Wreck field- new feature

    • Wreck field- new feature

      Dear players,

      With our next major release we want to introduce a new feature set for OGame with the goal of keeping players within their game experience after a disastrous fleet crash of their account.

      Today we will give you a brief overview about the feature and are curious about your feedback and suggestions around our ideas.

      Wreck fields?
      In the future, after a combat takes place, not only debris fields will appear around your position. As a counterpart the fleet losses of the defending player will create a wreck field which will be available for a special amount of time and is only usable by the defending player.

      If your universe offers 30% debris field, the size of your wreck field will be around 70%. This will be adjusted for every setting. After your combat takes place you will have some time to repair your ships with the help of a new building for less costs and in a smaller amount of time. Arising thereby you will get the chance to be part of the active game play much faster again.

      New building?
      This version will also introduce a new building, the “space dock”.

      * * * probably not the final image yet and will be changed before final release * * *

      The space dock will offer you the chance to repair your fleet using your available resources and some time. It produces and requires energy cells to start your repair missions. With upgrading the building, which also requires energy, you can produce and store more energy cells for your restoration. This will restrict the amount of repairable fleets over time.

      Also this new building will play one more important role in one of our following updates.

      After you lost your fleet you still will require some resources to repair your wreck field and to game on with your fleet. To collect enough resources before your wreck field burns out in the atmosphere of your planet, we will offer an additional functionality.

      Starting with this update we change the process of demolishing your buildings. In general, the tear down of buildings will be free of costs and happens instantly. But, within the process of repairing your wreck field, you will be able to sacrifice some buildings and use a special amount of its building costs to repair your ships. Ion technology will be changed to increase the given amount of resources.

      Will all universes receive this improvement?
      - Wreck fields are created as an additional setting for our universes. We could activate it for everyone, or not.

      How much time will I have to repair my wrecks?
      - Currently you will have 3 days’ time.

      How much time does it need to repair the wreck field?
      - The repair time is the same as the building times of ships on your planet. However, every order is capped at 12 hours. It works faster if the initial construction time of all ships is below 12 hours.
      - Opposing to the shipyard, the ships you selected to repair are available all at once. You have to finish the repair process manually and therefore you have 3 days’ time to do it.

      Can I repair all broken ships?
      - Only the part of your fleet which isn’t part of the debris field. Furthermore it is possible to restore just parts of your wreck field and missing parts later on.

      Can I repair all types of ships?
      - You will be able to repair all types of ships which can be constructed in the shipyard of your respective planet.

      What about moons?
      - Wreck fields will be always connected to the planet, even if the combat takes place around your moon.

      How many resources will I receive from sacrificing buildings?
      - Without Ion technology 50% of the costs of the building level will be available for your repair mission. However, this will be an instant process locked to the restoration of your wreck field. The resources won’t be directly available on your planet. Ion technology will increase the resources by 1% per level.

      What happens if more than one combat takes place on one position?
      - Every combat will create an own wreck field and its own countdown.

      Are there any other restrictions?
      - A wreck field only appears if at least 5% of your fleet in combat and more than 150.000 resource-points are destroyed. Furthermore, always only one order is possible per planet. After one is done, you will be able to start the next restoration.
      - You also can´t start a planet relocation while a restoration is running. Wreck fields will be deleted if a planet gets relocated.

      Are there any new premium features?
      - No. Although you could buy resources with Dark Matter, there are no other new options to spend Dark Matter. You can’t boost the necessary time for the restoration nor increase the amount of orders with DM.

      Will the wreck field be visible for others?
      - Once you started the repair process, the ships in repair will be shown in the espionage report.
      Can I repair as often as I want?
      - As mentioned in the description, there will be a new building available, where you can set up the restoration of your ships. Each restoration costs you a specific amount of “energy cells”, which are stored and generated in this building. If you spend all your “energy cells” you have to wait until they regenerate.

      Will the new building require planet fields to be build and how much does it cost?
      - Currently we figure out the possibility, that this building will not consume planet fields
      - The building will cost all kind of resources to build and to level it up.

      You can discuss it here