[oldddd] Game FAQ from OGame.de

    • AUCTIONEER - How does it work ?

      Auctioneer starts every day from 6am untill 23am, each auction lasts randomly between 35 and 45 minutes. You can win on auctions resource boosters or premium items like "Kraken" , "Detroit" or "Newtron" . You can bid in auction with metal , crystal, deuterium and honor points in any proportion.
      Note that provide goods and honor Points will not be refunded!

      Here is an explanation of the auction:

      1. Item to that you can bid.
      2. Current period until the next auction starts/ exact time until the auction ends
      3. Current highest bid.
      4. Number of current bids.
      5. Name the highest bidder.

      To Use:
      A. Choose from what planet / moon you to provide or use honor points.
      B. You can use any type of resources that you have. The course is always in 1 Metal to 1.5 Crystal to 3 Deuterium. 1 honour point is equivalent to 100 metal units. In this box you can enter the amount you want to offer. The "all" button will automatically add the required amount added to dominate the auction. The required amount of resources +1000 metal.
      C. Here you can see how much you've surpassed the previous high bidder, the exact amount of what you offer, the minimum that you can offer and still need to provide how many resources you.
      D. Is an archive of past auctions. Here you can estimate how valuable a particular item is.
    • Pay features - What are Commander and Officers ?

      The payment features Commander and Officers can be activated for a week or for 5000-12500 Dark Matter or they can be activated for 3 months for 5000-12500 Dark Matter .You can buy them at "Recruit Officers".

      The Commander has a few convenience features . For example, it allows the direct - shipping fleets in the galaxy view, you will be able to see the empire view and there will be no ads on the complete account .

      There are 4 other different officers :
      • Admiral - his benefits are Max. fleet slots +2 and Improved fleet escape rate
      • Engineer - his benefits are Halves losses to defence systems and +10% energy production
      • Geologist - his benefit is +10% mine production
      • Technocrat - his benefits are +2 espionage levels and 25% less research time

      In addition there is a bonus of 1 additional fleet Slot , 2 % more energy production , 2 % more mining income and 1 additional espionage level when the Commander and all 4 officers are active simultaneously .

      Accounts with active payment features or residual balances of purchased dark matter will not be deleted for inactivity . Those accounts can be deleted quite normal manually.
    • Half construction time - How does that work with DM and how much costs?

      Shipyard , buildings and research can be shortened with a single click by 50 % of the construction period. So you can finish with a maximum of 2 clicks each order. Here, the price depends on the total duration of the contract . Every half hour costs halving the contract period 750 DM up to a maximum of 72,000 DM (2 days construction period ) at shipyard and buildings and 108,000 DM (3 days construction period ) in research contracts .
    • DIDF(debris into defense) - Why is my debris field smaller than expected ?

      In Deff into the debris field - Unis is also known to 30 % of the destroyed defensive units goes into the debris field . But here's a small change when the attacked player have an Engineering Officer. See also : Pay features- What are Commander and Officers ?

      If a player who is attacked has a Engineering officer than his defense losses will be 50% smaller so Debris field will be also 50% smaller. Defense rebuild will be 85% instead of the normal 70%.

      Some simulators provide a way to determine how much destroyed defenses in % will go into the debris field. If in doubt , it is advisable to plan the attack on another player in order to prevent unwanted losses with the reduced profit .
    • Dark Matter – What is this and what is it used for?

      Dark matter is the premium currency in the game. You can get it by payment methods in Recruit Officers you can also find dark matter on expeditions. Dark matter can be used for these premium features:
      • Commander & Officers
      • Merchant
      • Premium Items
      • Scrap Merchant
      • Relocation of planets
      • To half construction time
      • Purchase of resources

      The game distinguishes between purchased and found dark matter. Only the bought Dark Matter protects against an account deletion by inactivity. Please note that always bought Dark Matter is first exhausted. If you move the mouse over the DM icon in the game, you will be able to see how much of the existing DM is bought or found.
    • HONOR - When is fight honorable/ dishonorable/ Neutral?

