Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (they all hurt, the last one kills).
When the writer Camilo José Cela reads his speech at the Nobel reception, he begins with a memory of his teacher Pío Baroja and the shocking slogan, referring to the passing of the hours, which was recorded on a wall clock in his house on the street de Ruiz de Alarcón in Madrid: "They all hurt, the last one kills".
Baroja had picked up this motto of the inscription of the sundial from the tower of the church of Urruña, a village in the French Basque Country, on the road from Hendaye to St. Jean de Luz. The motto was written in Latin: "Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat".
Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...
You have no power over me.
A wooden cube with a hole in all the faces, inside there is a steel ball of a diameter superior to the holes, there is no "dirty trick", the diameter of the ball is larger to all the holes that are equal, the wood is not split and returned to paste.
How have I managed to put the steel ball inside the wooden cube ?.
(It is not finished yet, I have to sand it and varnish it).
Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...
You have no power over me.
It is made with PVC tubes, 4 tubes that fit inside each other, the outer discs, where the letters are, they have another disc inside with a notch, which in turn rotates on a third with a lateral opening, inside It fits another tube with screws that can only be removed if all the notches are aligned with the letters, which form the key (DAVID).
Idea taken from the movie Da Vinci Code:
Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...
You have no power over me.
2 groups of 4 balls joined together in line, 4 groups of 3 balls also joined together. With these elements you have to try to build a tetrahedron. The pity is that without having it physically you can not try.
(The balls are ping-pong balls joined with chopstick, and then painted imitating steel).
Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...
You have no power over me.