1 hour to upgrade the solar plant from 8 to 9
- A few weeks after the start of a universe, we experimented a power failure on my campus while everyone in our ally was raiding, at a time when phones were not connected to anything -and not everybody had a portable phone anyway, 2005 truth -. Me and some friends also playing from the same campus were all destroyed in one night, and we were top 200 players and all with ambition to reach top 100 or higher. Obviously we had to wait another 6 month at minimum ^^. At least some moons came out of this situation 8).
- first raids to loss (war time, dissuasion)
- first moons and first moonbreaks
- the numerous situation with too few hours of sleep -or none- while being in class
- first forum moderation and first IRC / msn strategic talks ( /me is reading bashfr )
et cetera !
The post was edited 1 time, last by Evagelan ().
I had been missed to play with 8k players
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