      It must be distinguished above all between battles between 2 players and the attack / defense of several players in the federation.

      When is attack at a target of attack is honorable, if one of these conditions is met:
      • The attacker has at the time of the struggle less military points than his goal.
      • The attacker has at the time of the struggle within a limited framework more military points as the target. Ie .:
      • The aim has at the time of the battle, more than 50% of my military points.
      • The aim has only up to 10 military points less than the attacker (only relevant when Uni-start) at the time of the fight.
      • The goal is the time of struggle no more than 100 military ranks behind me
      • The aim has at the time of the fight a bandit ranking.

      Similarly, the same rules apply for the defender. Moreover, the fight against Buddy's or alliance members is always neutral. Whether an attack against another player will be honorable, may also at the marking (hp) are detected in the galaxy view.

      In association an attack is honorable, if:
      • The sum of the military points of defender at the time of the fight is not less than 50% of the total military points of attacker.
      • One of the goals was a bandit ranking.

      In Defense of the Association a fight is honorable, if:
      • The sum of the military points of attacker at the time of the fight is not less than 50% of the total military points of defender.
      • At least one of the attackers is Bandit.
    • Expeditions - What is it and how can I do that?

      The expedition is a fleet mission started by the approach of the 16. positions in each system, with different results:
      • You can find resources. (only one type)
      • You can find dark matter.
      • You can find ships that can be retained. (these give quite normal points)
      • You can find a free trader.
      • Man encounters pirates or aliens, and must fight against them.
      • The return is delayed by an unexpected event.
      • The return will be accelerated by an unexpected event.
      • The fleet will disappear completely.
      • During an Item events can also be found mine and acceleration booster items.
      • Nothing happens.

      To start expeditions, one must research "Astrophysics" at least to level 1.
      Then one can any fleet (Esp. probes alone are not enough) to send out in the fleet menu for expedition and this set the desired hold time.
      The maximum number of expedition fleets is the square root of astrophysics level, the maximum holding period, the level of astrophysics.

      The longer the holding period and the larger the fleet, the greater the chance of an event.
      But this opportunity also depends on how often the position has already been served in recent times. In frequented Expeditions positions the chance is lower than in unvisited positions. Information about obtained if you send an espionage probe with the expedition fleet. In Expedition report then is somewhat circumscribed, as is a charged position.

      Recommended fleets:
      Depending on how many points Place 1 in the universe has, recommended these fleets for the expedition:

      # 1 <10k: 1SC
      10k <# 1 <100k: 42 LCs + 1 Esp. probe
      100k <# 1 <1M: 100 LCs + 1 Esp. probe
      1M <# 1 <5M: 150 LCs + 1 Esp. probe
      5M <# 1 <25M: 200 LCs + 1 Esp. probe
      25M <# 1 <50M: 250 LC + 1 Esp. probe
      50M <# 1 <75M: 300 LC + 1 Esp. probe
      75M <# 1 <100M: 350 LC + 1 Esp. probe
      # 1> 100M: 417 LC + 1 Esp. probe
    • FIELDS

      Fields specify the place on a planet. The number after the " / " indicates the total available number fields , the number before shows how much you have already spent. Each level of a building requires a field if all the fields are full, they can be expanded using the Terraformers or with Premium Item Fields. Researches, ships and defenses do not need fields .

      The number of fields is calculated from the diameter of the planet :

      Fields = ( ( diameter of the planet / 1000 ) ^ 2 )
    • FIELDS - I have colonized a planet that has very few fields - can I get more fields?

      The number of fields of a planet can be increased by using the Terraformers or premium Items Fields. All levels of Terraformer give 5 additional fields.

      Since the Terraformer but is quite expensive, it is usually more sensible to abandon small planet and to retain only large planets. Which fields Number "necessary" is, is a matter of taste. For some players, enough are 180 fields because they don't build some Facilities, while others abandon every planet that has less than 200 fields.

