[Old] API Key requests - second edition

  • Hello,
    I'm French, my English is bad. I'm Sorry.
    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    I search an API to format many CR by userScript (JS) from messages page.
    I don't find that so I want write it.
    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Me (and if it's work, maybe my alliance - if I may).
    - Will be open source?
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    I work in a web printing enterprise in French (web developer)
    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    No public tools, few private user scripts.
    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    I will send by PM
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    First version just take few informations, but I can (no IRC).
  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key

    A Slack chat-bot that converts CR (and SR in the future) by command (e.g. /cr <cr string here>) into a human readable message

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    For alliance first until satisfied with the results

    - Will be open source?

    Maybe later (when code is clean)

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience

    Me, just a curious application developer

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )


    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )

    Will PM both on request

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    CR Converter

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Personal for now, it's more for learning and curiosity for now, if everything goes fine I would like to extend it.

    - Will be open source?
    Maybe later, only after I consider the project code finished and polished

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Kinda "newbie" in web development, it's something I do more for entertaining myself.
    Languages (web): HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and also some things of frameworks like AngularJS, Laravel and Bootstrap.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Sending by PM

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).

    OGamePT - Board Admin
  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    Spy and Combat trends logger (to track efficiency between different style of game and dedication)

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Personal for now, possible Alliance in the future.

    - Will be open source?
    Only after a solid base have been develop

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Fullstack and backend developer for 5 years.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    None for ogame

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Sending by PM

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
  • Hi, im spanish and my english is very bad, sorry for it.
    - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    I've made an excell to split the reward from the sacs tha splits by % of contribution of the battle. but is slow to add all the info by hand. i want to make a java apliccation to make it.
    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    i want to upload it to a free hosting page to make it accesible to everyone
    - Will be open source?
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    im student of programation in java
    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to
    provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate
    online availability).

    so i need to use the combat reportor like this: cr-es-130-e03ab49202a5ef7587d817ae6c414a98ad9a9c22

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    Tool for making easier work as a group for the ally, focusing primarily on Spy and Combat reports handling and registering (for future reference). It will be under constant development, but mainly locally calculations. Edit: Only using API KEY for extracting the info of the Spy report and introducing that info on an external database avaliable for allies.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Personal and ally, at least at first. Ally

    - Will be open source?
    I can't be sure about this point, as will be a 3 people effort.

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    I have a degree on Biotechnology, and now I'm taking an advanced specialization on Bioinformatics. I have experience with Python, C, CL, Arduino, and a bit with DB programming (a lot more with DB as user). Other 2 people involved skill include Java, html, php.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    Not avaliable.

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Registration e-mail of this user (and game). Sending by PM with more contact options and Ip involved. (Edit: MP sent to Valent, please tell me otherwise if need)

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    Of course, Irc availability will be on demand, but will be evening and night @ CET,

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Jacchus: More info added, trying to make a refresh too:) ().

  • Hello community,

    I would like to be able to benefit from this API at the international level for my site mmorpg-stat.eu.

    Short description of tool to be developed using the API key:
    - For example, the good idea of Shole that I would like to fly to integrate it to the site. :thumbsup: :D
    - I intend to test it to integrate all its functionalities to the site.

    Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International

    Will be open source
    As a security measure, I would say no. Because it will be integrated into the site code mmorpg-stat.eu

    Developer / programming experience
    Java, C #, Javascript, PHP, ActionScript, * .NET, C ++, ect ..

    Valid email and IP:

    About testing
    Always available.

    Waiting for your reply,

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    Storing and sharing spy reports firstly, then I will think about other features.

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Personal for now.

    - Will be open source?
    Maybe later, but only some parts of full project I have in mind just now.

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    I'm begginer in web development.
    Languages (web): HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and maybe some frameworks.

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Sending by PM

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
  • Hi!

    1. Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
      I would like to develop a map of all planets with last Espionage reports from friends (people could choose user to share with). Order with some criteria like last amount of resources detected.
    2. Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
      I would firstly develop it Personal, but I would keep in mind that I want to extend it at least for the French community.
    3. Will be open source?
      Yes. I think accessible trough github
    4. A short description of your developer / programming experience
      I've been a developer for 3 years with JEE for a big company working for a ministry.
      I'm although developing some tools for umbrella organizations.
    5. Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
      For ogame, I use :censored: I did it 5 or 6 years ago when I was a teenager, I need to renew it, the plugin doesn't work anymore (I updated it on my computer, but it's not as powerful as before) ;)
    6. Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used
    7. Are you willing to help with extended testing?
      I'm not really sure to understand what it means, but why not! :)

    Thank you,
  • Hello guys !

    Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    L'outil sera adapté sur le CMS NeoFrag (neofr.ag/) dont je suis le co-fondateur. L'idée c'est de pouvoir poster dans les messages via l'éditeur wysiwyg/bbcode dans le forum ou les pages du site, les actualités, les différents rapports d'Ogame.

    Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Le projet est à la base personnel, car actuellement en test pour mon propre site d'alliance (nfg.alwaysdata.net).
    Il permettra aux membres du site et de l'alliance de partager leurs rapports en privé pour échanger plus facilement.

    Will be open source?
    Je n'y ai pas encore pensé mais c'est tout à fait jouable.
    Il sera possible pour moi de le partager sur le GitHub de notre projet actuel : github.com/NeoFragCMS

    A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Je suis autodidacte dans le domaine et travail depuis plusieurs années en étroite collaboration avec un amis développeur.
    Nous avons créé le projet NeoFrag tous les deux. On est de simple passionnés par tout ça !

    Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    Je n'ai pas d'exemple similaire à présenter. Mis à part NeoFrag CMS.

    Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Informations postées par PM

    Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    Pourquoi pas. Je suis très facilement joignable et disponible régulièrement.

    Thank you.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by eResnova ().

  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    Debris Field Locator. With the current System, finding targets for raiding and attacking can be a simple matter, but players who wish to capitalize on the other end of battle struggle to do so effectively. Rather than sift through potentially thousands of Galaxies in search of a suitable Debris Field to recycle, I'd like to create a tool players can use to easily find a field suiting their needs with just a few clicks.
    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    Community in scope, English only.
    - Will be open source?
    I intend to host the source code through GitHub provided I am able and don't encounter difficulty doing so
    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Freelance programming, Undergraduate BS CS, several years programming in Java with experience in SQL, Javascript, C, C#, & Python
    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    No published pre-existing works
    - Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately to me by PM )
    Sent via PM
    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    I am happy to help with extended testing. Releasing with known bugs is not an option as far as I'm concerned.
  • - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key
    - Target management: fleet, points and activity hours.
    - Statistics and rentability
    - Sharing reports and informations target

    - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
    At the beginning :Alliance after French community and after maybe... English

    - Will be open source?
    At the end, why not.

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    Backend developer in a web agency

    -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )
    No published pre-existing works except agency works but it's private.

    -Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    I'll be happy to help with extended the game by testing.