Multiples Login and account order

    • Multiples Login and account order

      there are 2 things that I think can bother a little using topraider site:

      1- I have to login manually in every part of topraider site: TopRaider, TopMiner and Spy Tool. Is there a possibility to login once for all the site?

      2- If I have more than one game account linked to the same topraider account it shows me always the first account linked; if I want to see details for the second account I have to select it manually on every part of the site (TR, ST, TM). It could be cool if an option let me select which account show by default.
    • 1) I didn't find out how to do it yet.
      But yes, it would be nice.
      I'll try to look harder for it ^^

      But, there is an automatic log-in when you send data on the site. And your session stay open for 24h.
      Then if you go on the site or send CR every day, you should not have to log-in every time.
      (this function was a bit broken, I fixed it like 2 days ago (i think :D))

      2) If you just sent CR/SR/Planet, the selected accoutn should be the one from were you sent it.
      And you can also choose you default accont on the option pages :
      Clique wanted accout on the Main Account row

      ps : do you accept cookies ?
      If not, it's why you have log-in every time and why it's alway on the first account (but no cookies needed for the default account selection ;))

      ** OgameTech **
    • Sorry, I talked before trying sending CR or SR to TopRaider... :D
      I'm on Vacation Mode so I didn't know those things about accounts.

      Yes, I accept cookies, and yes, I saw the session stays open for the whole day. But I didn't noticed it logs in automatically sending something (maybe just because it does it automatically and I didn't think about it :D ).

      I think I noticed all these things only because today I'm blue in game and I didn't send anything :lol: My fault! :crazy:

      Thank you Vulca!