      The greatest chance of large planets have been in positions 6-9. An overview of average values ​​can be found here: OGame Wiki - planet sizes

      Another way to expand its number of fields is on the acquisition of an item at the store. Under the sub-item "structure" you can purchase item.. The bronze planet field brings 4 fields for 75,000 Dark matter, the silver planet field brings 9 fields for 150,000 Dark Matter and the gold planet field brings 15 fields for 300,000 Dark Matter.
    • - Tactical retreat- fleets When flee before fighting? -

      Tactical retreat is a feature added in the Origin Universe on pioneers.ogame.org. It makes a defending fleet "flee" if the attacking fleet has more than five times as many points as the defending fleet. Espionage Probes, Solar Satellites, and Death Stars are unable to flee, and defense is not counted in the calculation. The defending fleet will also not flee if there is not enough deuterium present on the planet. The amount of deuterium needed to flee is displayed along with the other options on the fleet tab.

      Tactical Retreat can be set to trigger at 5:1 or Never for regular players, and players with Admiral can set it to trigger at 3:1 or 4:1 as well.

      As far as I can tell, the equation used to determine fleet point ratios is:

      Retreat Ratio Fleet Points = Fleet points of combat ships + (Fleet points of cargo ships / 4)

      This has been tested only three times and holds for Small Cargo Ships, Large Cargo Ships, Light Fighters, Heavy Fighters, and Cruisers.

      If a defending fleet is able to retreat due to the used ratio then it will use as much dueterium as it needs to get away form the planet just for the second while the planet gets attacked and the fleet will then return to the planet after the attack, this will also send a messgae to the defending player notifying him on how much deuterium is used in the flee.


      Does this equation hold for other types of ships?
      What do Solar Satellites and Espionage Probes count for in points?
      Is this equation even accurate?
      Where does the defending fleet flee to?


      There are only 3 categories of ships:
      Combat ships (obviously all fighters, cruisers, battleships, bomber usw.). All of them count 100% of their production costs.
      Civil ships (recycler, cargos, colonyships). All of them count 25% of their production costs.
      Defense, solarsats, probes don't count at all.
      The deut-consumption (allowing a fleet to escape) formula is given by:
      Deutconsumption = 0.5*Fleetholdingcosts for one hour
    • Research – Why is it useful to research stages further than required?

      Any stages you research give you points, but some also provide an extra bonus:

      Espionage Technology: The higher the stage in comparison to others, the less spy probes are needed to see everything of an enemy’s planet. Furthermore, the chance for successful counterespionage increases, if others spy you.

      Computer Technology: Increases the number of fleets you can send off at once. There are always (Computer Technoloby + 1) Slots available.

      Weapons, Shielding and Armour Technology: For every stage, your attack, the shield strength and the shell of all units (ships ans defences) is increased by 10% of the basic value. Any research done, affect alle fleets immediately, even if they are already on their way.

      Combustion drive: every stage raises the speed of cargos, light fighters, recyclers and spy probes by 10%

      Impulse drive: every stage raises the speed of heavy fighters, cruisers, colony ships, bombers and small cargos (with at least stage 5 of the impulse drive) by 20%. Furthermore, the range of interplanetary missiles is calculated with it. (Number of solar systems = (stage of impulse drive * 5)-1).

      Hyperspace drive: increases the speed of batte ships, destroyers, death stars and bombers (with at least stage 8 of hyperspace drive) by 30%

      Astrophysics: the higher you research this, the more planets you can colonize. (Number of planets = 1+ round up(stage / 2)) In addition, the duration of an expedition can be extended by one hour for each stage (Number of hours possible = stage), also the number of expedition slots is determined (Number of expedition slots = root(stage))

      Energy Technology: raises the energy gained by fusion reactors.

