Pinned An story/anecdote/quote every day


      A few months ago, due to a bug in the game, the attacks / espionage in the universe where I play were not allowed for 24 hours.

      Not short and not lazy, I immediately opened a thread in the forum announcing with great fanfare, in big headlines, that I had the intention to leave that night my fleet abandoned on a moon, without any protection, that anyone who wanted to attack me only had to discover what moon it was.

      In the forum, they told me everything except handsome, hahahaaa.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.

    • Translation:

      Curious response of a Chilean child to a math problem.

      X. Analyze the situation and answer (3 points).

      Sofia says that to buy a book that costs $ 3.990, she needs 4 $1.000 bills and she will give her the change. Javier tells her that with 3 $1.000 bills is enough and she will not have to give the change. Who is right ?, mark it.

      Now, justify your answer.

      (Manuscript) Because she is a woman and women are always right.

      (PERFECT ANSWER !, very good boy, you really know).

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • I do not like the football at all, I do not care who wins or who loses the World Cup, but we must recognize that Spanish are different: that no country comes up with the brilliant idea of dismissing its coach one day before the World Cup begins ?, hahahaaa.


      English scientists excavated 50 meters underground and discovered small copper wires ... After studying these pieces of thread for a long time they came to the conclusion that the English natives already had a telephone network 2,500 years ago.

      The Germans did not like it at all and asked their own scientists to dig even deeper and 100 meters underground they found some small glass strands, which, according to them, were part of the fiber optic system that the German natives had 3,500 years.

      The Spanish were not impressed and asked their scientists to dig 150 meters underground, but found nothing, then excavated 200 meters and still nothing. They continued digging up to 250 meterswithout finding a thread. Then, they came to the very logical conclusion that more than 5,000 years ago the Spanish natives already had wifi!.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • One day the deputy director tells his assistant: "Have you ever seen a penguin?".
      - No.
      - To the principal's office!.
      When he arrives he tells the director: - the deputy director sent me here because I have never seen a penguin.
      - That you have not seen a penguin? Fired!!!!!!!.
      When I get home, his wife asks him: - What's wrong with you? - I've been fired! - Why? - Look, the deputy director has sent me to the director's office, the director has fired me and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - That you have not seen a penguin? Divorce!!!!!!.
      When his son sees him, he asks: - Dad, what's wrong with you? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, your mother asked me for a divorce and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - That you have not seen a penguin? I do not love you anymore!!!!!!.
      A policeman sees him on the street and asks him: - What's the matter, sir? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, my wife asked me for a divorce and my son does not love me anymore and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - What has not a penguin seen? To jail!!!!!!.
      In jail another policeman asks: - What's the matter, sir? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, my wife asked me for a divorce, my son does not love me anymore, a policeman sent me here and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - What has not a penguin seen? I kill you!!!!!!.
      - In the sky an angel asks: - What's the matter, sir? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, my wife asked me for a divorce, my son does not love me anymore, a policeman sent me to jail, another has killed me and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - What has not a penguin seen? To the hell!!!!!!.
      - In hell a devil asks: - What's the matter, sir? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, my wife asked me for a divorce, my son does not love me anymore, a policeman sent me to jail, another has killed me, in heaven an angel has sent me here, and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - What has not a penguin seen? On the ground floor !!!!!!.
      - On the floor below, a man asks: - What's the matter, sir? - Look, the deputy director sent me to the director's office, the director fired me, my wife asked me for a divorce, my son no longer loves me, a policeman sent me to jail, another one killed me, in the heaven an angel has sent me to hell, the devil has sent me here and all because I have not seen a penguin.
      - What has not a penguin seen? Me neither!!!!!.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • - Have been the target connection schedule studied?
      - ON.

      - Has the fleet-saving made the objective?
      - ON.

      - Controlled the exit of their ships?
      - ON.

      - Disappearance of debris?
      - ON.

      - Return time?
      - ON.

      - Ready our ships?
      - ON.

      - Were you dyslexic?
      - SEY.

      - ... We have enough deuterium?
      - ON.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • Don´t give up (No te rindas) by Mario Benedetti

      Don’t give up, you still have time
      to reach up and start anew,
      Accept your shadows,
      Bury your fears,
      Free your burdens,
      Fly again.

      Don’t give up, that’s what life is
      Continue the journey,
      Follow your dreams,
      Unstuck time,
      Move the rubble,
      And uncover the sky.
      Don’t give up, please don’t give way,
      Even if the cold burns,
      Even if fear bites,
      Even if the sun sets,
      And the wind goes silent,
      There is still fire in your soul
      There is still life in your dreams.
      Because life is yours and yours is the desire
      Because you have loved it and because I love you
      Because wine exists and love is true.
      Because there are no wounds that time doesn’t cure.
      To open the doors,
      Take away the locks,
      Abandon the walls that have protected you,
      To live life and accept the challenge
      Get back laughter,
      Practice a song,
      Lower the guard and extend the hands
      Open the wings
      And try again,
      Celebrate life and take back the skies.
      Don’t give up, please don’t give way,
      Even if the cold burns,
      Even if fear bites,
      Even if the sun sets,
      And the wind goes silent,
      There is still fire in your soul
      There is still life in your dreams.

      Because every day is a new beginning,
      Because this is the hour and the best moment.
      Because you are not alone, because I love you.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.
    • - Honey, do you want us to go to the Gim together?
      - Are you calling me fat ?.
      - Well if you do not want to then no.
      - Are you telling me loose ?.
      - Calm down my love !.
      - Are you telling me hysterical ?.
      - That was not what I said.
      - Then am I a liar ?.
      - Do not go then !.
      - Let's see, why do you want to go alone ?.

      For the marriage to last a long time there must be a balance: sometimes she is right and sometimes he is wrong.

      Because my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great ...

      You have no power over me.