Colonization disaster

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    • Colonization disaster

      Hello :)

      Just wanted to ask if there is more players like me. Do you experience that colonization at retro is a nightmare? The amount of players is incredible... all positions 4-6 are taken so that you are actually almost forced to fly to 5th galaxy to be sure to get something without risking to throw out deuterium. I have also desperately tried to colonize position 8-9 with two very unlucky small planets. Just wanted to discuss whether it is a common problem?
    • Yes, my experience is identical and completely changed my ordinary colonization plans.

      Those who started game (registered account) with week or two delay (with homeplanet placed in upper g3 or g4) are in special disadvantage here. No way to be fast enough to get this one distant 4,5,6 slot which appear free in g1 - g3 for late starters, so we're forced to look into g4 and g5 or send out colony ships one after one just to waste more resources and time for nothing.
      This means also limited hunting area (no inactives in g4/g5) which directly affect disadvantaged players growth.

      Later may things normalize but it will be challenge to invest so much more time and effort to catch up with lower gal guys.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • That is just old Ogame.

      Solutions? First. Pray to the OGods like we did back in the days.

      After that? Continue praying.

      Seriously now. It was just like that, it's normal. The chance of getting a "decent" planet was improved with the Redesign, besides the changes to the sizes and everything else. The thing is that there are many people around, so the few positions available are being disputed with too many players. You can either go to the upper galaxies or wait for openings.

      Right now the universe is also very young, with time, people will become more established and tend to go to the upper galaxies either to protect themselves or to try to cover the entire universe. Now, the best choices you can make is to colonize near of your HW, same as everyone else.

      Good luck
    • its a nightmare for all.waited 10kdeut to build a colony then wasted another 6k to send it to g4 and the results 54 fields.
      but this is the beauty of old design. you need to fight and struggel for everything. can't be satisfaction withouth effort.

      the hell with those 25+fields boosters for cash :thumbdown:
    • People got so used to the new universes with 2k players and 7 galaxies, and forgot what true Ogame was xD

      Nowadays people don't leave g1 and g2, and barely reach g3 because the universes are so empty. But you can bet even g8 and g9 on this universe will be crowded :D
    • Paindeliver wrote:

      But you can bet even g8 and g9 on this universe will be crowded
      I am afraid I don't share your optimism :) After some time every server start to die. That's unavoidable. And even retro thingy can't change that. Many of us wasted years on this game. Some of us even returned after years ob absence from this game because of this retro thingy, but that's all what we got. We're not getting any younger and there won't be more and more players through time, just less and less :)
      We enjoy this game here and now. Future? There's not future in games like this :)
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sorcy ().

    • As Manu propale said there are a few "problems" compares to actuall game, there's only one nice Spot Per galaxy, and too ma y players figthing for that, if you want an advice, expensive but that cant grant you a p4-p6 if g1/g2 look for a destroyed planet, colonice in p3 and then use a other colonizer from there to p4, its Fairly expensive as you need 2 colons and maybe moré if first try is a 57 fields planet as it happend to me, but that ls grant you'll pico the Spot you want, if planet is to smsll just delete it and try again, you May think that wasting 2 colonizer is a waste of deut, but first you get the Spot and second every Colón you send after the first one waste almost no deut, if you try to colonice from far away and the Spot is rajen once you arrive you'll hace to pay for another long travel twice, use one fleet slot for almost a say for nothing and every day you lose means fewer empty slots

      I started on g3 and that wat i currently have 2 nice planets on g2 an another 2 on g4
    • There's plenty of room in G1, mostly in positions 13, 14, 15. Surely they're less likely to produce a "big" planet but you can do lots of stuff even with 50 tiles until you are fully deployed and need to abandon your worse planets.

      I've got a 146 fields planet in position 9 and guess what, I'm keeping it. If I need more fields (which is probably not happening before a year or two), that's where terraforming comes into play. And compared to the cost of what I'm going to build on those new tiles, the terraforming cost is just peanuts. So don't get unnecessarily picky and think before you abandon a medium-sized planet. Let's take a quick example:

      Mines 30-26-26, Storages 4-1-0 will allow 24 hours of production without overflow. That's 87 tiles.

