Guide 01: Player styles guide

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    • Guide 01: Player styles guide

      OGame's beauty is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that a player's playing style will change over time. There are mainly two types of playing: fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleeter or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles. Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing it faster, some are doing it more steadily but the real winner is the one playing longer and calculating his account's development stages in advance.

      Below you can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of the two main playing styles.

      A miner is a player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed. However, miners with high mines and with regular farming can climb ranks faster than most fleeters because of their limited time.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.
      - Player style which is based on building mines and big number of defense is called Turtle style of playing

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other players’ fleets and harvesting the debris field. However, farming small players is main source of resources. Attacking big players could be risky.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed in most cases.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.
      - It costs a lot of deuterium to fly with large fleet.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.
    • Previous version in the spoiler.

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      Finished ORG guide, need some improvements :…ides/430477-player-types/

      Some credit for this goes to v1k1ng, who first wrote a FAQ on this subject. You can find the original here

      I shall describe the extremes of each of these player types, however the most efficiant way of playing is to be a mix of everything.

      Each category is split into the following:

      - General description
      - Advantages
      - Disadvantages
      - Colony Positioning
      - Other notes

      There is also a quick note about moons at the end.


      See also: Turtles & Defense

      A turtle is characterised by a very large defence and whose points are primarily from their defence. This means that they can play in a fairly relaxed way, as the large defence makes it unlikely that others will be able to attack for profit.

      However, many players dislike turtles since this type of playing can slow down a universe. This means that some players are happy to attack a
      turtle even if there is no profit.

      A turtle’s fleet usually consists of cargos, for shipping res.


      - It is ideal for players who are unable to predict their online times.
      - Turtles do not have to worry about fleetsaving (however it is unwise to assume your fleet will be safe behind the defence – as I have said many will attack regardless of profit).
      - More defence can be built than fleet with the same amount of res.
      - Defence has a 70% chance of rebuilding after an attack, a fleet does not.
      - Turtles do not have to spend as much time playing as, for example, raiders.


      - Turtle’s rely solely on mines which are not as efficient as raiding.
      - Turtle’s are targeted by players because of their defence.
      - Defence cannot be protected on an incoming attack like a fleet can (i.e. you can fleetsave if you see an attack on its way).
      - Defence is just on the one planet, a fleet is moveable.

      Colony positioning:

      Turtle’s generally keep their planets close together as this means faster res transport. However this does make you more vulnerable to IPM attacks, if all your planets are in one system then they will all be in range of another’s IPMs.

      Other notes:

      If you wish to turtle I would suggest avoiding the ACS universes, since these allow other’s to join their fleets together and make it easier for them to bash your defence.

      Never underestimate IPMs. A good turtle will have a decent supply of ABMs in order to protect against this threat.

      Make sure you avoid having a lot of res on one planet. Many turtles believe 10mil res on their planet will be ok behind their massive defence. They are wrong ;)


      Raiders tend to have a small, fast fleet usually consisting of small cargos, cruisers etc. They attack weaker/inactive players regularly resulting in many small profits that add up to large amounts. This type of game play requires time commitment as the only way to make a significant profit is to send out A LOT of attacks.

      Raiders tend to develop into fleeters as they grow. Raiding is mainly used by newer players who are trying to climb the ranks quickly.


      - Done correctly, a raider can make huge profits very quickly.
      - Raiders tend to climb the ranks much faster than miners early on in the game.


      - It requires a lot of time.

      Colony positioning:

      Same as a fleeter – keep them spread apart to cover more ground.

      Other notes:

      If starting a brand new universe, this is the way to go if you want to reach no. 1 – and stay there.

      It is wise for a raider to have a high Computer Technology, as this allows for a large number of fleets to be sent out at once.


      See also: Mines & Nanites

      A miner has very high mines and often trade their res with other players. Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet, they can sell their deut to fleeters gaining res and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.

      A miner will have small defence to cover overnight production. They also tend to have a set number of cargos on each planet in order to fleetsave their res.


      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.


      - Energy is a big problem. Solar plants are expensive and solar sats are targets.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than fleeters or raiders.
      - Mines get very expensive towards the higher levels.

      Colony Positioning:

      Close together in order to minimise deut costs and time on transport missions. Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around.

      Other notes:

      Miners usually build solar plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to solar sats to cover their energy.


      See also: Fleet Ratio's

      These are the players that have all the HoF and have the most chance of reaching the no.1 spot. They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type. Rather than farming small players like raiders, a fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.


      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoF and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.


      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points. (I have seen players drop 300 ranks in one go before) For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      Colony Positioning:

      The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets available.

      Other notes:

      Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.

      Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.


