Translation for the TopMinier part:
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PHP Source Code
- 'TopProdPlayer'=> "Top Production Player",
- 'TopProdAlli'=> "Top Production Alliance",
- 'TopProdUni'=> "Top Production Universe",
- 'TopProdCountry'=> "Top Production Country",
- 'Production'=> "Production",
- 'Cost'=> "Cost",
- 'MSE'=> "(2/1.5/1) x1", // Ressource converted in deuterium on x1 speed uni
- 'nbPlanet'=> "Num Planets", // Number of Planets
- 'RecordsMines'=> "Records",
- 'Empire'=> "Empire view",
- 'Level'=> "Level",
- 'Moon'=> "Moon",
- 'optionTopProd'=> "Participate to Production and Indestructible points Highscore",
- 'optionTopDef'=> "Participate to Defense Highscore",
- 'optionRecordsBat'=> "Participate to Building and Research records",
- 'optionRecordsDef'=> "Participate to Fleet and Defense records",
- 'Planet'=> "Planets",
- 'GraphProd'=> "Production Charts",
- 'MetProd'=> "Metal Production",
- 'CriProd'=> "Cristal Production",
- 'DeutProd'=> "Deuterium Production",