      Robots 10; Lab 16 (optimal level with network 8, yet very costly, but let's bank on a few years' time in advance); Shipyard 14 (Gammaglider); Nanites 7; Silo 4. That's another 51 tiles for a total of 138 so far.

      Now, let's just add some solar and maybe fusion plants. Solar becomes quite expensive after level 20, where the resources are more efficiently spent on defense + satellites. Fusion doesn't scale with the Energy technology like it does on Redesign, so it is nearly worthless past the first few levels.

      So, 138, plus solar 26 if you're really into that, and guess what, that's only 164 tiles necessary, at least for a long while. Of course, the satellites won't be very efficient in positions 14~15, but apart from that, you really don't need oversized planets. Position 13 has a decent chance of producing a large enough colony while still being temperate enough for satellites to be your main energy source at later stages.

      Anyway, rant over. Going to colonize my 8th planet soon. Dropped from rank 200 to 2500 when I was saving up for my first colony ship, and since then I've been climbing all the way back up to rank 500, and I don't think I'll be stopping soon ;)

      (for info, my current planet sizes and positions are: 163 (HW), 164 (9), 200 (9), 86 (13), 193 (9), 36 (13), 146 (9))
    • Fexghadi wrote:

      There's plenty of room in G1, mostly in positions 13, 14, 15. Surely they're less likely to produce a "big" planet but you can do lots of stuff even with 50 tiles until you are fully deployed and need to abandon your worse planets.

      I've got a 146 fields planet in position 9 and guess what, I'm keeping it. If I need more fields (which is probably not happening before a year or two), that's where terraforming comes into play. And compared to the cost of what I'm going to build on those new tiles, the terraforming cost is just peanuts. So don't get unnecessarily picky and think before you abandon a medium-sized planet. Let's take a quick example:

      Mines 30-26-26, Storages 4-1-0 will allow 24 hours of production without overflow. That's 87 tiles.

      Robots 10; Lab 16 (optimal level with network 8, yet very costly, but let's bank on a few years' time in advance); Shipyard 14 (Gammaglider); Nanites 7; Silo 4. That's another 51 tiles for a total of 138 so far.

      Now, let's just add some solar and maybe fusion plants. Solar becomes quite expensive after level 20, where the resources are more efficiently spent on defense + satellites. Fusion doesn't scale with the Energy technology like it does on Redesign, so it is nearly worthless past the first few levels.

      So, 138, plus solar 26 if you're really into that, and guess what, that's only 164 tiles necessary, at least for a long while. Of course, the satellites won't be very efficient in positions 14~15, but apart from that, you really don't need oversized planets. Position 13 has a decent chance of producing a large enough colony while still being temperate enough for satellites to be your main energy source at later stages.

      Anyway, rant over. Going to colonize my 8th planet soon. Dropped from rank 200 to 2500 when I was saving up for my first colony ship, and since then I've been climbing all the way back up to rank 500, and I don't think I'll be stopping soon ;)

      (for info, my current planet sizes and positions are: 163 (HW), 164 (9), 200 (9), 86 (13), 193 (9), 36 (13), 146 (9))

      What he said. ^ ^ ^

      Just keep the smaller colonies for now and develop them well.

      Deleting a developed 70 odd fielder in a few months time isnt going to impact your game dramatically but the resources generated by keeping it will.
    • Fexghadi wrote:

      There's plenty of room in G1, mostly in positions 13, 14, 15. Surely they're less likely to produce a "big" planet but you can do lots of stuff even with 50 tiles until you are fully deployed and need to abandon your worse planets.