      I just wanted to make a small note about moons. Many believe that only fleeters need to have moons but this really isn’t the case. Since many players are hybrid and have at least a small raiding fleet, moons are essential. The rule here is if you have a fleet – even a small one – you need at least one moon to fleetsave from.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rdet ().

    • Previous version in the spoiler.
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      Player styles

      A turtle is characterised by a very large defence and whose points are primarily from their defence. This means that they can play in a fairly relaxed way, as the large defence makes it unlikely that others will be able to attack for profit.

      However, many players dislike turtles since this type of playing can slow down a universe. This means that some players are happy to attack a
      turtle even if there is no profit.

      A turtle’s fleet usually consists of Cargos for shipping Resources.

      - It is ideal for players who are unable to predict their online times
      - Turtles do not have to worry about fleetsaving (however it is unwise to assume your fleet will be safe behind the defence)
      - More defence can be built than fleet with the same amount of resources
      - Defence has a 70% chance of rebuilding after an attack, a fleet does not
      - Turtles do not have to spend as much time playing as, for example, raiders

      - Turtle’s rely solely on mines which are not as efficient as raiding
      - Turtle’s are targeted by players because of their defence
      - Defence cannot be protected from incoming attack like a fleet can
      - Defence is just on the one planet, a fleet is moveable

      =Colony positioning:=
      Turtle’s generally keep their planets close together as this means faster transport of resources. However this does make you more vulnerable to IPM attacks, if all your planets are in one system then they will all be in range of another’s IPMs.

      =Other notes:=
      - Avoid the ACS universes, since these allow other’s to join their fleets together and make it easier for them to bash your defence.
      - Never underestimate IPMs. A good turtle will have a decent supply of ABMs in order to protect against this threat.
      - Avoid having a lot of resources on one planet. Many turtles believe 10mil resources on their planet will be ok behind their massive defence.

      See also <<Turtle guide>>

      Raiders tend to have a small, fast fleet usually consisting of Small Cargos, Cruisers etc. They attack weaker/inactive players regularly resulting in many small profits that add up to large amounts. This type of game play requires time commitment as the only way to make a significant profit is to send out A LOT of attacks.

      Raiders tend to develop into fleeters as they grow. Raiding is mainly used by newer players who are trying to climb the ranks quickly.

      - Raider can make huge profits very quickly
      - Raiders tend to climb the ranks much faster than miners early on in the game

      - It requires a lot of time

      =Colony positioning:=
      Same as a fleeter – keep them spread apart to cover more ground

      =Other notes:=
      - If starting a brand new universe, this is the way to go if you want to reach no. 1 – and stay there
      - Recommended: high Computer Technology, as this allows for a large number of fleets to be sent out at once

      A miner has very high mines and often trade their resources with other players. Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet, they can sell their Deuterium to fleeters gaining resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.

      A miner will have small defence to cover overnight production. They also tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to fleetsave their resources.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection

      - Energy is a big problem. Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets
      - Miners climb ranks slower than fleeters or raiders
      - Mines get very expensive towards the higher levels

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close together in order to minimise deuterium costs and time on transport missions
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around

      =Other notes:=
      Miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy

      See also <<Miner guide>>

      These are the players that have all the HoF and have the most chance of reaching the no.1 spot. They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type. Rather than farming small players like raiders, a fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made
      - Because of HoF and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game

      =Colony Positioning:=
      The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets available

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning

      See also <<Fleeter guide>>

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rdet ().

    • I agree with you that we need to give examples that you can play Ogame in differnt ways
      But Information like " if you build too much defensive units (become a turtle) you can attract the wrath of other users" will be really important
      We should focus on information which will help new players to avoid getting attacked because in my opinion that is one of the main reason new players stop playing. And also add Information how you should react to avoid getting hit again after you got attacked ( changing saves patterns, reaching for a diplomatic solution , i.e )
    • ==Miners==

      A miner has very high mines and often trade their resources with other players.
      Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet, they can sell their deuterium to fleeters gaining resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      A miner will have small defence to cover overnight production.
      They also tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Energy is a big problem. Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than fleeters. or raiders
      - Mines get very expensive towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close together in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transport missions.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around.

      =Other notes:=
      Miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the no.1 spot.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders,
      A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game

      =Colony Positioning:=
      The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      -There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>

    • Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet, they can sell their deuterium to fleeters gaining resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      Remove crossed out sentence, I don't think it's neccesary to mention since it always depends, do not think we have any data to support the claim that miners "usually" get protection from fleeters, I think it depends from case to case, more likely is that you perhaps have a conversation with the other player and in some cases agree to add eachother on buddy list, if miner then get attacked he/she could send the fleeter a message but in my experience I don't think that many fleeters openly offer protection just cause you trade with them, more like that particular fleeter might not attack you but all the others will.