      All other research only have to be researched as far required for all the buildings they are needed for.
      Example: researching Laser Technology higher than stage 12 makes no sense as this stage fulfils the requirements for the battle cruiser. Any further stages won’t provide any advantages.
    • - RESEARCH - How does an Intergalactic Research Network? -

      The Intergalactic research network connects with every new level of another lab with the research-based laboratory. The respective highest research laboratories are always connected to each other and there will be researched with the speed of the stage laboratories which corresponds to the sum of the construction stages of any interconnected laboratories. The research is done correspondingly faster. If the network is research higher, more laboratories are involved accordingly. For any further explored stage Intergalactic Research Network, another laboratory is hooked up, so that applies:

      Number of interconnected laboratories = stage of IRN + 1
    • ..:: Terms used at Ogame ::..


      Game Staff

      GO - Game Operator: The GOs look after the Universes they are assigned to. They ban accounts, help users with problems and anything else that involves their Universe.

      SGO- Super Game Operator: The SGO looks after the GOs, and complaints can be sent to him. He is responsible for more than one universe. It is the SGO's job to make sure that his GO's are working to a high standard, and that they are enforcing the rules properly and with neutrality.

      GA - Game Administrator: The GA is responsible for the Game. He assigns new GOs and SGOs. He is the link to the programmers.

      List of current Game Staffers: Who is who in the Game Team and pillory links

      Board Staff:

      Mod = Moderator: The Moderators look after the forums they are assigned to. They close, give out warnings and edit threads.

      GMod = Global Moderator: GMods have the rights Moderators have but in all forums. They close, give out warnings and edit threads in all forums.

      Smod = Super Moderator: SMods have the rights Moderators have but in all forums. The SMod takes care of all the Moderators assigned to them. When you have a complaint about a Mod, you may send the complaint to the SMod. SMods now also have the power to ban in emergencies. They can also change your rank and user name.

      BA = Board Admin - Board Administrator: The BAs are responsible for everything concerning assigning Mods and SMods, for making new forums, changing ranks, names and banning users.

      List of current Board Staffers: Whos Who In The Green Team

      CoMa = Community Manager: CoMa is a paid member of GF who looks after the BAs and GAs and makes sure everything is as it should be.

      :: Board Related::


      B&C = Bugs and Complaints. Section on board where users can complain. Link: Bugs and Complaints

      B7 = banned

      Diplo section = Diplomacy section on board.

      FA = Fan Art. Section on board where artists can present their work. Link: Fan Art

      FAQ = Frequently asked question. Can be found here: FAQs and Guides

      GNN = Galaxy News Network. Place where GNN reporters post monthly reports on the universe, board etc. Link: GNN

      H&Q = Help and questions. A section on board where users can ask questions. Link: Help and Questions

      IBC = In before close (generally used in the Spamboard)

      K = kilo = 1.000 units

      KK = kilokilo (Millon), 1.000.000 units

      Mil = Million, 1.000.000 units.

      SB = Spamboard. A section on board where players can discuss off topic things in a relaxed environment. Language used there: Welcome Tourists Link to SB: Spamboard

      QATC = Question answered, thread closed. It is used when a question on board (normally in Help and Questions section) has been answered and the moderator closed the thread. Normally used with this smiley: :qatc:

      ::Wishes to the looser after a Combat Report::

      FR = Fast rebuild

      GLOTR = Good luck on the rebuild: Usually written when a player has been HoFed.

      GLiRL = Good luck in real life: Usually written when a player leave OGame after a big.

      RL = Real Life. e.g: "RL is more important than OGame..." (not to be confused with Rocket Launchers)

      WFR = Wicked Fast Rebuild

      :: Board offenses that result in a warning::

      Warnings which expire automatically after 6 months:

      Posthunting = When a user posts only to increase the post count.

      Spam = Posting comments completely unrelated to the topic. (Smiley spam = Posting exaggerated number of smileys.)

      Disregarding of Rules
      = Warning used when user is misuseing the "Reported Posts" button, posting non English words (unless they contain an insult etc) or when discussing bans.

      Warnings for which you have to poke a BA after 6 months if you want to have them removed (if you have no new warnings from then on):

      Trolling = Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people.