      I've got a 146 fields planet in position 9 and guess what, I'm keeping it. If I need more fields (which is probably not happening before a year or two), that's where terraforming comes into play. And compared to the cost of what I'm going to build on those new tiles, the terraforming cost is just peanuts. So don't get unnecessarily picky and think before you abandon a medium-sized planet. Let's take a quick example:

      Mines 30-26-26, Storages 4-1-0 will allow 24 hours of production without overflow. That's 87 tiles.

      Robots 10; Lab 16 (optimal level with network 8, yet very costly, but let's bank on a few years' time in advance); Shipyard 14 (Gammaglider); Nanites 7; Silo 4. That's another 51 tiles for a total of 138 so far.

      Now, let's just add some solar and maybe fusion plants. Solar becomes quite expensive after level 20, where the resources are more efficiently spent on defense + satellites. Fusion doesn't scale with the Energy technology like it does on Redesign, so it is nearly worthless past the first few levels.

      So, 138, plus solar 26 if you're really into that, and guess what, that's only 164 tiles necessary, at least for a long while. Of course, the satellites won't be very efficient in positions 14~15, but apart from that, you really don't need oversized planets. Position 13 has a decent chance of producing a large enough colony while still being temperate enough for satellites to be your main energy source at later stages.

      Anyway, rant over. Going to colonize my 8th planet soon. Dropped from rank 200 to 2500 when I was saving up for my first colony ship, and since then I've been climbing all the way back up to rank 500, and I don't think I'll be stopping soon ;)

      (for info, my current planet sizes and positions are: 163 (HW), 164 (9), 200 (9), 86 (13), 193 (9), 36 (13), 146 (9))
      may godddd....

      almost 35-32-32.... the universe is very long dude... these levels are very low

      robots 10
      nanos 3
      shipyard 10
      storages ?-?-?
      Silo 4-6

      I think, the colony should has more fields than minimum

      but if you think 140 fields is enough... good luck for you xD
    • I'd never keep 140 fields dwarf :) I liked the suggestion with 2 colony ships to secure a slot! Sounds really great, but I will may use it later. At the moment I started to colonize other galaxies than planed, as I can't stick to my plan anymore, cauz it's madness :D I don't even know how I survived if only 2 planets at this point of game.
    • retirado_off wrote:

      may godddd....

      almost 35-32-32.... the universe is very long dude... these levels are very low


      robots 10

      nanos 3

      shipyard 10

      storages ?-?-?

      Silo 4-6


      I think, the colony should has more fields than minimum

      but if you think 140 fields is enough... good luck for you xD

      So, let's take your example.

      35-32-32 with Solar 0 (obviously) = 99 tiles
      Robots 10, Nanites 3 (I think it's low, but hey, it's your setup), shipyard 10 (although I fail to see why you want destroyers but not death stars if you're going to mine), Storages would be 6-4-3, Silo 6 if you want (so cheap at that point, compared to the mines), lab 10 if we follow your shipyard logic. That's 52 extra tiles. Add 4 to make gammagliders, and 6 for optimal research network/global lab levels balance. That's 161 total tiles.

      With my 146 tiles "dwarf" colony I'd need 4 levels of terraformer, for a total of 750k crystal and 1.5M deuterium. Peanuts when you compare the price of the next level of each mine (87M metal and 21.8M crystal for M36, for example).

      In the worst case scenario, after leveling nanites to a decent level, the option to destroy the robots factory is still there, saving another 10 tiles.

      See where I'm going?
    • colonise

      I could say that I have three colonise of 315. But i can say i have one colony of 58. I was send one coloniese ship to postion 4-6. And now I have one another colonise, but i have this colonise ship, beacuse - I have raid many players and i can do that one thime in two weeks. Players who colonise spending ho's all minerals colonise planets doing bad. Colonise of planets need very mu8ch of practice and very fuul of minerals and colonise of these pklanets needs much of power in economics and minerarls.
    • I do know that new ogame had it easy for planet size and moon, in old uni i remember 40mc and still no moon.
      but with planets on 4-6 position, i mean i have 5 colonies all below 94 and average of 56, come on I'm i that senile :)
      hope not, but would leave that possibility :)