Pinned Questions of logic/mathematics/lateral thinking


      Five men live in five houses of five different color.
      They smoke five different brands of cigar,drink five different beverages,and keep five different pets.

      We know that:
      * The Norwegian lives in the first house.
      * The brit lives in the red house.
      * The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
      * The Dane drinks tea.
      * The green house is just on the left of the white house.
      * The green house owner drinks coffee.
      * The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
      * The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
      * The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
      * The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
      * The German smokes Prince.
      * The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.
      * The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
      * The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
      * The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.

      The question is ... Who keeps a fish?.

      (For Einstein 98% of the people in the world cannot solve this problem).

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • In World War I, the uniform of the British Army consisted, among other things, of a cap of brown cloth.

      The high commanders, alarmed by the large number of injured in the head decided to replace this accessory by a metallic helmet.

      Surprisingly, the number of injured people in the head increased considerably.

      We could say that the intensity of the war was the same before and after this change.

      Why did such an increase of injured in the head when changing caps by helmets?.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.

      Something is hidden in this image ...


      1. How many tourists are in the camp?

      2. When did they arrive today or a few days ago?

      3. How did they arrive?

      4. Is there a village nearby?

      5. Where does the wind blow from the north or the south?

      6. What time is it?

      7. Where is Alex?

      8. Who was on duty yesterday?

      9. What is the date?.

      Someone dares to answer any of the questions?

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • More about attention and memory ...

      Read carefully and three times the following text:

      Three men and their respective women and a widower left by car at noon for a picnic.
      After traveling three miles, they saw two men and a boy in another car that had broken down.
      "That's bad luck," one of the hikers said.
      At 1 o'clock they arrived at the camp, where they saw only an old crippled guard with his son.
      Immediately they began to eat their snack of sandwiches, fruits and cake.

      Question below ...

      More below ...

      How many people have been mentioned?.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • A CHALLENGE ... does anyone accept it?.

      It could be called something like "the race of 100".

      The idea is as follows: the one that starts says any number from 1 to 10.

      The other player adds to the number his opponent said a number from 1 to 10 and says the result.

      They continue to play this way, in turns.

      The first one that exactly sums the amount of 100 wins.

      We do not play anything, just the honnete.

      Let's begin:

      I say 1.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • Nobody?.

      Well ... the game The Race of 100 is not fair play, as some will have already deduced, the game can not win, there are initial winning positions do what the opponent does, in fact has winning strategy who starts the game (Mathematical Games and Analysis of Winning Strategies by Carlos d'Andrea).

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • At the door of her house, the woman gave at the official the following answer when he asked by the age of her three daughters: "The product of their ages is 36 and the sum is equal to the house number".

      The official, after looking at the house number and meditating for a moment, said: "That data is not enough, lady".

      The woman rethinks and says, "Yes, you are right. The oldest of my daughters studies piano".

      And the official answers: "Thank you very much.

      What were the ages of the three daughters?.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • We have 12 black balls, all equal except one weight different from the others. We do not know if it weighs more or less, just different.

      We have a scale for weighing of two saucers (like the one that represents "Justice").

      I allow you to only make 3 heavy with the scale, in the saucers you can only put balls, no strange elements. With those 3 heavy ones you have to find out which ball weighs differently.

      (Very difficult).

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • A sultan tried to increase the number of women available for his harem by promulgating a law that forbade having more children to families as soon as a man was born there.

      His reasoning was: "In this way there will be families of one male, others of male and female, others with one male and two, three, four females, etc. The average number of females will be higher than that of males".

      Is the reasoning correct?.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • The Dean of a University goes through the different departments announcing that during the following week would be carried out a fire drill, but that the day would be surprise, to achieve greater realism.

      When he arrived at the Logic Department, they all started to laugh.


      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • This afternoon I lost my entire fleet. For a bug in the game I could not know who attacked me.

      I have been investigating among the possible guilty, I have asked them, but I know that only two of them say the truth:

      TGWo: It was Valent who did it.
      DeltaT: No, it was me.
      Danimanza: It was not Valent.
      Valent: Danimanza lies.
      NoMoreAngel: The only guilty could be DeltaT or Shole.
      ErikFyr: It was DeltaT.
      Shole: We were not DeltaT or me.
      Trafalgar Law: Shole tells the truth and neither was Valent.

      As soon as I know who has been ...

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.