      Breach of Rules = Warning used when a user posts inappropriate words (swearing), is flaming, posting inappropriate images, bypassing board censors or when repeatedly violating the rules. (Flamming = To spam the boards with insults.)

      Insult = Verbally abusing other person.

      ::Game Related::


      Acc = Account: Your Ogame account.

      ACS = Alliance Combat System - Feature of some unis where you can combine fleets from different planets and players in one attack. Details: ACS~{Alliance Combat System} Tutorial

      ACS Def - ACS Defend - Mission of defending an ally/buddy when they're attacked.

      Advanced HoF/hit = Any HoF with more than 100 million Total damage.

      Alliance/Ally = A group of players who cooperate ingame.

      Bash = To attack a planet or moon more than allowed. See here: New Game Rules - valid from 17.5.10

      Blind (phalanx/lanx) = Manual calculating and synchronised an attack to hit a fleet on return of any mission type, that the return is not normally phalanxable.

      BO = Build Order - Commonly referred to in newly opened universes, recommending in what order to build and research things on your planet.

      Buguser = Somebody who illegaly profits from a games flaw.

      Bunker = A player's planet with huge defence.

      Cheats = Illegal tacts to profit in-game.

      Cheater = Somebody who uses cheats.

      Col = Colony.

      Counter = counterattack. = To hit a fleet returning from an attack.

      CR = Combat Report

      Crash, hit = Attack someone with the intent to destroy their fleet and harvest the debris field.

      Crashed = To have one’s fleet destroyed.

      Crys = Crystal

      Deut = Deuterium

      Direct Login = A web based tacting to login without using the portal page.

      Elitist = An Elitist is basically someone who thinks that people with more 'power' (e.g. more points in Ogame) are vastly superior to those with less power (or less points.) [Thanks to EDY-innit]

      Farm (Verb) = To frequently raid someone’s resources destroying his defence

      Fleetcrash = The act of attacking someone's fleet with the intend to kill off all his/her ships, turning them into debris field to be collected for profit.

      FS = Fleetsave - When a fleet is in the air it can't be crashed. When you send your fleet in order to save it from sitting on the planet and being crashed, it's called fleetsaving. More info: Fleetsaving (version 2)

      GF = GameForge Productions GmbH, Operator company of OGame

      Grav attempt = attempt to successfully build enough solar satellites to be able to research Graviton Technology.

      Gravi/Grav = Gravitiation Technology.

      HoF = Hall Of Fame, a fleetcrash with 20% moon chance. (Additional conditions for a HoF: Hall of Fame Rules)

      Hyper Tech = Hyperspace Technology.

      IGN = Ingame name.

      Imp Drive = Impulse Drive.

      U/Uni = Universe: Basically, one of the universes in which you play.

      IGRN/IRN = Intergalactic Research Network.

      Jumping = The act of moving one’s fleet via a jump gate.

      Kick = To sack someone from an alliance or such.

      Lag = Informatic Delay which cause the game/board to run slower.

      Lanx, scan = Phalanx (noun and verb).

      Legor = Inventor and Coder of OGame.

      Main = Main Alliance/Main Planet.

      Mass Alliance = An alliace of a lot of members (usually 30 or more). Members believe they are very powerful when in big numbers, however, those alliances are usually full of noobs who don't know exactly what they're doing.

      Member = Member of an Alliance.

      Mobile = Temporary colony(/ies) for moving your fleet beyond your permanent locations.

      Multi = Having more than one account in one universe (illegal)

      MD = Moon destruction = Popping a moon/Moon Pop - sending a death star(s) with mission to destroy a target moon.

      Merch = Merchant.

      Met = Metal.

      MS = Moonshot - intentionally leaving fleet sitting/having fleet crashed at your planet in order to get a moon.

      NAP = Non-Aggression-Pact or Non-Attacking-Pact: People or Alliances who have a NAP don´t attack each others.