      Goran wrote:

      The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      Yes the more ground you get but too far apart is not good as well, too far apart = long deut wasting fleetsaves and less lanx covarage. Be better to maybe put it like this:

      =Colony Positioning:=
      As a fleeter you'd want your planets more spread over both solar systems and galaxies than as a miner, this to cover more ground equaling more targets being available. Though you don't want your planets too far spread out as this will mean long costsome fleetsaves and your Sensor Phalanx's wont be able to cover all the systems in-between your planets.

      EDIT: Maybe also link words such as "fleetsave" and "Phalanx Sensor" to the guides in which these concepts are explained?
    • Miner Style

      Editing: addition, removal, @change order, notes
      Editing and reorganizing the sentences,

      Nalo wrote:


      A miner has very high mines as her major source of income, and she often trades her resources with other players.
      @Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Because a miner doesn’t have a fleet besides cargos, she can sell her deuterium to trade with fleeters (often deuterium) to gain additional resources and often protection or NAP(non attacking pact) from the fleeter.
      Also, a miner will need defence to protect her production from being raided.
      1. reorganize sentences to improve the coherency
      2. selling deut is the major trade that miners do, but should suggest that all trades are possible and encouraged
      3. emphasize that protection can be gained from your trading partner, but not always, as Santa suggested
      4. defense is needed not only to protect overnight protection, but also protection during the day, and sats too.

      Nalo wrote:

      =Advantages:= :check: :check: :check:

      - Energy is a big problem. Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up her mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. (points to the energy tactics)
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, (?especially in universes where economy speed is no higher than fleet speed.?)
      - :check:
      1. modified the language
      2. only active fleeters have an advantage in gaining points quicker, I suppose we've all seen people who built a large fleet and never use them
      3. (?...?) added, as not sure if it's necessary to get into such complication.
      In uni where eco factor is higher than fleet speed, mining usually gave you an advantage as the incremental return on fleet decrease, cause, fleet slots do not get multiplied, and people have limited energy. e.g. It is not uncommon in a 2x uni where fleeters only have 20% points in mines, but in a 5x uni, even fleeter will invest at least 35% of points in mines.

      Nalo wrote:

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close together in order to minimise deuterium costs and time to transport resources
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players

      =Other notes:=
      Miners usually Most miners build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy
      1. 'time to transport resources' instead of 'time on transport mission', as deployment mission might be used as well
      2. I think mentioning the increasing flight time to lower galaxies is relevant as we mentioned trades are important to miners
      3. I am a big advocacy for fusion reactor, and although new players might not need to know now, but fusion reactor is a very efficient late-game energy source
    • ==Miners==
      A miner is type of player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close together in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.

    • its all good and detailed upthere

      but why not add a small paragraph with mixed types?

      for exaple im a miner and a raider
      we`ve all seen miner-turtles
      and turtled fleeters :P

      i mean these new guides are awesome
      and it will help new players ALOT!
      so im not sure how detailed are we
      maybe we should let em find something on their own
      but on the other hand it might be good for miners to have
      like planets in 4 galaxys..maybe 2 in each galaxy (same system cuz of deploy)
      variations like that?
    • Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with other players and the ingame merchant to gain additional resources and (if he trade with real players) maybe protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Close together in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources.

      isnt always the best solution...
    • ==Miners==
      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close together in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.

      I would not recommend placing all colonies close together. Miners will become an easy target if you place 5 colos in one system. I'd recommend placing 2 colonies in the same system and then spreading yourself like this.

      advantages: only 2 colonies per system.
      easy saving
      enemy insys colonies will only affect 2 colonies at a time
      you have more inactive players to farm

      Solar plants become useless way faster. building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes too much space on the planet.

      Why not mention Combo-playstyle?
    • ==Miners==
      A miner is type of player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.
      - Player style which is based on building mines and big number of defense is called Turtle style of playing

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.

    • Introduction

      The beauty of this game is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that along the time a player to change playing style. There are mainly two types of playing : fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleete or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles . Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing faster, some are doing it more steadily but the real winner is the one playing longer and calculating in advance each development stage of his account.

      Below you can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of the two main playing styles
    • So final version would look like this:


      The beauty of this game is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that along the time a player to change playing style. There are mainly two types of playing: fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleeter or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles. Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing faster, some are doing it more steadily but the real winner is the one playing longer and calculating in advance each development stage of his account.

      Below you can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of the two main playing styles

      A miner is type of player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.
      - Player style which is based on building mines and big number of defense is called Turtle style of playing

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.

      If there are no more suggestions PinkFloyd can check the grammar and spelling then we can mark this one as finished and move on to the next one.

    • No changes in V6.
      Fixing some grammar if I find a mistake.

      In my opinion there are some misleading statements in the guide, such as:

      Display Spoiler
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.

