I) Présentation
Here is a new website I just made for raider : TopRaider
1) Then, what is this site ?
It's a website that allows raider to see the profits they make each day/weeks/month or whatever period you want with raid summaries and charts.
There is also a CR/SR converter for the V6
And make SpeedSim and DragoSim usable with the V6.
2) Raid summary
Here are a raid summary of the day and the week :
3) Charts
And here are the kind of charts you can find :
4) Rankings
But with this site also allows player to compare to each other by participating to the "Top Raider of the week" that rank the 20 best raiders of the week. (those who make the best profits)
The best alliance and the best universes are also ranked
(the participation to these TOP is optional)
Here is the top raider of the current week : (you can also sort the results by country, by universes or by fleet speed )
5) Records
You can also see a records pages with the global records, and your records
5) Expeditions
You can also track you expeditions profits with this website.
And have statistics on it

6) CR Convertor / Simulator for v6
Since the V6, It contains a CR convertor :
And a link to a speedsim using the API key to enter data :
And many other page to discover like statistics on what kind of ships you destroyed, an alliance pages, a pages to make signatures with your profits and damages ...