      Ninja = When a players attack is covertly counter attacked. [Verb]=Ninja'd to be victim to a ninja counter attack.

      Noob/Newbie = Somebody who is new to something.

      Number One = The most damaging HoF in the universe (Total Damage)

      Off = Not to be logged in.

      On = To be logged in.

      Phalanx/lanx = (1) Sensor Phalanx (2) To phalanx another’s fleet

      Pillory/Pranger = List of banned players.

      PM = Personal Message.

      PPM = Points Per Member: Average points per member in the alliance statistic view.

      Prod = Production.

      Probe = (1), scan (2) 1. verb - to espionage. noun - an espionage probe. 2. verb - to espionage OR to phalanx. noun - an espionage report.

      Pull = to provide a lower ranked player an unfair advantage. Unlike pushing, legal.

      Push, to = A lower ranked player sending a higher ranked player resources for free. Can be direct or indirect.

      PW = Password

      PWN = Own spelt wrong. A.k.a; 'Punish without negotiation' - to own someone.

      Raid = Attack with the intention to take resources off a planet, not crash.

      RF = Rapid fire

      Res = Resources = The game most important thing, Metal, Crystal and Deuterium. [Sometimes Dark Matter is counted as a res].

      Script = Usually an illegal program that replaces the human actions ingame.

      Server Reset = Time when all players are logged out at 3am server time.

      SI = Structural Integrity = Value of Metal and Crystal in ships.

      Sitter = A person who legally takes care of an account that he does not own.

      Super Advanced HoF = Any HoF with more than 1 000 million Total damage.

      TD = Total Damage - the amount of metal + crystal lost in a battle from both sides: Usually found in the HoF titles. e.g: (TD: ~65M) .

      Techs = Battle techs, ie - weapons, shields, and armour.

      Top 10 = The 10 best HoF in the universe (Sorted by Total Damage).

      Uni = Universe

      Vac = Vacation Mode

      VMode = Vacation Mode

      Wing = Daughter Alliance

      :: Playing Styles::

      Fleeter = Someone who owns a bigger fleet and uses it in bigger and more hits. Most fleeters only send attacks on big targets (HoF worthy) and don't attack smaller ones.

      Miner = Someone who builds mines only. These players normally only have a fleet of cargos and a couple of rips to fleetsave. They often trade their deut to fleeters.

      Raider = Someone who has a small or average fleet and gain ressource by farming or doing small fleet crashes [or some HoFs].

      Turtle = Someone who builds up high level mines and defence, rather than taking part in the attacking/raiding part of the game - thought by many to be very boring way to play.

      More infor here: Player Types


      Ally-Depot = Alliance depot.

      Crys Mine = Crystal Mine.

      JG = JumpGate. A building used to jump ships from one to other gated moon without using any fuel.

      Lanx = Sensor Phalanx. A building that allows you to see fleet movement on other planets.

      Met Mine = Metal Mine.

      MS = Missile Silo.

      Nani = Nanite factory, a building which halves *ALL* building times - thanks to king-robo-a.

      Robo = Robotics Factory

      Silo = Missile Silo, a building used to build IPM and ABM.

      ::Fleet and Defence::

      RIP = Deathstar, also called "rest in pieces"

      Dest/Dessy = Destroyer - The king of the war ships.

      BB/B = Bomber - Heavy ships used mainly for smashing defence.

      BC = Battlecruiser - Used mainly for fleetcrashes and ninjas.

      BS = Battleships - No debate in it. This is the most used ship in Ogame. All rounder ship.

      Cru/Crus = Cruiser - A ship used primarily in early to mid-early game stages to take out LFs and MLs, due to it's rapidfire.

      HF = Heavy Fighters - Upgrade of an LF.

      LF = Light Fighter - The weakest attack ship used in the game. Very cheap costs to average players and above, used mainly as fodder and moonshot fleet.

      Cycs/Cyclers/Recs/Recys = Recyclers - The ship used to recycle debris left over from Ogame ships. Send to a DF.