      => Some Miners tend to farm to further increase their income. This should be recommended as inactives offer a lot of free and easy ressources. Trading should only be recommended if the player is doing it for the sake of fun and/or because he wants to spare Dark Matter.

      Display Spoiler
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.

      => This statement is neither false nor depends. Active Miners that farm a lot of inactives and sometimes do small attacks on actives can produce a lot of ressources. Mining is a valueable strategy in every high eco universe because fleeters are limited by the time they spend on the game whereas mines run all the time.

      Display Spoiler
      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.

      => Energy management is important, however considerably easy in every non Def into DF universe. Saving + an appropriate defense are sufficient to run solely on solar satellites. ( <- cheapest )
      For the start of the universe solar plant's level should be sufficient around 20.
      There is no truth in Energy management. There are players who tend to favor solar plants + fusion or solar plants + satellites or fusion only.

      Display Spoiler
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      => good point stating out that you can attract fleeters...however only choose quiet galaxies if you want to use mines only

      Display Spoiler
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.

      => High twenties are not efficient if you choose solar satellites as a follow up ;)

      --- Fleeter ---
      Display Spoiler
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other people’s fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      => Farming and crashing small players is your main income. Big fleet crashes are seldom and sometimes offer no win at all.

      Display Spoiler
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.

      => This statement might be correct in most cases, however it has a misleading characteristic. Even strong fleeters are careful and I encourage everyone to probe them as well. If you play well even a strong(er) enemy will struggle to crash you.

      Najics wrote:

      OGame's beauty is that a player can develop his own playing style. It is also possible that a player's playing style will change over time. There are mainly two types of playing: fleeter and miner. It is the wide diversity of the possible combinations of various characteristics from both fleeter or miner that gives the sensation of numberless playing styles. Basically each player can use his own way to climb the ranks, some are doing it faster, some are doing it more steadily but the real winner is the one playing longer and calculating his account's development stages in advance.

      Below you can find the features, advantages and disadvantages of the two main playing styles.

      A miner is a player that has very high mines as major source of income and often trade resources with other players.
      Thus miners tend to have a set number of Cargos on each planet in order to transport their resources.
      Since a miner doesn’t have a fleet, he can trade deuterium with fleeters to gain additional resources and (usually) the fleeter’s protection.
      However, a miner will need defence to protect resource income and Satellites.

      - Mines are solid points that cannot be lost.
      - They generally do not need to spend as much time playing.
      - By trading regularly with highly ranked players in his area, a miner can acquire NAPs (non attacking pact) with potential attackers as well as gaining their protection.

      - Miners must manage Energy efficiently to power up their mines, as Solar Plants are expensive and Solar Satellites are targets. Solar plants become useless way faster than Solar Satellites and building them up to the high twenties is not cost efficient and consumes much space on the planet. See more information <<Energy production>>.
      - Miners climb ranks slower than active fleeters, especially in universes where economy speed is not higher than fleet speed.
      - Mines get very expensive and slow to raise towards the higher levels.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - Close positioning in order to minimize deuterium costs and time on transporting resources can be easy target for some fleeters.
      - Picking a quiet galaxy (e.g 5) is advisable as less people are around, although it might increase time needed to trade with other players.

      =Other notes:=
      - Most miners usually build Solar Plants up to the high twenties, and then switch to Solar Satellites to cover their energy.
      - There are different types of miners, to learn more about it see our <<Miner guide>>.
      - Player style which is based on building mines and big number of defense is called Turtle style of playing

      These are the players that have all the HoF battles and have the most chance of reaching the top of the toplist.
      They have large fleets consisting of every attacking ship type.
      Rather than farming small players like raiders, A fleeter makes his profit by crashing other players’ fleets and harvesting the debris field.

      - Massive profits to be made.
      - Because of HoFs and Top Ten hits, fleeters are usually the players that are remembered after leaving.
      - Highly ranked fleeters are rarely probed.
      - Fleeting is said to be the most exciting way to play the game.

      - A fleeter MUST be able to predict when he will be online.
      - This type of playing is time consuming.
      - If a fleeter has his fleet crashed, he will lose a lot of points.
      - For many players, a fleet crash is the end of the game.

      =Colony Positioning:=
      - The further apart your planets, the more ground you will cover and therefore the more targets are available.
      - However, longer distance between planets, means more deuterium for transporting fleet around the galaxy. See more in <<Fleet saving>>.

      =Other notes:=
      - Fleeters often start out as miners. It is wise to have a good set of mines behind your fleet, as then in the event of being crashed you will be able to rebuild faster.
      - Fleeters often need to be good at calculations, as many attacks require precise planning.
      - There are different types of fleeters, to learn more about it see our <<Fleeter guide>>.