Pinned Game Details - OGame version 6.x.x

    • Game Details - OGame version 6.x.x

      Summary of important game information

      1. Activity star
      2. Fleet movement
      3. Sensor Phalanx
      4. Moon Destroy
      5. Relocation
      6. Function of Planet
      7. Function of Moon
      8. Deletion of Account, Planets and Moons
      9. Combat system
      10. Expeditions
      11. Trader
      12. Scarp Merchant
      13. Import / Export
      14. Halving building and research time
      15. Auctioneer
      16. Noob protection
      17. Honor points
      18. Scripts
      19. Limits
    • Activity star


      • When player was active in last 15 minutes, activity star will be shown as
      • By activity between 15 and 59 minutes activity will be shown as

      When appear Activity star?

      • When you log in, activity star will be shown on your home planet.
      • At login at account which is in Vacation Mode, activity star will appear on home planet
      • At logout activity star appears at planet on which you was currently before logout
      • At planet/moon switch activity star appears at clicked planet/moon as
      • Activity star will appear by clicking on any Menu on right side
      • Activity star won't appear when you click on Support / GameForge / Help / Forum / Rules
      • Planets and Moons show activity independently
      • Interplanetary missiles are handled same as ships

      --> --> --> -->

      "No Activity" --> "Activity" --> "Time 15" --> "Time 59" --> "No Activity"


      • By refreshing, fleet sending, also by phalanxing it appears activity star on planet/moon on which you was at that moment
      • Activity star appears on actual planet/moon by automatic reload on event overview and fleet movement
      • Activity star appears, when building is finished at your planet. (not important on which planet you was at that moment or if you were logged off)
      • By sending Chat message, activity star will appear on current planet/moon
      • New foreign fleets will be shown only by click on reload in Events overview.
      • When by Submitting bid on Auctioneer or Import/Export you chose another planet as resource source, activity star will be shown on that planet and also on planet on which you are currently
    • Fleet movement


      • By canceling flight activity is created on Planet/Moon on which you are currently

      ACS Attack, Attacks, Deployment, Espionage & Moon destroy

      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • By arriving fleet activity is created on Planet/Moon on which fleet has been arrived
      • By returning activity is created on start Planet/Moon

      ACS Defend:

      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • By arriving fleet on target Planet/Moon activity is not created
      • By returning of fleet activity is created on start Planet/Moon


      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • Only if colonization was successfully done, on target planet activity is created
      • By returning of fleet activity is created on start Planet/Moon


      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • By arriving at target, activity is created there and also on start Planet/Moon
      • By returning of fleet activity is created on start Planet/Moon


      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • Activity is not created by arriving fleet and holding in space by expedition
      • By returning of fleet activity is created on start Planet/Moon


      • By fleet start activity is created on start Planet/Moon
      • By arriving at target activity is not created
      • By returning of fleet activity is created on start Planet/Moon

      Special cases:

      • Normal activity star behaviour on banned users (without vacation mode) and Inactives ( i & I )
      • By activating/deactivating vacation mode, activity is created on all Planets/Moons
    • Sensor phalanx

      Start planet:

      • All flights are visible. Only exception is for fleet which is on deployment mission, those are never visible.
      • Whole flight is visible, that means the return is also visible
      • Fleet which is recalled is also visible

      Target planet:

      • Fleet which is coming is visible (arriving time is shown on target planet)

      Special cases:

      • Delays caused by ACS and Expeditions are vissible
      • Player in Noob protection is possible to be phalanxed
      • Player in Vacation mode is possible to be phalanxed
      • It is not possible to phalanx Moon


      • 5.000 Deuterium for every Phalanx
      • Refresh of Phalanx costs also 5.000 Deuterium
    • Moon Destroy


      • Moon disappears at the moment of the destruction
      • A new moon can be created by coming/future moonshots/attacks

      Own fleet movements (moon is start Planet):

      • Fleet continue flight normal, the planet which belongs to that moon is the new start point of flying fleets
      • The fleets are immediately, after destroying a moon, visible in the Phalanx. Exception: Fleets which are sent on deploy mission.

      Own fleets and ACS (defend) (Moon is the target planet):

      • The planet which belongs to that moon is now target planet
      • Transport fleet and friendly ships going to defend the player moves properly.
        Transports will get unloaded normally, fleets on deploy and fleets from other players on ACS defend will fullfill their mission normally

      Enemy fleets:

      • Fleets continue to destroyed moon [ : : ] and return normal.
      • The arrival to destroyed moon doesn't produce any action ( no combat report, no message)
      • The only exception are foreign transports, which will be forwarded to planet.

      IMPORTANT: a moon destruction is not the same as the moon abandonment. You would read more about it later.

      12/05/2016 | Updated and removed mistakes by Shole
      ..::Edit by NoMoreAngel|Updated|13.5.2016|14:18:19::.. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Relocation would be stopped if:

      • Own fleets are in flight from or to that planet or moon
      • When something is being built (facilities, ships or defense) on that planet or moon
      • When a research has been started on that planet
      • When someone colonizes the target location in the 24h warmup time

      Relocation would not be stopped if:

      • there is any foreign fleet targeting that planet or moon

      Special cases

      • A succesful relocation needs 24 hours. At the end of the countdown all requirements have to be fullfilled (explained before)
      • If your planet is on position 4-12 you can only relocate in that positions. If your planet is on position 1-3 or 13-15 you can relocate everywhere
      • Once the planet is moved, temperature can change, but the size stays the same
      • A destroyed planet/moon appears after relocation on the old coordinates
      • If a relocation is cancelled, the countdown to move the planet again will be 24h + the time that has been left until relocation
      • When the relocation is done, there is a period of 24h to relocate again and also to use the jumpgate again (only applies to moons that existed already before the relocation)
      • The target location for your relocation is blocked for all players that want to relocate

      The destroyed planet:

      • belongs to the account "space"
      • is still a target for attacks and transports, also can you phalanx it
      • Research and resources production is turned off (set to 0)

      The moon asociated to the relocated planet is also moved
      • Jumpgate is disabled 24h, also if it is built after a relocation
      • Phalanx is still usable

      Own fleets
      • Ships that are deployed on the planet/moon at relocation moment, will fly on deploy to the new coordinates without using Deuterium, also won't this fleet show up in Phalanx
      • Solar satellites are moved along with the planet/moon

      • 240.000 units of Dark Matter (DM)
      • That quantity needs to be present at starting time, but only payed if relocations finishes properly & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • Function of planet

      Deletion of Planet is not possible if:
      • own fleet is traveling from/to that planet/moon
      • there are buildings under construction on planet/moon
      • research is in progress on planet

      Deletion of planet is possible if:
      • foreign fleet is traveling to planet/moon
      • ships or defenses are under construction (will be lost)
      • vacation mode is active

      Destroyed planet:
      • belongs to space
      • possible to scan with phalax
      • buildings, defense, fleet is still on it
      • research and production is set to 0