to destroy 11 Moons you need around 800 Rips with 3 people per moon - assuming everyone has over 18 slots and is close you need as many people as the other person has moons + the number of rips on everyone + enough fleet after the ripping to kill the fleet behind + deuterium for statio => recall save + phalanx in general

      Thats pretty many factors that aren't present in late game most of the time (at least in my experience). All these people have to be ready at the same time, the defender has to be offline, no other defenders ready, he has to come online to late or don't have any friends.

      The costs and the amount of planning behind a full moon destruction is insane. The fleet you want to kill has to be a very good size already and there are still sooo many factors for it to go wrong. At bigger moons the numbers shift. 100% with one wave on 8944 is around 340 Rips. Maybe its worth switching all moons to max sized ones in the late game, I've never tried so far and didn't do the math.
    • My 2 cents

      the balance NEED to be restore to The Moon 175 MD just 2 rips for MD so the balance need to be restore to compensate the cost and the time of the constructions on the moon

      will be ez to link the number of rips to the advance in the uni

      these solution is in the game for the expeditions

      So will be just adjusted the function to implement in MD adding the number of rips needed

      Implementing the longer time for the MD can be put in place at the same Time fix to a minimum time because sleep deprivation is a torture no away to play
      Thx for the TIME and attention to my post
    • So, moons need to be harder to destroy? Yea right, so I need to wait 2-3 more years to be profitable to destroy moon?
      Im playing Eridanius on .us, and I dont know about any destroyed moons so far, except mine, I can easily abandon planet with moon because its so easy and cheap to obtain it.
      Get real people, if there is no reward for just destroying the moon, whats the point of destroying it, I have to destroy 10 moons in order to get 500 M fleet, people just use jump gate to move their fleet, so I have to look for those people who have just started playing and make them quit, top fleeters with many moons are not profitable to destroy a moon, I loose 10 RIPs for baby 6 k moon?
      With no debris left, I can just leave it alone and hope he doesnt fs next time
    • tarikmeister wrote:

      So, moons need to be harder to destroy? Yea right, so I need to wait 2-3 more years to be profitable to destroy moon?
      Im playing Eridanius on .us, and I dont know about any destroyed moons so far, except mine, I can easily abandon planet with moon because its so easy and cheap to obtain it.
      Get real people, if there is no reward for just destroying the moon, whats the point of destroying it, I have to destroy 10 moons in order to get 500 M fleet, people just use jump gate to move their fleet, so I have to look for those people who have just started playing and make them quit, top fleeters with many moons are not profitable to destroy a moon, I loose 10 RIPs for baby 6 k moon?
      With no debris left, I can just leave it alone and hope he doesnt fs next time


      The idea IS NOT make hard to destroy the moon

      THE IDEA IS RESTORE the balance of the moon in the new economy speed

      RESTORE the balance of the mission MD as intended

      The balance was offset in the X economy and or X speed fleet

      Restoring the balance will promote more ACTIVE no V mode Players will be just Restring the LOST balance and sleep time as was introduce in the game
      Thx for the TIME and attention to my post
    • moon to moon deploy and enjoy, someone has to fall down, every idiot isnt meant to be no1, this isnt win win game for kids, this one is pre-call of duty game, you have to be sharp, basic math and alarm clock, and moon to moon fs is even md proof, because you can recall, you can arrange acs defend, what do you want now, to make this game happy, everyone has big fleet, noone goes down and everyones happy?
      If you cant stand loosing, go play super mario or assassins creed, or gta