TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    • Translation for the TopMinier part: :)

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'TopProdPlayer'=> "Top Production Player",
      2. 'TopProdAlli'=> "Top Production Alliance",
      3. 'TopProdUni'=> "Top Production Universe",
      4. 'TopProdCountry'=> "Top Production Country",
      5. 'Production'=> "Production",
      6. 'Cost'=> "Cost",
      7. 'MSE'=> "(2/1.5/1) x1", // Ressource converted in deuterium on x1 speed uni
      8. 'nbPlanet'=> "Num Planets", // Number of Planets
      9. 'RecordsMines'=> "Records",
      10. 'Empire'=> "Empire view",
      11. 'Level'=> "Level",
      12. 'Moon'=> "Moon",
      13. 'optionTopProd'=> "Participate to Production and Indestructible points Highscore",
      14. 'optionTopDef'=> "Participate to Defense Highscore",
      15. 'optionRecordsBat'=> "Participate to Building and Research records",
      16. 'optionRecordsDef'=> "Participate to Fleet and Defense records",
      17. 'Planet'=> "Planets",
      18. 'GraphProd'=> "Production Charts",
      19. 'MetProd'=> "Metal Production",
      20. 'CriProd'=> "Cristal Production",
      21. 'DeutProd'=> "Deuterium Production",
      Display All

      ** OgameTech **
    • PHP Source Code

      1. 'TopProdPlayer'=> "Top Produzione per Player",
      2. 'TopProdAlli'=> "Top Produzione per Alleanza",
      3. 'TopProdUni'=> "Top Produzione per Universo",
      4. 'TopProdCountry'=> "Top Produzione per Community",
      5. 'Production'=> "Produzione",
      6. 'Cost'=> "Costo",
      7. 'MSE'=> "(2/1.5/1) x1", // Ressource converted in deuterium on x1 speed uni
      8. 'nbPlanet'=> "Num. Pianeti", // Number of Planets
      9. 'RecordsMines'=> "Record",
      10. 'Empire'=> "Visuale Impero",
      11. 'Level'=> "Livello",
      12. 'Moon'=> "Luna",
      13. 'optionTopProd'=> "Partecipa ai record Produzione e Punti Indistruttibili",
      14. 'optionTopDef'=> "Partecipa ai record Difese",
      15. 'optionRecordsBat'=> "Partecipa ai record Strutture e Ricerche",
      16. 'optionRecordsDef'=> "Partecipa ai record Flotta e Difese",
      17. 'Planet'=> "Pianeti",
      18. 'GraphProd'=> "Grafici di Produzione",
      19. 'MetProd'=> "Produzione di Metallo",
      20. 'CriProd'=> "Produzione di Cristallo",
      21. 'DeutProd'=> "Produzione di Deuterio",
      Display All

      Wow, very good job! Interesting the new TopMines section! :thumbup:

      Maybe there is an error in sending moon informations... It seems it sends the "=resources" pages and not the "=station" page, so moon structures can't update.
      (If your code has not this problem then I have this problem :D )
    • Translation for Empire and Projects pages :)

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'tooManyRecord'=> "More than 10 players...",
      2. 'maxShipsSeen'=> "(Max of each ships seen on the account)",
      3. 'DoYouParticipate'=> "Options to participate or not to the different top/records",
      4. 'FirePower'=> "Fire Power",
      5. 'TopDefPlayer'=> "Top Production Player",
      6. 'TopDefAlli'=> "Top Production Alliance",
      7. 'TopDefUni'=> "Top Production Universe",
      8. 'TopDefCountry'=> "Top Production Country",
      9. 'Mines'=> "Mines",
      10. 'ColoDet'=> "Planets' detail",
      11. 'InvestissementDet'=> "Investment's detail",
      12. 'Mines'=> "Mines",
      13. 'Temperature'=> "Temperatures",
      14. 'UsedFields'=> "Used fields",
      15. 'maxFields'=> "Total fields",
      16. 'FullOff'=> "All Officers",
      17. 'Geologue'=> "Geologist",
      18. 'Inge'=> "Engineer",
      19. 'Objectifs'=> "Project",
      20. 'Current'=> "Current",
      21. 'ProjectCost'=> "Cost of the project",
      22. 'GainProd'=> "Production increasement",
      23. 'DayNeeded'=> "Number of day needed to finish the project (with prodution)",
      24. 'DayNeededCR'=> "Number of day needed to finish the project (with prodution+CR profits)",
      25. 'AvrCRProfits'=> "Average CR profits per day (based on the 15 last days)",
      26. 'Results'=> "Results",
      Display All

      Thanks !