      Esp/probe - Espionage probe: A shortened version of Espionage, most commonly used when you have 'been esped'. It's also used to slow fleets in acs unis.

      LC = Large Cargo Ships - Used to transport up to 25k res minus the deut cost.

      SC = Small Cargo Ships - *see LC* Except, the max cargo space is 5k.

      SS/Sat = Solar Satellites

      IPM/nuke = Inter-Planetary Missile: A weapon used in destruction of defence.

      ABM = Anti-Ballistic Missile: The only thing that can destroy an IPM.

      RL = Rocket Launcher: Basic defence system.

      LL = Light Laser: A form of defence.

      HL = Heavy laser:

      GC/Gauss = Gauss Cannon.

      IC/Ion = Ion Cannon.

      PT/Plasma = Plasma Turret.

      SSD = Small Shield Dome

      LSD = Large Shield Dome

      Def = Defence

      Fodder = Defence used to protect the bigger defence by taking the shots from bigger ships thus lessening the chance of the big defence taking a shot. Same for ships.

      Heavies = Stronger ships.

      ::Galaxy View::

      Coords = Coordinates

      DF = Debris Field - The spot you target when you want to collect debris there. DF appear on the galaxy view near the attacked planet when a fleet has been crashed.

      Gal = Galaxy.

      HW = HP = Homeworld.

      Pos = Position

      SS = Solar System.

      Green Name = Weak Players in noob protection.

      Red Name = Strong Players.

      (i) = Inactive = Player who did not log-in for 7 days.

      (I) = Inactive = Player who did not log-in for 28 days.

      (b) = Banned = Banned Players

      (b) = Banned: Banned without vacation mode

      (v) = Vacation: Vacation Mode, the account cant be played or attacked.
    • Email address | How to validate it?

      You need the email address to request a new password as well as to identify yourself as the owner of an account.
      Due to these reasons you should keep your own valid email address where only you have access to.

      ==How to validate email address?==

      When you see orange triangle ( ) on the left side, that means your Email address has not been validated.

      When you put your mouse pointer on that triangle you will see pop-up message:

      You need to validate your email address in two cases:
      1. When you make a new account
      2. When you change email on account

      1. When you make a new account you will automaticly get email from OGame with validation link:

      After clicking on validation link you will be redirected to your new registered account. And you will notice that orange triangle ( ) disappeared, that means that you have successfully validated your Email address.

      2. When you change Email address on OGame account you will again notice orange triangle ( ) , that means that your email needs to be validated.

      You will get automaticly email which inform you that you have changed your email and that it needs to be validated:

      After clicking on validation link you will be redirected to your new account. And you will notice that orange triangle ( ) disappeared, that means that you have successfully validated your Email address.

      ==What should i do, i didn't received validation Email==

      Some times it happens that Validation email which you should receive is marked as spam, so first what you should check is "Spam" section on your email.

      If there is no Validation email you should go to your OGame account and click on orange triangle ( ), after clicking on it you will see pop-up window:

      Make sure that it is your email address, that you have not made mistake when you have registered account or when you have changed email address.

      If you have made mistake by writing wrong email address when you have registered new account, you should click "To the settings".
      It will redirect you to Options page.

      There you will need to write your New email address two times, also you will need to write your current password as confirmation.
      You need to click on "Use settings" to save your changes. And by pressing "Use settings" button you will see pop-up message:

      If you email address is correct, you should click "Next":

      After clicking "Next" you will see that new Validation email has been sent to you email address:

      Email which you will receive:

      By clicking on that link you account will be successfully validated. And orange triangle () will disappear.


      If you have still not received Validation email, you should submit a ticket to support on link:

      Things on which you should pay attention by submitting a ticket:
      • Make sure you are sending a ticket from Email which is on your in game account.
      • Select "Game" support
      • Select correct universe where your account is
      • Provide correct Username of your account

      After submitting a ticket, please be patient. You should receive answer in 48h by GameOperator.