Phalanx Sensor and Relocation

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    • Toxicterror wrote:

      So to summarize this...
      After relocation following things are deactivated for 24 hours:
      • Sensor Phalanx
      • Jump Gate
      • Ship/Defence Production
      • Interplanetary Missiles

      After relocation following things are not deactivated for 24 hours:
      • Buildings
      • Research
      • Mine Production

      Because of the deactivated ship production, there is no need to block moon destruction.

      If anything is missing in the list, copy/paste it and add your bullets to it ;)

      i think that summarize it pretty well.
    • Well, that just came from the term of producing something :)
      Tbh. I even think it should be allowed. Because its kinda hard if you relocate and someone directly attacks you at the new location. Without the abillity to build any deff its sort of not fair.

      But there are the other players which then will say:
      Why are Miner/Deffer allowed to build their type of things and we fleeter cant build any ships, thats not fair!

      And again others will argument with:
      You could have thought of building def before relocating!

      In fewer words:
      Any ideas how to handle defense/sats?
    • IPMS and ABMs are part of defense since they are ground structures ;)
      you cant keep defense being built while leaving those 2 not allowed ( in the coding, unless it can be done which i doubt, but maybe if an ogame tech could confirm that )
      so, allowing parts of defensive structures to be built and others not is kinda hard on the developers and techs.
      but if allowing defense to be built would also allow IPMs and ABMs to be built then i prefer stopping defense as well ;)

      and also, as toxicterror said, i am a fleeter, and i wouldnt like to be prevented building fleet while others can build defense.
      it is the risks with relocation, since you are relocating, then in my opinion you should think of the risks that you will face:
      MDs on your moon while you cant use JG can be a killing thing for a fleeter
      then why not turtles or miners whoever moved his colony also risk his defense in the process ?
      it is a logical and fair thing to happen, cancel all queues defense or ships.

      thats my opinion ;)
    • I don't see a reason to block shipyard production as long as IPM sending is blocked.

      If the defender is at a stage that they would be threatened by what the attacker can build in 24 hours, then the attacker should built up enough that they can deploy over what would to them a small fleet and accomplish the same threat... (I hope that makes sense. >_>)
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions
    • kwinse wrote:

      If the defender is at a stage that they would be threatened by what the attacker can build in 24 hours, then the attacker should built up enough that they can deploy over what would to them a small fleet and accomplish the same threat... (I hope that makes sense. >_>)

      it didnt really make sense to me lol
      can you plz explain your idea better, i couldnt clearly understand it.
    • What I'm trying to say is that deactivating the shipyard after relocation (as long as IPMs cannot be sent) does not hamper attacks, that there is therefore little point in bothering to deactivate the shipyard at all.

      But I'll try explaining my argument better.

      (a) In order to build any significant number of ships in 24 hours, an account would have to be well established.
      (b) A well-established account that is relocating a planet for the purposes of attacking is very likely to have a fleet magnitudes larger than what can be built in (a).

      If the defender is sufficiently weak to be threatened by (a), then they would definitely be threatened by (b). Thus for that situation, there is little to no gain for the defender by blocking the attacker's shipyard.

      I do not see any other situation where the shipyard is likely to have an impact (again, as long as IPMs cannot be sent).
      Mod @ - Bugs & Complaints and Suggestions