      ** OgameTech **
    • PHP Source Code

      1. 'tooManyRecord'=> "Più di 10 giocatori...",
      2. 'maxShipsSeen'=> "(Massimo numero di ogni nave visto nell'account)",
      3. 'DoYouParticipate'=> "Opzioni per partecipare o meno ai vari Top/Records",
      4. 'FirePower'=> "Potenza di Fuoco",
      5. 'TopDefPlayer'=> "Top Difese per Player",
      6. 'TopDefAlli'=> "Top Difese per Alleanza",
      7. 'TopDefUni'=> "Top Difese per Universo",
      8. 'TopDefCountry'=> "Top Difese per Community",
      9. 'Mines'=> "Miniere",
      10. 'ColoDet'=> "Dettagli Pianeti",
      11. 'InvestissementDet'=> "Dettagli Investimenti",
      12. 'Mines'=> "Miniere",
      13. 'Temperature'=> "Temperatura",
      14. 'UsedFields'=> "Spazi usati",
      15. 'maxFields'=> "Spazi totali",
      16. 'FullOff'=> "Tutti gli Ufficiali",
      17. 'Geologue'=> "Geologo",
      18. 'Inge'=> "Ingegnere",
      19. 'Objectifs'=> "Progetti",
      20. 'Current'=> "Attuale",
      21. 'ProjectCost'=> "Costo del Progetto",
      22. 'GainProd'=> "Incremento Produzione",
      23. 'DayNeeded'=> "Numero di giorni necessari per concludere il progetto (con la sola produzione)",
      24. 'DayNeededCR'=> "Numero di giorni necessari per concludere il progetto (con produzione + profitti dei CR)",
      25. 'AvrCRProfits'=> "Profitto medio dai CR per giorno (basato sugli ultimi 15 giorni)",
      26. 'Results'=> "Risultati",
      Display All

      It seems there is another copy-paste error,

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'TopDefPlayer'=> "Top Production Player",
      2. 'TopDefAlli'=> "Top Production Alliance",
      3. 'TopDefUni'=> "Top Production Universe",
      4. 'TopDefCountry'=> "Top Production Country",

      I think they should be

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'TopDefPlayer'=> "Top Defense Player",
      2. 'TopDefAlli'=> "Top Defense Alliance",
      3. 'TopDefUni'=> "Top Defense Universe",
      4. 'TopDefCountry'=> "Top Defense Country",
    • Few additions for project page :

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'RessAQuai'=>'Available Ressources',
      2. 'RessConst'=>'Ressources stored in contructions/destructions',
      3. 'UseIt'=>'Percentages of utilisation for your project',
      4. 'SaveProject' => 'Save it as your main project',
      5. 'LoadProject' => 'Load your main project',
      6. 'realTotal' => 'Actual total points',
      7. 'Manque' => 'Missing Ressources for the project',

      Thanks ! :)

      ** OgameTech **
    • PHP Source Code

      1. 'RessAQuai'=>'Risorse Disponibili',
      2. 'RessConst'=>'Risorse investite in costruzioni in corso',
      3. 'UseIt'=>'Percentuale di utilizzo per il progetto',
      4. 'SaveProject' => 'Salva come progetto principale',
      5. 'LoadProject' => 'Carica il progetto principale',
      6. 'realTotal' => 'Punti totali attuali',
      7. 'Manque' => 'Risorse mancanti per il progetto',
    • Few words for Hall of fame pages :

      PHP Source Code

      1. 'Solo'=> "Single",
      2. 'ACS'=> "ACS",
      3. 'Score'=> "Score",
      4. 'TopHofPlayer'=> "Top Hall Of Fame Player",
      5. 'TopHofAlli'=> "Top Hall Of Fame Alliance",
      6. 'TopHofUni'=> "Top Hall Of Fame Univerese",
      7. 'TopHofCountry'=> "Top Hall Of Fame Country",
      8. 'TopHof'=> "Top Hall Of Fame",
      9. 'HOF'=> "Hall Of Fame",
      10. 'infoTopHof'=> "Combat Reports with more than 50.000.000 of Debris Field since the 14-02-2016",


      ** OgameTech **
    • PHP Source Code

      1. 'Solo'=> "Singolo",
      2. 'ACS'=> "ACS",
      3. 'Score'=> "Punteggio",
      4. 'TopHofPlayer'=> "Hall Of Fame Giocatori",
      5. 'TopHofAlli'=> "Hall Of Fame Alleanze",
      6. 'TopHofUni'=> "Hall Of Fame Universi",
      7. 'TopHofCountry'=> "Hall Of Fame Communities",
      8. 'TopHof'=> "TOP Hall Of Fame",
      9. 'HOF'=> "Hall Of Fame",
      10. 'infoTopHof'=> "CR con più di 50.000.000 di detriti dal 14-02-2016",
    • For the new top indestructible :

      PHP Source Code

      1. "TopIndestructiblePlayer" => "Top Indestructible Player",
      2. "TopIndestructibleAlli" => "Top Indestructible Alliance",
      3. "TopIndestructibleUni" => "Top Indestructible Universe",
      4. "TopIndestructibleCountry" => "Top Indestructible Country",
      5. "CoutIndest" => "Indestructible Points",
      6. "NombreMines" => "∑ mines lvl.", // Sum of mines level
      7. "NombreTech" => "∑ tech. lvl.", // Sum of technologies level
      8. 'Indestructible' => 'Indestructible',

      ** OgameTech **
    • PHP Source Code

      1. "TopIndestructiblePlayer" => "Top Indistruttibili per Player",
      2. "TopIndestructibleAlli" => "Top Indistruttibili per Alleanza",
      3. "TopIndestructibleUni" => "Top Indistruttibili per Universo",
      4. "TopIndestructibleCountry" => "Top Indistruttibili per Community",
      5. "CoutIndest" => "Punti Indistruttibili",
      6. "NombreMines" => "∑ livelli miniere", // Sum of mines level
      7. "NombreTech" => "∑ livelli ricerche", // Sum of technologies level
      8. 'Indestructible' => 'Indistruttibili',